Sunday, April 30, 2017

The God Chronicles - Part 5 Oh, How I Love Jesus!

Oh, How I Love Jesus,
Oh, How I Love Jesus,
Oh, How I Love Jesus,
Because He First Loved Me!....

What can I say about My God, My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? HE IS LOVE! There is no better way to describe Him, Look, if you have never known what true love is like, then you may not understand why I like to stress this point about my Lord. True love is measured by your actions; when you love someone, you are motivated to show that love to the object of your affection, and you are pleased to give of yourself. No one anywhere in the universe has given as much as Jesus Christ has to save the human race, a group of lost, rebellious, prideful, and selfish people, who would rather worship themselves or someone else than worship the true God of Heaven.

Why does He care so much for a people who try to ignore or forget His very existence? Again, because He is love, He is the essence of love, and God will not abandon the ones that He loves until He is sure you are beyond hope, and your decision to go your own way is set in your heart; only then will He stop knocking at the door of your heart, sad, but resolute in His conviction that He acted toward you fairly and with compassion. Your loss of Him will far outweigh the loss He feels for those who will never want Him, because you will live this live on your own, with no protection from your true enemy the devil, who will never care about you and who will use you, abuse you, and then spit you out of His mouth when he is done.

Why live your life in darkness, deception, with very little hope only to exchange it when you die to exist in endless darkness, pain, and hopelessness, with the devil and his demons who will never love you, no matter how hard you try to please them? Think carefully about the choices that you will make for the rest of your life, because your decisions for that life will literally be the choice between life or death. Living in Jesus Christ is life, and your rejection of the God of Heaven and His Son Jesus means choosing the path to death and destruction. Why don't you try Him and see; you can ask Him to show you what a difference He can make in your life and in your heart, and if you are sincere in seeking Him out for the solution to your problems, then he will show up and knock on the door of your heart, all you need to do is just let Him in. Give Him a chance to do some good things in your situation.

Be Patient.Be Kind.Love others with the love of Christ put into your heart by the Holy Spirit. Give praise to God, acknowledge Him.Be humble about your own circumstances, yet speak boldly about Jesus Christ and His love.Be encouraged, for He will never leave you or forsake you.Courage comes from knowing Him and living your life for Him. Give Him all the glory, the honor, and the praise, and He will lift you up to the highest heights of His Kingdom and transform your heart and mind. Love Him as He loves you!

Saturday, April 29, 2017

The God Chronicles - Part 4 Give All That You Can To God

When you look at the world the way it is today, you have to wonder why it is in the state that we find it today. It just amazes me to think that the world was a much more stable place even 10 years ago, and that was during the worse economic slump the world as ever seen up to this date. There are wars and rumors of wars, unbelievable poverty and economic strife worldwide, the constant threat of terrorist attacks in various places, people protesting everything and anything, floods, famines, droughts, earthquakes, nuclear fallout and accidents, and the real possibility of a nuclear missile attack anywhere in the world! People are being impacted everyday by powerful storms and freak weather patterns, there have been unusual signs in the skies, blood moons, asteroids, and eclipses; it is quite clear to me that we are living in the last days.

If I were to just focus on everything that is happening around me, I could allow fear to paralyze me, I could lose all hope, and that is where some people are right now. They see the problems in the world and in our own country and they know that something needs to be done, but they do not know what that something is or should be. We elect our politicians to handle these types of situations, but it is quite clear that you cannot put your full trust in elected officials; they are human and fragile just like we are and they can let pride, greed, and power cloud their better judgments. Humanity wants to believe that we can handle all our our problems by ourselves, and we have tried for thousands of years, and nothing really has ever been solved. I am so thankful that there is a God in heaven who has been watching over us all this time, for He has the solution that we have been waiting for!

When your life begins to spiral out of control, it is the Lord of Heaven who can help you. He has given us Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior to atone for our sins, to bring new life into our situations, the new birth of the heart and the spirit. We are given the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts, our minds, and our perspectives on life. We become God minded and God chasers, as we learn to live for Him and to worship Him in His presence, when we give honor to God we choose life instead of death. Look, the world is so confused and brainwashed by the ideas of the enemy, satan; they believe that they can do it all by themselves, that they don't need God in their lives, that there is no God at all. Likewise, they will tell you that there is not devil either. and this is the worst deception, because it allows the devil and his demons to influence their actions without any consequences to them.

The medical profession will tell you that sin is not a real problem and that evil behavior is just a case of mental illness, but if you notice none of their medicines and drugs can solve the problem of people's evil acts; it just contains the issue within the person and many times adds to their problems. Society as a whole is not interested in solving this problem, they just want to medicate all of the victims. solving the problem is too difficult for them because they don't even know what causes evil acts, and they are unwilling to come to God to fix the issue.

Healing cannot take place in our society until the majority of us come to recognize our failures and our weak natures; we need to come to The Throne Of Grace to find the answers that we seek. God is gracious and merciful, and He will never turn away a person who is seeking the real truth about life, who wants forgiveness and redemption. There is no other way to solve the problems of the world. We are on the brink of destruction, so where is God? Where He has always been, right in the thick of all our our circumstances, healing, protecting, and guiding those who are willing to believe in Him and love Him, and leading everyone else to come to the revelation of Jesus Christ, to give them the choice to believe or not to believe, the choice being peace or anxiety, love or indifference, His healing presence in their lives, or to suffer alone in confusion.

That is why we must give our all, everything we have to Jesus Christ, for when we abide in Him nothing that we have will ever be lost, in fact everything that we have will be increased, healed, transformed, and loved. No other being in this universe will love you more. He cannot give anything more to us than He has already given, which is everything He has and will ever have. Don't believe it? Just read the bible about His Crucifixion, death, and resurrection, just hear about what He gave to His disciples, the power to heal and to proclaim the gift of salvation by preaching the Gospel of Grace, the revelation of Jesus Christ. It has changed the lives of everyone who has ever received it, and it will continue to amaze and astound everyone as things become more chaotic in the world.

If you have never received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, please do not hesitate to do so right now. You need Him, we all need Him and He is the only way to true peace and restoration. Just ask Him to come into your heart right now, and you will never be sorry that you did, and you certainly have nothing to lose in this deal, because you will gain everything, everything that you need to survive and so much more!

Friday, April 28, 2017

God's Purpose For Intimacy

by Charles Stanley
Intouch Ministries

Psalm 103

For most of my life, I believed that the heavenly Father and I shared a relationship for my benefit. However, His primary purpose for creating intimacy with believers is to reveal Himself.

In a truly loving relationship, each person wants to continually know more about the other. As believers, we are sometimes guilty of taking a more self-interested approach and forget that God is the rightful center of attention. When that is the case, we may head to church or into quiet time looking for something to inspire us, motivate us, or help us.

Part of the problem is that we would like to practice our faith in the safest way possible. Bible study, prayer, and church are relatively easy, compared to stepping out in faith or enduring persecution. But to know God intimately is not a purely intellectual pursuit. A truth about the Lord is not really ours until He works it into our daily experience.

Our Father wants His children to understand how He operates. The only way to gain such knowledge is by allowing God to unveil Himself in our life. This means we must be willing to go through difficulty and pain as well as happiness and peace. A man can read that the Holy Spirit is the believer’s Comforter, but he does not know this truth until he has need of solace.

The Christian life is not about feeling good and deriving the greatest personal benefit from our connection to God. Rather, the Lord builds an intimate relationship with each of His followers. In this way, He can reveal more about Himself—truth by truth—as a believer needs that knowledge. What a privilege!

Intouch Ministries devotions

Thursday, April 27, 2017

The God Chronicles - Part 3 My Name Is Victory!

...for the Lord Your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory...
Deuteronomy ch 20:4

I've got evidence
I've got confidence
I'm a conquerer
I know that I win
I know who I am
God wrote it in His plan for me.....


When I looked at my circumstances, I could have given up, I could have become depressed, I would have lost hope if I thought that I was alone, with no one to help me; but then, I looked up to heaven, I raised my hands, I began to praise His name, and then I felt His love rising in my heart, and His presence comforting me, and a smile erupted on my face, and then I knew it was going to be alright.

The circumstances began to change in my life, and I received favor from the Throne Of Grace. I was able to deal with my situation with peace in my heart, with joy and laughter. If anyone were to observe me, they would have wondered, 'How can she be so happy, when she has so little, when she doesn't have everything that I have, when she seems to be struggling everyday to survive? And if I would be so inclined to answer their question, I would simply say, "My Jesus!"

