Friday, November 11, 2016

Walking Into Briers

"Walking into Briers"
by Winlsow Dixon

Hebrews 6:8 (KJV) "But which beareth thorns and briers is rejected and is nigh unto being cursed, whose end is to be burned."

Picture yourself on a crisp fall day walking through a calm forest. You are strolling along, enjoying the landscape. You feel the cool breeze on your face as you enjoy the sound of the wind in the trees. All of the sudden, you feel pain on your leg.

You look down and see a single strain of blood roll down your ankle. Distracted by the forest's beauty, you walked into a brier patch. The sting of the cuts makes you more aware of your surroundings and you try to avoid more briers along the trail. You continue your walk but now are more vigilant to avoid another painful encounter.

There are situations in life that cause us pain. Knowing this, sometimes we continuously walk back into these circumstances. Just like those briers cut into our skin, harmful people and situations cut into the joy of our lives. God gave us free will. When we know a situation or a person causes us pain and enter it repeatedly, we are choosing to be injured again.

Like avoiding briers on the forest trail, we have to remove ourselves from bad influences. There are times where we cannot escape persecution, but there are also times where we can choose those who we allow to affect our hearts. We can make the conscious choice to stop allowing ourselves to walk back into brier patches.

Proverbs 9:6 (KJV) "Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding."

God's word teaches us to cling to those influences that are godly and edifying and forsake those who are gossiping and negative. Let us go in the way of understanding and avoid the briers in our lives.

Winslow E Dixon began writing when tragedy struck her young life. Her health failed and she was diagnosed with a life threatening disorder, Addison's disease. Her desire is to inspire others with her writing and encourage those who suffer.

Article Source: WRITERS

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