You may feel that God has abandoned you, because everything is not going well in your life. You could be suffering and in pain, you could be battling some type of sickness or addiction, you could be in a place that seems hopeless. Have you ever felt like God is not hearing your cry? You have done everything right; you go to church, you give tithes and offerings, you are active in the church, you give to charities, you have prayed for family and your loved ones, coworkers and neighbors, but now you are going through a season of bereavement and suffering, and everyone around you seems to be doing very well, and you are asking, "what's happening with me Lord? Why am I going through all of this right now? Where is my deliverance?"

You look around and see all of the unbelievers, the ones who do not call on His Name, and they seem to be flourishing; they have the money and all time in the world to do what they want to do; they have all the gidgets and gadgets, the fancy cars, the nice houses and money in the bank, and you wonder if they will ever repent and call upon the name of the Lord. Why should they? They are living their lives without the protection and providence of God, and they seem to be doing just fine without Him, and you lay on your bed at night, worrying about whether you can pay all of your bills for the month, struggling with your budget, wishing that you could take a vacation to anywhere some day. You are seeking help from the Lord, and you wonder when you will be delivered.

... But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus....
Philippians ch 4:19

Our faith is not in good jobs, fancy cars and homes, gidgets and gadgets or money, it is in Jesus Christ, and He provides for all of His children. We need to focus on Him and not on our circumstances, and He will show us the way out of our circumstances, He will heal our bodies, He will comfort our hearts, He will give us the victory! We need to utilize the tools that God has supplied to all of us children: what type of relatioship do you have with Jesus Christ? Do you seek His face on a daily basis? How strong is your prayer life? Do you pray from a place of confidence and victory, or is your heart filled with fear, anxiety, doubt and unbelief? How often do you read the word of God? Do you know who you are in Christ Jesus?

When you are confused, heartbroken and lonely, it is very easy to lose sight of who you are. Many people go to church every Sunday, listen to a sermon, give their tithe and offering, sing their favorite psalm and go home believing that they have done a good thing, God is pleased with them. When you examine the rest of their life, you find that the words the preacher spoke to them has had no real effect on their lives. They don't seek the Lord on a daily basis, they don't talk to Him. The only time that they hear the word of God is on sunday, when the scriptures are read. They only pray to God when they need something, and when they don't get an answer to their prayers, or when the outcome of the situation is not what they asked for, they are confused or disappointed; they may become angry, bitter, and doubtful of the power of God.

You need to come to Him with humility and with love; He is a patient God, so He will not be offended by your feelings of fear, doubt, or anger; go ahead and state your case to Him, knowing that He hears you, He hears all of your prayers, the problem has always been that you haven't been listening to Him! You haven't set aside time in your day to read His word, you haven't worshiped in His presence for the sheer benefit of spending time alone with Him. You haven't opened your heart to Him so that he can heal it and transform it into something much better than what it is right now. How can He give you the victory if you don't know His love and presence in your heart?

Do you know who you are? If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, and believe with all of your heart and mind that he is the only solution to your sin problem and the only way to heaven, to eternal peace, rest, and joy in Father God's presence, than you have been declared by God to be The Righteousess Of God. He has made you righteous, not because of all of your good works and deeds, not because you are a good person, not because you are 'perfect', but because you believed in His Son, Jesus Christ, and because you believe in Jesus, you are His sheer delight, the apple of His eye, His sweet little one that He loves so much. He deeply desires to be with you, to care for you, He wants a relationship with you, but too many christians are unaware of how deep His love is for them.

Are you looking for a breakthrough in your life? Keep yourself in His presence in front of His Throne Of Grace. Do not stop reading the bible, praying, worshiping, singing, praising His name until you get that breakthrough, and then Keep on speaking the word of God into your circumstances, keep on praying and worshiping in His presence, keep on doing your good works with the love that God put in your heart, and be merry and happy, with a joy that defies all explanation, for it is the joy of the Lord that is our strength!

Thank You Lord For The Victory - What Is My Name? MY NAME IS VICTORY!!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Intimacy With God

by Charles Stanley
Intouch Ministries

Romans 8:14-17

Suppose I asked you to characterize your relationship with God. Would you say He is like a friend whom you meet occasionally for coffee? Or is He at the opposite end of the spectrum—a valued member of your household who is included in every aspect of daily life? Most likely, the nature of your bond falls somewhere in between.

Whatever the state of your relationship with the Lord, be assured that He wants something closer and more meaningful. God desires a connection so deep and strong that words like friendship and fellowship cannot fully describe it. He created us for intimacy.

Of all the creatures on earth, human beings are the only ones made in God’s image. Like Him, we can think, reason, feel, and make choices, though we do none of these things as fully or perfectly as He does. The attributes that separate people from the rest of creation equip us to relate to the Lord in a unique way.

Jesus called His followers “friends” (John 15:15), and Paul wrote that believers are sons of God (Gal. 4:7). Those are not distant, impersonal relationships! When we spend time with the Lord, we grow as close to Him as a beloved child to a father.

Some believers have the mistaken idea that doing something “Christian” is the way to make God happy. But the way to please our Father is by being Christian. He wants us to live in such a way that others see He is our Father and best friend.

Intouch Ministries Devotions

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The God Chronicles -Part 2 The Peace You Need For Salvation

Life should be like a basket of newborn puppies all of the time - you know, how you feel when you watch a youtube video of newborn puppies or kittens; you can't be mad at them for being cute and sweet and cuddly, and you can't blame them for the warm feeling you get when you watch them. From their perspective everything is life is new, fun, and exciting, and thats why it is so amusing to see them exploring the world, and making mistakes trying to figure out what things are and interacting with other people or other animals. You can smile because you can relate to what they are going through, because you made a lot of mistakes yourself growing up.

That is one of the reasons why a newborn baby is so profound for its parents. You see, we forget what is is like to be the new kid on the block, and all of the steps we had to take to become an adult. We had to learn a lot of things and go through many stages of life to get to where we are today, and raising a baby gives you inisight into your own life experiences. How can anyone feel anything but love for a sweet, innocent baby taking its first steps into adulthood?

That is how God sees us when we come to Him and surrender our lives to Him; we were like newborn babies lying in God's spiritual crib. We are not aware of anything just yet except that we love Him and that we want to be nurtured by His loving presence. He guides us into a deeper understanding of His word and His character if we allow ourselves to be guided by His Holy Spirit. No one loves us more than our Heavenly Father, and so it is very important to Him that we follow Him in word, deed, and character.

He gave us His Word to strengthen our faith, and He gave us His Holy Spirit to transform our hearts and minds so that we may live in peace and love. He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, to atone for our sins on the cross of Calvary, and to give us an example of how His children should live their lives in Him; we are disciples of Jesus Christ, and our goal should always be to follow in His footsteps. We must make the effort to live for Him and not for ourselves; we cannot please God if we are not willing to live according to His standards.

While we grow spiritually in His presence, we will encounter 'bumps' in the road of your spiritual development. We won't always be able to understand why we keep making the same mistakes. We have acquired some bad habits that may prevent us from reaching the next level of spiritual maturity; our fallen human nature will rebel against the true nature of God and His word; that is when we have to rely on God and the Holy Spirit to help us. We have no power over sin, but the Word of God has endless power, and when we speak it against our problems and our circumstances, we will receive the strength to conquer all of our issues.

Where can peace be found? At the feet of the cross on Calvary. First you must come to the realization that you cannot save yourself from your sins, then you must accept God's gift of salvation, His Son Jesus Christ, who has given Himself and His Blood as the atoning sacrifice for our sins on God's Heavenly Altar; you must accept Him as Your Lord and Savior. Once you do so you become righteous in God's eyes, because you have acknowledged that your way, the human way of thinking and doing things leads only to destruction without the love and wisdom of God; His way is the only way to peace, love, and perfection.

God is looking tenderly upon you right now, He is not condemning you for your mistakes; He knows that you will have to do some things over and over again until you get it right: He laughs with delight when you falter, because He knows that when you get up and do it again, you will succeed. He smiles when you have accomplished your goals, He encourages you when you have fear and doubt, and He nutures you when you go through painful situations. He is our father and our friend, and with everything that we go through, He is there helping us from the beginning until the end; trust Him to guide you with His Holy Hand.

He gives peace to those who are searching for the truth about life so that they may find Him and accept His gift of salvation. Where ever there are people looking for the God in heaven, He is there to guide them to himself; we just need to keep representing Him in this world by loving others and giving of ourselves and our hearts. The Word of God does the heavy work of reaching hardened hearts and prideful minds. All we need to do is tell someone how much we love Jesus and why we do, and the Holy Spirit will knock on the doors of their hearts. We need to hold fast to what we have and to what we have learned to get to where we are today, christians who are spiritually mature!

Monday, April 24, 2017

The Thief Of All Time

by Jacky Julyan

'Come follow Me'

I heard his voice so clearly. I had walked, or rather leisurely strolled towards Jesus as he called me "'Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men'".

There was such an uproar from the crowds of people at his words, for no-one had ever spoken like this man before and with such power. Some loved him and most of the Jews hated and feared him yet he was a Jew himself! Many claimed he was the promised Messiah, others demanded an earthly King, while still others purported that he was demon-possessed! I quietly mused 'What's all the rush about any way?'

Then I heard his voice again, but this time there was a deep sense of urgency in his tone. 'He called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me'".

As I slowly pushed myself through the crowds, I noticed that some were already leaving and others, like myself, were straining on tenterhooks to hear more of what Jesus was saying. I managed to get back to the front row where I could see his face and also to stand beside the other disciples, the other eleven. I saw that even John and Matthew were looking nervous and unsure, in fact, I sensed they were frightened at the realization and cost of following Jesus.

One young man spoke up, he was well dressed and was known to be very rich. 'I will follow you Jesus, I need to sort out my finances, then I'll come back and follow you'.

Then I heard an older woman speak up, a widow who had a very large family 'I'll follow you Jesus, but please let me say goodbye to all my family first'.

As they spoke, I saw many people mutter under their breath reasons as to why they couldn't or wouldn't follow Jesus and then turn and leave. It was then I saw tears fall down upon Jesus' cheeks, his whole countenance was one of great sadness and pierced my heart like a sword.

Many hundreds turned away from his words, even those who had witnessed the wonderful miracle of feeding over 5,000 people, this number didn't even include the children and their mothers! These said among themselves 'This teaching is too hard for us to follow him'.

Jesus then looked straight at me, 'Are you too going to leave?'. His eyes flashed with the brightness of flaming fire. These words penetrated my heart, I couldn't speak but then in desperation answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life."

'My dear Peter there is now no time to delay, for the Kingdom of God is at Hand. The appointed time which my Father has set, though not yet known by any one, neither me, is upon you. Satan would have you keep quiet, and do nothing, but salvation has come and I am calling all sinners to repentance'. As I digested these words of Jesus, I knew I had been ambling along without real understanding or urgency of the times. It was now or never, to wholly devote myself to follow Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Then as though coming out of a daze, I heard Jesus speak again.

'Wake up! Wake up! for I have called you to go preach to all the nations that the Kingdom of God is at hand! Satan is the great procrastinate of your soul and sin is crouching at your door, the time is very short! I am calling every man to salvation, I am calling many to repentance. There is still daylight but night is coming and you must wake up! For I am coming back very soon!'

As I stood and surveyed the other eleven disciples whom Jesus had called, I realized we were all afraid, including myself, of the real cost of following Jesus. Truly procrastination is the thief of all time.

The LORD called me to write since 2006. The time is short and I delight to do Godïs will, although it can be tough!
Article Source: WRITERS

Sunday, April 23, 2017

The God Chronicles - Part 1 What You See Is What You Get

The church of God is going through a transition, because the times are changing; people are suffering, wars are being fought, and persecution of jews and christians are on the rise. It is now almost a crime to be a christian in america, and the old values are not honored or respected as they were even 10 years ago.

Some people are living double lives, professing their belief in Christ in the public eye, but living unrepentant lives in their private time; we as the body of Christ can no longer tolerate these fake believers in our midst. The Lord is calling us out, His true believers to live holy and righteous lives, to live in peace and joy and as wonderful examples of His love, and we cannot do this without His help or the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

What you see is what you get - everyday in life, we see people as they are represented by the media, but not as they really are - celebrities, singers and musicians, actors and politicians, business men and potentates, their lives are presented as people of power and influence, and they are projected as people who we should admire. We are told that we should desire to be just like them, but we really have no idea who they are, only God knows their hearts.

When we are presented with people who are genuine in their character, it seems odd and out of the ordinary, many times they are not striving to get everyone else's approval, they are just being themselves. Last year, we saw people and circumstances that were strange and frightening; terrorist attacks, shooting and deaths that were racially motivated, ongoing wars and escalations, powerful leaders of countries postering for the priviledge to speak their minds for the whole world to see, and nations readying themselves for war. Everyone was in a rush to walk down the road to destruction.

But the people of God were willing to pray and to intercede for our country and the world. They asked the God of Heaven to heal our land and our people, to bring a renewal and the peace of God into our hearts because we need a change; the body of Christ needs to be purged and cleansed from its confusion and to begin again to focus on the word of God and to give our lives to proclaiming the Gospel of peace and the Lord Jesus Christ.

I believe that those prayers were answered but in a way that surprised everyone and the world. We now have a president in office that could not have been elected unless it was the will of the Lord that he be given this authority, and he is a sign to everyone that the same old things that have been going on in the past will no longer be tolerated. We have to trust the Lord, for He is about to do some amazing things in our country and in the world.

This is our time as believers to be bold in our love for Him and to have the courage to live lives that give God the glory, and we can only do so if we continue to worship, pray, and praise His Holy Name, choosing to live our lives in His presence. There is no other way I know to live this life and be to happy and grateful for everything I have because of His love in my heart.

We need to show the world what that love is like and how it can change their lives, so that what they see when they look at you is what they know they wlll get, and if they like what they see, then they will certainly enjoy what they will get!

They will need to enjoy this peace and love from God, because this is the power that all christians have to face the problems that we deal with everyday, and unfortunately, the problems in the world are going to increase. This morning the Lord cofirmed to my spirit that this year is going to have some more troubled times. A few months ago, He told me that a reawakening will happen in the church and in america by the end of this year. We are in for the largest revival every seen on planet earth, and this is very encouraging for all of us you are living their lives for God despite what everyone else says or does. We can all rejoice in God for the coming harvest.

While God is moving in the world for His children, you can be sure that satan and his demons will make His moves as well. God confirmed to me that there will be some terrorist activity in america, specifically in New York City a possible nuclear attack that will cause a building to collapse. Since I live north of NYC in the suburbs, this is going to impact my life as well as the lives of some my loved ones, so I am not thrilled about this message at all. Some other prophets had predicted that america would be attacked and NYC is always one of the areas mentioned in those predictions. I believe that the Lord gave me this confirmation as a warning to His people.

This is not a warning I am giving to make anyone afraid, but to help all believers in their walk with God. We all need to be in constant prayer; we should pray for our loved ones and ourselves, for our coworkers and our neighbors, and we need to keep pressing into Jesus and His love. We need to keep our hearts open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and allow ourselves to led by Him. If we keep our eyes on Jesus, then He will tell us what needs to be done for ourselves, our families, and for the communities in which we live.

Despite everything that is going on, and the possibly of being hurt or destroyed by violence and terrorism, Jesus has promised that He will never leave us or forsake us, and He will protect His loved ones, His Bride, the Body of Christ, but we must be willing to believe in Him and to be guided by Him. If you have never been led by Him, or have never heard His voice in your heart, you need to pray for guidance and for a fresh renewing of our heart, for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. He will guide you and tell you what you need to do to protect yourself and your family.

He is knocking at your heart right now, He wants you to know that He loves you and that He will be there for you; He will protect you if you let Him be first in your heart. You can't know what to do for your family if He is in not first in your heart. Trust Him, be guided by Him, and you will know the peace of God, and joy and happiness is the result; Read Psalm 91 to yourself everyday and pray it over your family and friends, He will protect His own, no matter what happens in our land.

Praise God For His Everlasting Love and Peace That He Gives To His Little Ones - Be At Peace Because He Will Never Leave You Or Forsake You!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Happy Because I Love Him

Happiness is the key, but so many people believe that becoming rich and famous is the key to happiness, while the rich and famous desire peace and rest for their souls in their hearts.

We are all looking for freedom, true freedom from our pain and our sorrows, and the way we see the world relies on how me medicate our problems away; drugs and alcohol, sex and violence, consumption and excess, these are the ways many people deal with their problems and the effects of their fallen human nature, but where is God in their lives?

They say that there is no God and if there was a God, he has forgotten His lost human race, but these same people ignore the signs of life and eternity written in the stars and in the fabric of our world; scientists peer into our life systems, our bodies, our cells, our dna structure, and everywhere they look, they see structure and deep meaning, and only a few are bold enough to think, "there must be a God". There is certainly enough evidence to prove the existence of God, but more evidence will not convince an unrepentant heart.

Why am I happy? Because I love Him. Love is not something to be measured and evaluated under a microscope, and true love does not come from fame and fortune, but it is the most precious treasure on earth! There is no life without love, and every creature on earth responds to it, and every child needs it to survive, and every culture that abandons it never survives for long. Do you realize that every person on earth can recognize a gesture of love?

Love is compassion, understanding and caring for yourself and the others that surround you in your life; that is love, and God is love, and He is the source of all that love. You cannot love without having the capacity to love, and the Lord has given us all the ability to love. The question is, when God comes knocking at the door of your heart with a gesture of love, will you accept His loving gesture, or will you refuse to respond because you won't believe that what you are feeling is real, or ignore it because you desire something or someone else to be first and foremost in your thoughts and in your heart?

Seek the Lord with all your heart while He may yet be found, and you will find peace and deliverance from all of your guilt, pain, and sorrows; He desires to heal you, to bring you into the family of His Grace; be careful to listen to His knock at the door of your heart and open the door and let Him in...

Prayer of Salvation


I repent for trying to be master of my own life. I change my mind about who I want to be in charge of my life. I turn from my useless and unproductive thoughts that I am the center of my universe and choose to believe in the living God who created everything, including me (Acts 14:15). I have lived without a purpose but now I will live to hear and obey You, God (Jn. 5:19, 20,30).

I confess with my lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead. I believe that God so loved the world He sent His only Son Jesus to shed His blood to wash away the barrier of sin (Jn. 3:16)

I receive You, Jesus as MY Lord and Savior (Jn. 1:11,12).

I welcome You, Holy Spirit, into my life to rescue and empower me and to restore me to intimacy with my heavenly Father (Acts 2:38).

If you just confessed this prayer, you are saved! I welcome you into the family my (brother/sister) I pray for peace, joy, and happiness in your life as you allow the Lord to love you and bless you and give you assurance of everlasting life with Him forever and ever......PRAISE GOD!

May the Lord keep you and Bless you this day....AMEN

Friday, April 21, 2017

New Birth Is A Necessity

by Olawale Ogunsola

In his encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ, A man called Nicodemus learned a new phrase he could not comprehend. The phrase was "You must be born again." This is contained in John 3:3(rephrased). This signifies second mandatory birth. It is also called "the New Birth". Everybody must have this experience against all odds. It guarantees new life in the Creator.

The first physical birth commonly understood is of the flesh. On the other hand, the new birth has to do with the spirit. Each of these has its own recognized features. Let us mention three of such features.
1.The first birth has its origin from the earth, that is below while the spiritual birth is from above.

2. The first birth is saturated with sin. The Psalmist puts it thus,
"Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity,
And in sin my mother conceived me."
Psalm 51:5.

3. The first birth tilts towards death but the new spiritual birth assures life. The Scriptures say, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."Romans 6:23.

It is sad to note that being a Christian has been narrowed down by many to becoming a member of a denomination and working for Christ. They love to follow Christ with their old nature. This ought not be so. This is not what Jesus wants. He wants His followers to put on a new nature that takes after God, the Creator, who is one with Jesus Christ. Let us mention three evidences of such nature:

1. Love. Whoever had experienced the new birth will know how to love others. He will love God with the whole of his heart, soul, mind and strength. He will in turn love himself as an image of God. Then he will love his neighbors as much as he loves himself. Read the Gospel of Jesus as recorded in Mark 13:30-31. Apostle John exhorts, "Beloved,, let us love one another for love is of God and everyone who loves is born of God, for God is love." 1 John 4:7-8.

2. Righteousness. The new birth makes righteousness manifest in the life of anyone who experiences the new birth. It will become his watchword. This identifies him as being born of God.. God is a Righteous One. Apostle John, the beloved, declares, "If you know that He is Righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness is born of Him." 1 John 2:29. To practice righteousness is to hate evil in all ramifications.

3. Faith. Where do you place your faith? This will strongly point to your having experienced the second birth. There is no other name(s) under heaven whereby mankind can be saved except the name of Jesus Christ. The same John reveals, "Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves Him who begot also loves Him who is begotten of Him." 1 John 5:1.

No one can claim to love God when he hates Jesus Christ. If you love God and Jesus, you will obey all His commandments. Only then can you overcome the world system.

The question now arises, "Have you experienced the second birth?" it is not only necessary but mandatory if you want to see and enter the kingdom of God. Be born again today! Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, love Him, love your fellow man and live righteously to show you are now a child of God by obeying all His instructions. Stay blessed and rapturable because the Lord is coming soon.

All Scriptures quoted are from New King James Version of the Holy Bible.

The Author is the set man of CTFM(WORLD OUTREACH)and Presiding Pastor of Christ Restland Gospel Church.He is a Poet and author of many books. Visit his blogsites and for more quality contents.

Article Source: WRITERS

Thursday, April 20, 2017

When You Are Beyond Despair

2 Corinthians 4:8-9 We are experiencing trouble on every side, but are not crushed; we are perplexed, but not driven to despair; we are persecuted, but not abandoned; we are knocked down, but not destroyed, always carrying around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be made visible in our body.

Once you understand in your heart about God's love for you, there is no going back to fear, hopelessness, and despair; you will find that you do not want to live in that neighborhood anymore. When you are faced with the issues of living in our world, knowing that there is an all powerful God who created the universe and who cares about you, who will love you and protect you and has the best intentions for you in your life, that is a concept that never disappoints you or lets you down. You cannot stay down for very long in guilt, bitterness, or disbelief once you have felt the love of God in your heart.

You may be thinking, yes that is probably true, but what if I am beyond the point of despair? What if I have given up the fight to live because I am worn out and I feel like I am all alone. What if I don't care about myself or anyone else anymore? Have you been feeling like everything and everyone is against you? What about the things that you used to do in life that gave you pleasure; have you found that even the most simple and easy tasks have become difficult for you, and that you can't get any enjoyment from those things that you used to do?

...They will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation...."

2 Peter Ch 3:4

The world is in turmoil, and people are fearful in their hearts. They look for hope in hopeless situations. There is a message of hope and peace, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and some have found rest in this hope, but others are seeking hope everywhere else, and hoping that rules, regulations, and endless rituals will give them everything that they believe will make them happy. Many are told to look within themselves for the answer, but positive thinking can only give you part of the answers or the benefits that they are seeking. What everyone is seeking is a place where poverty, war, hate, strife, and disease cannot touch them; you are looking for love, peace, and eternal rest.

The answer is in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He has provided everything you need to find peace and love, hope and happiness. Where else will you find the gospel of Grace, a God who will accept you just as you are, who will love you and guide through all of your hardest times and give you good things to put joy and laughter into your heart? No other 'god' has claimed to have died for you because they loved you so much and could not bear to see you die in your sins, to be separated forever from His loving presence into hell, where there is nothing but darkness, pain, and eteral suffering. Has any celebrity, political power figure, religious official, stone 'god' statue or 'mystical' doctrine ever told you that they loved you so much that they would die for you? Why do you worship these false gods that take everything they can out of you and your life yet truly give nothing of value to you in return?

Now, you may ask, If God is loving and merciful, if He cares so much for us, why is the world the way it is today? Why doesn't He fix things? Is Jesus Christ really coming back to rule and reign on the earth? If you are really looking at the circumstances that we seem to be in today, you will conclude that mankind is on the brink of something huge, and for some, unexpected. The goal of all the people in power today is to have a final solution for all of the world's problems, but everyone has a different strategy as to how to complete this goal. For every politician spouting words of peace, there are twice as many people working in the background devising schemes for war so that they will be victorius and claim the world for themselves. The world will continue to be divided until someone comes along with the love, peace, understanding, and the wisdom in their heart to bring the world together.

God knew before the foundation of the world what it would mean to bring humanity into His universe, He knew that we would rebel and go our own way, yet He never faltered from His goal of creating this world or man because He loved us anyway, He wanted us, and He let us decide what we wanted to do. Our ancestors, adam and eve, made the wrong choice, and the world has suffered because of it, but the Lord had already devised a solution to the problem, a person willing to be sacrified on a cross to atone for our sins, Jesus Christ.

We cannot hope to escape the eternal consequences of your sins without The Blood Of The Lamb, shed on calvary so that we may always live in His presence forever. God will let us live our lives without Him, for the gift of free choice is ours without reproach, but if we choose to live our lives for ourselves, we cannot expect the Lord to live with the consequences of our sins in His world and His universe forever and ever. We are given enough time to come to Him and repent, or worship at someone else's altar and then to die eternally separated from Him forever.

And just as the Lord provided Jesus Christ as the answer to the world's sin problem, He also knew that His Son would have to rule the world, because His children needs a leader who will rule the world according to His standards. That is why Jesus Christ is coming back again, this time not only as teacher, friend, and deliverer, but as ruler, God, and Savior, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, to rule and reign forever and ever. We need Him in our lives because freedom. liberty and love is found in Him; we can be our true selves, the best version living in peace and perfection. No one will ever give as much as He will to us and no one will ever love us more!

Yes, He is coming back, and we as christians know this because this knowledge has been implanted into our hearts, and the circumstances of the world has changed, because our enemy, satan and his demons know that their time of rule upon this world is almost over, and so he wants to sow war, ruin, and destruction into the hearts of as many people as possible, the unvelievers who are not aware or are in denial about his power and influence upon their hearts and lives. The main event is almost here, when Jesus Christ and the children of light will defeat satan and the forces of darkness before every eye and heart in the world, for all to see, so that there will never again be any doubt in anyone's mind that there is a God in heaven, and that His ways are better than any other way we can think or conceive; Jesus Christ, My Lord and Savior is coming again!

Are you ready for what is about to happen on this world? Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Are you living right now in a place that is beyond despair? Let me encourage you, because Jesus Christ is the solution to your problems, the one you have been looking for. No one, no psychological counseling, or 12 step program will be able to heal the despair in your heart and give you peace; I cannot help you, but Jesus Christ can give you everything that you need to comfort your spirit and heal your heart. Invite Him into your life and your home right now, allow the holy spirit to bring peace, love, and joy into your heart, and be accepted, finally, into the Kingdom of God and become apart of a very large and loving family. We are here for you, so please do not despair any longer and give your heart to Him!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Foregiveness Undeserved

by louis gander

I don't deserve forgiveness and
I don't deserve His love.
I don't deserve His blessings that
He showers from above.

My greatest deeds have missed His mark.
My works were just my will.
My life appears so very dark.
Guilt haunts me even still.

Except for Jesus on the cross,
except for loving grace,
except forgiveness undeserved
- a hope? No, not a trace.

Copyright 2017 by louis gander.
Poetry to ponder...
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Article Source: WRITERS

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Power Of God

...When they were but few in number, few indeed, and strangers in it, they wandered from nation to nation, from one kingdom to another. He allowed no one to oppress them; for their sake he rebuked kings: “Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm.”...

Psalm 105 12-15

He watches over you and me when we go about our daily lives, He gives us comfort when others use us and abuse us; healing is available in His presence, so worship Him and believe in His Name. When I see the events taking place in the world today, I am amazzed by what I see. I know for a fact that if it were not for the mercy of God, this world would have perished long ago. So many powerful people in lofty positions of power, both seen and unseen, are laying waste to any mercy or hope the world may had for a brighter future.

In fact, there have been generations of people who have lived life with very little hope in their hearts. When you live with no hope, life becomes a burden and a chore. You can't live properly, because love is very hard to find, and you are afraid to die because that would mean an end to your existence if you do not believe in God or the afterlife. Living life becomes an exercise of the walking dead, consuming everything in your path to find some pleasure in life, and being oblivious to the emptyness of your heart.

What sets the people of God apart from unbelievers is that hope, the love and joy deposited into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. We can look around at everything that is going on and take our fears and anxieties to the Throne Of Grace, where we can petition the God of Heaven to help us with our daily needs. He is able to heal the brokenhearted and perform supernatural surgery on our hearts. Disease, hopelessness, despair, suffering and pain must disappear in His presence, and courage and boldness is given out liberally to all who seek it from Him. You must believe in His power to transform your life and to give you peace.

God's power in the world is based upon His willingness to help us and our own choices; If you allow Him to change your heart and your circumstances, you will find the peace and joy that you have been looking for. We cannot do this walk of life alone and expect to keep hope and joy in our hearts. Let's face it, the powers that be in this world, the enemy who is called satan, will not stop until He has destroyed all of your dreams and until he has completely corrupted your hearts and minds. He does not care because He knows that He has already been condemned to hell, and he wants to take as many of God's children as possible with him into that deep endless pit. People in the world know that something strange is going on, but they are unable or unwilling to face that truth, because if they could face the truth, then they would seek the solution from a higher power.

God's power is absolute, and He has already won this battle; He send Jesus Christ to die on the cross to atone for our sins, and He is requiring that everyone make the decision to believe in His Son, or to face this life on their own, and then when it is over, to face everlasting darkness, separated forever from God, peace, and light. We choose to live for the light, and so our destiny is filled with love and happiness with a God that will care for us forever. If you have not made this choice, I encourage you to choose right now, because God has granted this period in time, this dispensation of Grace, so that everyone has a chance to hear about His love and mercy and choose to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This time is quickly coming to an end, don't wait a moment longer because God is moving in the earth in mighty ways, pushing back the tide of satans war and destruction, so that you may seek Him out, be healed, and be saved. Ask for him now, and receive His everlasting love and protection.

Prayer of Salvation


I repent for trying to be master of my own life. I change my mind about who I want to be in charge of my life. I turn from my useless and unproductive thoughts that I am the center of my universe and choose to believe in the living God who created everything, including me (Acts 14:15). I have lived without a purpose but now I will live to hear and obey You, God (Jn. 5:19, 20,30).

I confess with my lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead. I believe that God so loved the world He sent His only Son Jesus to shed His blood to wash away the barrier of sin (Jn. 3:16)

I receive You, Jesus as MY Lord and Savior (Jn. 1:11,12).

I welcome You, Holy Spirit, into my life to rescue and empower me and to restore me to intimacy with my heavenly Father (Acts 2:38).

If you just confessed this prayer, you are saved! I welcome you into the family my (brother/sister) I pray for peace, joy, and happiness in your life as you allow the Lord to love you and bless you and give you assurance of everlasting life with Him forever and ever......PRAISE GOD!

May the Lord keep you and Bless you this day....AMEN

Monday, April 17, 2017

The Secret Of Being An Overcomer

by Charles Stanley
Intouch Ministries

2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Paul learned the secret of being an overcomer: Maintain God’s perspective on the ups and downs of life, and access His power. The apostle was firmly convinced that having the person of the Holy Spirit living in him meant that God’s power was available to him.

We, too, can learn to be at peace while the storms of life rage around us. The first step is to believe that the power of God is within us through the presence of His Spirit. We then must accept that God’s priority for us is transformation into Christ’s image, and not necessarily comfortable circumstances. Diligently seeking to maintain Jesus’ perspective on trials (John 16:33) is also important. Until we settle such matters of faith, true contentment will evade us.

Having embraced these truths, we can learn to use the divine power of the risen Christ. The key lies in submitting our will to His. Then, instead of reacting to life based on our own weaknesses and desires, we will switch to responding on the basis of God’s will and the fact that we belong to Christ. We will be able to consciously surrender ourselves to the Lord and His pattern for living. Yielding control to the Holy Spirit allows God’s will to be done and enables us to accept it. When we can say, “Lord, whatever You choose to send will be all right with me,” then we will experience the inner peace promised to us. (See John 14:27.)

Divine perspective, surrender, and firm faith—these are the ingredients for the victorious life. Now you know the secret, too.

Intouch Ministries Devotions

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Resurrection Day

...“I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word. Now they know that everything you have given me comes from you. For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them. They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me. I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours. All I have is yours, and all you have is mine. And glory has come to me through them. I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one..."

John Chapter 17 6-11

The night before His crucifixion on the cross, my Jesus said a powerful prayer. He knew who He was, what was going to happen to Him and what the result would be. He prayed boldly, with conviction, without fear or remorse. This not the prayer of a man who was pretending to be a God; He was sound and whole in His heart, mind, and soul. He may have had fears and sorrows over the pain and humiliation He was about to face when He prayed to His father in the garden of gethsemane, but He never strayed from His goal, the reason for coming to earth and taking up the cause of humanity, to sacrifice himself on the cross to atone for our sins.

Today is the Triumphant Day, the day Father God in Heaven raised His son Jesus Christ from the dead, with the (Dunamis) Resurrection power of the Holy Spirit that flooded His ravaged body and recreated Him, Jesus Christ, man and God in One, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He arose from the tomb, forever shaped by His destiny, to rule the world and the universe with His Father and The Holy Spirit.

This is a day of celebration for those who put their trust in His Name. There is no other name in heaven or earth that is more powerful, the only name that can save our souls and give us eternal life with Him, for no other person in history has ever done what He has done, and no other 'god' could ever love us all as He does. We are deeply grateful for His loving kindness and mercy. We are a generation that deserve the penalty of everlasting darkness and despair, but God is love, and He could not bear the thought of losing all of His little ones to the pit of hell; it was love that inspired the passion of Christ, and it is love that will heal and transform the world.

I give thanks to my Lord and my Savior, Jesus Christ, who loved me so much that He allowed His body to be crucified on the cross, and all He asks from me is that I love Him and worship in His presence forevermore.

O Blessed Jesus, My Heart, I Will Love You Forever And Ever.......AMEN

O Happy day, O Happy day,
O Happy day, O happy day,
when jesus washed, when Jesus washed,
When Jesus washed my sins away...

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Why I Need Jesus

...For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life... John Ch 3:16

Every day usually brings a new challenge; I often plan out my tasks for the next day, and then when that day comes, I find that I don't do everything on my mental list because something else had to be done. If I had known what the next day was going to bring, I would have prepared for it, but I do not have that kind of foresight.

Do you wish that you could see into the future? If you knew your destiny beforehand, do you believe that you would embrace it, or would you try to change the circumstanes in our life to avoid it? No one can really answer that question unless they have seen what the futture holds for them. No one has the ability to see every moment in their life, only God can see the full expanse of time and space, but did you know that your destiny has already been written in the bible?

A long time ago, God inspired a whole series of people to write a book; these people were God's prophets, and He instructed them to write down the history of the world, to instruct His people Israel and to give them laws and writings of wisdom; this is how the people could begin to understand who God was and how to live by God's standards. He gave the prophets insight into His plans for the human race, writings that we call prophecies. You see, God never leaves His people in the dark, He has given us everything that we need to live a victorious life.

What God inspires in His people is the desire to love Him and to get to know Him better, and the only way that you really get to know Him is to read His word, to worship in His presence and to pray. If your desire is to have fellowship with Him, than He will come into your life and live in your heart. Trust and faith go hand in hand when you decide to surrender your life to Him, and peace and joy are the fruitful results. He is the one that does all the work in your heart, but you must decide to invite Him in.

I know why I love Jesus and why I need Him; He is the only one that has ever loved me completely, who understands me and cherishes me. How can I say no to Him, when He died for me in pain and anguish, God in man, humbled and rejected by most of His own people, yet cherished by everyone who dares to love Him! No one will ever love me as much, and no one else ever will. He is my Rock, My Redeemer, my Heart and my Hope. Come Lord Jesus, and bring new life and hope to this world, so that everyone one will see what it means to live in peace and harmony under your loving care.

On this day before Resurrection Sunday, take the time to thank Jesus Christ for what He has done for you; He allowed himself to be sacrificed on a cross, He died for you and for me so that we could be redeemed from our sin; we are very valuable to Him and precious in His sight. Don't ever think that you do not matter to anyone; even if every person on this world rejected you He never will if you decide to accept Him into your heart. Please understand, that your destiny is already known; the Lord already knows who will spend life eternally with Him and who will not, not because He has already determined who He wants as His own, but because He can see the future, all the way to the end of time and beyond, and He knows who will accept His gift of salvation.

If you are reading this, chances are very good that you are one of His children, whether you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, or not. If you have accepted Him, I am happy for you, and I encourage you to lift your heart and voice to Him and give Him praise. If you have yet to accept Him into your heart, I encourage you to do so right now. If you have read through this article up to this point, it means that you have some interest, and your heart has been touched by what I have written. Seek Him now with all of your heart and let Him save you, comfort you, change your heart and your circumstances; He is waiting for you to come home......

Prayer of Salvation


I repent for trying to be master of my own life. I change my mind about who I want to be in charge of my life. I turn from my useless and unproductive thoughts that I am the center of my universe and choose to believe in the living God who created everything, including me (Acts 14:15). I have lived without a purpose but now I will live to hear and obey You, God (Jn. 5:19, 20,30).

I confess with my lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead. I believe that God so loved the world He sent His only Son Jesus to shed His blood to wash away the barrier of sin (Jn. 3:16)

I receive You, Jesus as MY Lord and Savior (Jn. 1:11,12).

I welcome You, Holy Spirit, into my life to rescue and empower me and to restore me to intimacy with my heavenly Father (Acts 2:38).

If you just confessed this prayer, you are saved! I welcome you into the family my (brother/sister) I pray for peace, joy, and happiness in your life as you allow the Lord to love you and bless you and give you assurance of everlasting life with Him forever and ever......PRAISE GOD!

May the Lord keep you and Bless you this day....AMEN

Friday, April 14, 2017

A Good Friday

...“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going...”

John Ch 14 1-4

This morning, I woke up happy and content; I spoke to my God and Savior and He spoke back to me. He comforted me; I had a bad night and I prayed that He would help me, heal me, that I would see another day. This is not an unusual experience for me, He has healed me before in the past, and everytime that He has done so, it makes me stronger physically, emotionally, and spiritually. You see, He will never leave me or forsake me as long as I am willing to allow Him to live in my heart. He wants to be close to you and to me, He wants to help us, He wants a relationship with us, to be loved by us.

Now, every living being with a heart wants to be loved, and no one who wants to be loved should be denied that love. He has made us to love Him, to worship Him, and He will not beg for our attention, but He will whisper in our ears, and touch our hearts so that we can believe in Him, and cherish Him, and when we do, He will give us the victory. What a pleasure to wake up in the morning and to know His love expressed in your heart by the presence of the Holy Spirit; that is when you will know that He will do everything that He can for His little ones, His children. Do you doubt that He would do that for you? Then, I encourage you to seek Him with all of your heart, and to consider what Jesus Christ did for all of us at the cross.

God gave us His best, His Son Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice for our sins, and He was willing to die on the cross so that we could live with Him, in His presence forever and ever. No one will ever love you the way that my Jesus and my God loves you; He is worth your time, so consider what He has done for you, and then ask yourself if you will find a better 'god' anywhere else.

Today is Good Friday, and it is good because of what Jesus did for us, He died to atone for our sins, and then rose from the dead 3 days later, triumphant over satan and his demons, over every principality and power in heaven and on earth, only God the Father is higher. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and He will give you the Kingdom of peace and love if you let him.

When He died, his disciples were full of grief and despair, and those 3 days were dark for them, but when He arose on Sunday, full of power, authority and peace, they knew what it is like to receive back a loved one from the grave, from death itself, and then they were able to celebrate, and their hope was restored. Do you need your hope restored? Do you want to know what it is like to be loved by the creator of the universe? Then ask Him to come into your heart, and you will never be disappointed.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Learning In Troubled Waters

by Charles Stanley
Intouch Ministries

Psalm 34:1-19

God promises that when we face challenging times, He will keep His divine eye upon us. He wants to be our teacher and guide through the difficulty, but we must position ourselves to respond to His signals. That is, we need to:

Have a longing to follow God’s way and His way only. Scripture compares such yearning to a deer panting for water (Psalm 42:1). The same should be true of us each time we wait for God’s direction instead of acting on our own.

Be willing to be taught by God. He will transform trials into times of learning when we look to Him for guidance. Such was the case with Hannah as she pleaded for a child (1 Samuel 1:1-20, 1 Samuel 2:1-10). It was also true for Mary and Martha when their brother Lazarus died (John 11:17-27). We need willing spirits if we are to learn what God wants to teach us in the “classroom” of His choice. Most of us would opt for a comfortable, pleasurable setting in which to gain understanding. But God knows the best way to instill wisdom and may choose pain and trouble as the place of instruction.

Yield to His will. Before we know God’s solution, He asks us to commit ourselves to His way. The Lord calls us to walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7) and to acknowledge that we are helpless without Him (John 15:5). To declare commitment to His way is always best.

Troubles are an unwelcome fact of life, but they can have value. Often what we wanted to avoid turns out to be the very thing we needed. God asks that we have a tender heart, a teachable spirit, and a yielded will. Does this describe you?

Intouch Ministries Devotions

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

This Special Invitation Is For You

by Dr. Henderson Ward

The God of heaven, maker of this universe, and all things seen and unseen, has made good on his promise to reach out to all peoples and give them a chance at seeking redemption.

There was a time when it seemed that God would restrict his grace, and his mercies, to his chosen people, the people of ancient Israel, because of a man called Abraham.

Now the patriarch Abraham was special. At a time when the world was deeply into idolatry and waywardness this man Abraham decided that he would seek God and do his bidding. This was around 2000 BC, during China's Xia dynasty that was established by Yu the Great, and Abraham left his home and his kindred, and followed the path God chose for him that eventually led to Canaan, present day Palestine where Israel resides.

Because of Abraham's faith and endeavour, God made him some promises affecting his seed. One of these promises was that Abraham's descendants would be blessed and through them the whole world would be blessed.

The God of heaven does not lie, unlike people, God always keeps his promises. It took about 2000 years, during the reign of Agustus Caesar the Roman Emperor, that Abraham's descendants, the nation of Israel, produced the Messiah we call Jesus Christ.

The world from its creation had gone astray, it had turned wretched and wickedness was everywhere predominant. Even the world's greatest teachers, philosophers, academics and historians, who had experienced first hand, this universal wickedness, could not avoid documenting the evils of the times.

The world continued to explode in wickedness, and a tipping point was reached, when something dramatic had to be done or else all humanity could have been lost.

It was at this juncture that God intervened, and did something miraculous and timely. The Christians' Holy Bible puts it like this:

"But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons." (Galatians 4:4-5)

It was this Jesus Christ, God's only Son, whom God sent to redeem the world. And it is His invitation to you, wherever you are, regardless of nationality, or status, or ethnicity, that we gladly present to you.

In order to bring salvation to all humanity, Jesus Christ had to go through a process that at times was very painful, but he did not hesitate.

He had an earthly ministry that lasted all his life until he died at about 33 years of age.

He died by crucifixion, by wicked people who turned their backs on God.

But because God had sent him, and it was his shed blood on Calvary's cross that was the means of our salvation, God raised him from the dead. Today, He, Jesus Christ, is alive in Heaven, and stands before God as our mediator, assuring us of divine representation.

And so Jesus Christ has sent you this invitation, he wants you to come into fellowship with him, He is inviting you to be part of his earthly kingdom the Church.

Here are his words to you as written in the book of Matthew chapter 11 verse 28, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

And in the book of Revelation chapter 3 verse 20 He says, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."

This invitation is therefore to all of you; men and women, boys and girls, and you can accept this invitation right now.

You do not have to be rich, you do not have to be educated, you do not have to be employed, you do not have to be good, or holy, or respectable. God wants you just as you are; so why not come to him.

If you were once saved and have now gone back to your former ways, then this invitation is also to you, to renew your covenant with God. Because you have abandoned God does not mean that God has lost interest in you. He has not. His love for you, and his desire to welcome you back into the fold is as strong today as it ever was.

All that is required:

Is that you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is real, this is not fiction.
Acknowledge that you are a sinner; doing wrong is part of our living. We are not perfect.
Acknowledge that sin must be punished, for the soul that sinneth must die says the Bible.
Acknowledge that Jesus is our substitute, he died for us, he died that we might live.

Therefore come to Jesus Christ, accept this invitation, say yes to God, and let God dwell in your heart through faith in the redeeming work of Jesus Christ.

When you pray for salvation, it is then that you meet God at his most forgiving.

Here is a short prayer that you may like to use in your quest for salvation.

Dear God, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. Thank You Jesus for dying on the cross for my sins and rising from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. Make me, dear God, the kind of person You want me to be, for Christ's sake. Amen.

Books by this author you may wish to read.

Volume 1 Five tough facts to be faced

Volume 1 You must first identify him




Dr. Henderson Ward received his Doctor of Divinity in theology, with distinction, from Masters International School of Divinity, USA, where he is currently a post-doctoral fellow. Dr. Ward's career involved pastoring, evangelism, and teaching. Copyright 2017

Article Source: WRITERS

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

My Strength Is In His Power And In His Love

Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

When you are feeling lost or alone, you may not be seeing the whole picture, you need to look with your heart and not with your mind; focus on God's goodness and mercy, and you will feel His love and acceptance.

You had a vision for your life, you had a plan, and after everything that you did to make it come to pass, you are left with ashes and disappointment: did you seek His will for your life?

You may be feeling small and insignificant, certainly the world has told you that much about yourself; have you asked God's opinion? God says, "You Are My Beloved, My Little One, But You Are Not Small Or Insignificant, You Are Precious In My Sight, And My Son Loves You With All Of His Heart, Mind, And soul; He Died For You, He Will Never Leave You Or Forsake You - Trust In Him."

You may find yourself in a place that is uncomfortable and full of suffering, and you are asking God, "What did I do wrong? I have lived my life for you, I have been a good christian, why is this happening to me? Where are you Lord?"

He waits for you to pour your heart out to Him, and then He answers, "I Am Right Here, My Child, I Am Here Working For You, Guiding You, Healing And Comforting You. You Have Not Done Anything Wrong, You Are Where You Need To Be And Where I Have Placed You, So Be Encouraged And Put Your Faith In Me And In My Word, And I Will Bring You Though This, Into Victory."

Our strength is not in ourselves or in others, it is in the Lord. Be patient, trust Him, and see His favor manifest in your life. Remember, you are not the only one going through this, everyone has issues and weaknesses; it is how we choose to overcome these problems that determines whether we win the battle. Give it all to God, lean on His strength, His Power, His Love and His mercy, and watch Him turn everything around for you in your favor!

Monday, April 10, 2017

On the Other Side of Sin

by Walter Kahler

On the other side of sin is a miraculous place where God’s presence comes alive. You know it’s God since nothing matches His divine holiness. It’s a unique and extraordinary phase of consciousness. This peaceful, loving and exhilarating connectedness is the essence of God.

And His Spirit inspires you to draw closer to Him.

One of the brightest signs of living past sin is experiencing God’s incredible compassion. God’s love is exceptional, and His forgiveness is unbelievable. The Lord is remarkable in the way He shows mercy. Even when we fall short and stay faithful, He embraces us with His awesome grace. We are blessed to have a faithful Creator.

To live free from the bondage of sin takes a firm spiritual foundation. This truth is unavoidable. The Bible gives testimony to the freedom from its paralyzing grip and the spiritual death of an unsaved soul.

Without Christ, no one can overcome the evil effects sin causes to the human spirit (John 12:46).

God makes Himself visible to every human (Romans 1:18-21). Our Father loves His children and wants each of us to hear His call (Titus 2:11). God’s original calling is but a beginning. Understanding His truth takes a lifetime of commitment, selfless service and an unwavering trust in His sovereignty.

Salvation teaches us faith needs nurturing (1 Peter 2:2), and a faith filled with Christ’s nutrients bears eternal fruits. Christ is the gateway to receiving our inheritance promised by God (1 Peter 1: 3-5). Once a person relies on Christ, then God’s Spirit becomes the permanent anchor for a life without the need to sin.

It’s not easy living in the flesh. The world is full of temptations. God’s enemy uses the lusts of the world as a way to trap his prey. The devil’s web of deception lures the unsuspecting soul into the emptiness of false promises (Genesis 3:2-5). Then when a person takes his bait, the reality to its fruitlessness shows up in disappointing results. This leads to eternal damnation and causes significant conflict with God.

The narrow way (Matthew 7:13-14) is where we find Christ and discover spiritual courage. On our own, we can’t live away from sin and become righteous in front of God. Righteousness is the measuring stick of a secure life where living holy takes preference over personal interests.

It’s through Christ’s strength we can deny ourselves, live apart from sin and stay in God’s favor.

Sometimes I struggle to live on the straight and narrow. I give in to temptations and suffer the spiritual consequences. For example, when I gossip and judge someone my conscience lets me know I’m in the wrong. Salvation makes sin uncomfortable and until I repent my soul continues to suffer. Pride, lust, bitterness brings the same results.

The good news is when I sin and confess it to Christ, then God shows me the way to right the wrong. And the neat thing Christ brings to my life is holiness. I’m grateful for the way Christ corrects my disobedience and brings me in alignment with God’s commandments.

One of the greatest revelations of God’s truth is the hope Christ secures to faithful believers. Christ committed no sin (1 Peter 2:21-22), and God’s saving grace sanctifies our sinfulness. Here our belief goes beyond understanding and into an eternal confidence. Christ’s sacrifice made this possible.

Our spiritual awakening to a life away from sin is marvelous. We have touched on a few attributes Christ brings to our lives. A life centered in God brings a lifetime of enjoyment. Each of us gives testimonies to God’s forgiveness and Christ’s cleansing of our souls. Salvation transforms us from sinfulness into holiness and we are living examples to His kingdom. May we never forget God’s gift of salvation.

I love writing about how God saved me and the way Christ has changed my life. It brings me joy sharing my sins and the way living God's truth frees me from the bondage of temptation. But I enjoy learning from others Christian's walk in Christ.

Article Source: WRITERS

Sunday, April 9, 2017

A Palm Sunday Praise

...When they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks over it, he sat on it. Many people spread their cloaks on the road, while others spread branches they had cut in the fields. Those who went ahead and those who followed shouted, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!” “Hosanna in the highest heaven!” Jesus entered Jerusalem and went into the temple courts. He looked around at everything, but since it was already late, he went out to Bethany with the Twelve...
Mark Ch 11 7-11

On the day that You came into Jersusalem,
Humble and riding on a donkey,
You received the praises of the people,
They sought you out for peace and salvation,
But in your heart, you knew,
That in the end, most of these same people
Who praised your name, would never surrender
Their hearts to you, would never taste of your
Holy peace and receive Your salvation.

For those who believed in You,
They were celebrating, because they thought
You would be victorious, that You would establish
Your rule at that moment, but very soon they would
Realize that You had a different Kingdom in mind.

In your heart You weeped for the lost sheep of Israel,
And despite everything they would soon do to you.
You still gave Your heart, mind, body and soul,
So that some would be saved. How I wish that
I could have been there to see it, My Father,
My friend, My Savior, as you strolled into
The city gates of your city and home, Jerusalem.

I would have shouted, "Hosanna! Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name Of The Lord!"

I pray for peace to all my brothers and sisters in Christ waiting for the Coming of Our King - Hallelujah!

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Think, Love, Do

There is The Trinity: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit
How is this expressed in a way that we can understand?
God The Father: He is Our Creater and Our Father,
and everything that is, who we are comes from Him.
He had the thought about creating the world,
He decided it should be so.

The Son, Jesus Christ, The Only Begotten of The Father:
He agreed with The Father, that a new world should be
created, and He agreed to make it happen, because He
is The Word Of God, so He took the Father's thought
and spoke it into existence.

The Holy Spirit, The Shekinah Glory of The Father and The Son:
He heard the thoughts and the commands of The Father and The Son,
He moved upon the faceless, shapeless foundation of the earth, and
used His Power to shape and create our world, and behold the earth
was manifested, created from the thoughts and hearts of His partners,
The Father and The Son.

God saw what we could become, and the Son was filled with love and
compassion, even when He saw that we would stumble and fall and rebel
against them; He agreed to our existence, even when He knew what He
would have to do to save us. The Holy Spirit agreed to live among us
and to dwell in the hearts of anyone who would accept Him, and the Father
was satisfied with the thought of us, because He was pleased with
the thought of countless human beings loving Him and worshiping Him;
He was pleased to have this Family exist in His Universe and
to give Him The Glory, The Honor, and The Praise Forever and Ever.

Don't deny the existence of The Trinity, for if you reject them you are
rejecting yourself, for they created you in their image, and your spirit
comes from them; you decide where your spirit goes when you leave this
plane of existence, either to everlasting love, peace and joy in their
presence forever and ever, or to everlasting darkness, hate and pain.

Give them praise, for they knew what would happen on the earth, and
they decided to do it anyway....this decision was made based upon love, because
God is Love, and every decision He makes is based upon love - now, deal
with that and tell me why you are not praising His Name
in your heart while you are reading this!

Lord, We Thank You, We Adore The Trinity, Father, Son, And Holy Ghost - We Shall
Always Forever Be Grateful. Because Of You We Exist, And There Is No Way We Will
Ever Be Able To Repay You. Just The Thought Of What You Have Done For Us Is Overwhelming, We Humbly Give Our Hearts, And Souls, And Minds To You - We Give You All Of The Glory, All Of The Honor, And All Of The Praise, Forever And Ever,


Friday, April 7, 2017

How To Handle Pride

by Charles Stanley
Intouch Ministries

1 Samuel 24

Pride causes us to think that we can manage life’s situations ourselves and make our own plans. The first two kings of Israel—Saul and David—illustrate different approaches to handling pride.

Saul’s high opinion of himself resulted in decisions that were contrary to the Lord’s commands. For example, having defeated the Philistines, the king reasoned that he should take some spoils of war, even though God had said otherwise. When confronted by Samuel, he replied that his plan was “to sacrifice [the animals] to the Lord” (1 Samuel 15:15). God saw through his words to a heart of pride. If self-centeredness controls our thinking, we’ll seek ways around divine commands in order to serve ourselves. When caught, we may try to justify our disobedience, as Saul did.

David—Israel’s second king, chosen while Saul was still on the throne—didn’t try to initiate his own reign. Instead, he waited for God’s timing. That meant enduring Saul’s jealous rages and murder attempts, but still he wouldn’t retaliate. In fact, even when he had the opportunity, David refused to seize the throne; he didn’t allow pride to dominate his thinking. Later on, he coveted another man’s wife and committed adultery, but when he was challenged, his humble heart prompted repentance (2 Samuel 12:13).

To prevent prideful behavior, we must refuse to act independently of the Lord. Like David, we should handle self-centeredness by turning to God in confession. David’s sins were forgiven. Saul, on the other hand, never admitted he’d made any mistakes, and that led to his downfall.

Intouch Ministries Devotions

Thursday, April 6, 2017

A Prayer For Ressurection Day

Lord, we give you praise and honor for your everlasting love and mercy,
we come before you this day to celebrate the death and
resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
who died on the cross at calvary, as payment and
atonement for our sins, against your righteous wrath
and indignation for a fallen humanity; there are no
words that can describe adequately our gratitude for
what you have done for us, my sweet Jesus, for when
I think about what you suffered on the cross for us
all, I tremble at the thought of what my life would
have become if you had not been willing to sacrifice
yourself on the cross for me, for us all.

That is why this day is so precious to me, why I worship in your
presence today with love and thankgiving in my heart, my sweet Jesus, for you saw me
in my fallen state, you knew my weaknesses, and bore witness to all my mistakes,
you saw them before I was even born, and you regarded my life, not with anger and scorn,
but with love and compassion, and you passionately made a decision in your heart,
that you would save me, and you did not believe the cost was too great: You Are My
Heart And My Soul, And My Sweet Inspiration - Glory To Your Name Forever And Ever!

And Now Lord, accept my words of praise for your Son, Jesus Christ, who is my
Lord, my Savior, my Master and my Friend, My Deliverer and Conquerer, My Peace and My Joy;
I have accepted His gift of salvation because He knew me from before the foundation of the
world, and He accepted me, that is why I believe in Him and will love Him forever and ever.

As we celebrate this day with thankgiving and joy in our hearts, let us remember those who
are still in darkness, the unbelievers, the doubters, and the rebellious ones; we pray for
peace and mercy in their homes and in their hearts, so that they may yet find You and believe
in You and love You as we do, for the time is short, and Your Son is coming back soon, it is
right around the corner. We ask for the mercy of divine intervention in their lives, and
for the revleation knowledge of the one that can save them, your Son, Jesus Christ. Show up in
their lives Lord in a mighty way, and give us a song a praise as we watch you change their
circumstances and their lives. Reign & Rule, Mighty God & Shake The World!!


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Gifts Of God: Power, Love, & Control

When you put God first in your life, the possibilities become endless. You feel loved, needed, and nurtured, not because any of us are perfect or because of anything that we have said or done, but because God has declared us valuable; He loves us so much that He provided a solution to all of our problems and our needs, The Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Once you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are given spiritual gifts that allow you to live according to God's standards, and when you live by these standards peace, joy and hope abound. The Peace Of God quiets the fears and anxieties that can occupy your heart and mind, the joy of the Lord gives you the strength to deal with everyday live and its issues, and hope allows you to see the positive things in life; whatever you are going through right now in your life cannot compare to what your life in christ will become as you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you, comfort you and transform your heart.

You are given the power to say no to everything that would stop you from having a christ filled life, you can love others with all of your heart and mind, you can give of yourself selflessly without wondering if you will receive anything back in return, and you find that you have self control, so those wrong desires or addictions no longer have a hold on you; you are free from the ravages of sin!

Keeping yourself in God's presence and putting Him first in your life are the keys to maintaining your christ filled life, and remember you can do these things only with the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within you, not by your own power, for all of us are truly powerless. The world's outlook is to find power within themselves or they seek the power of the enemy, the devil; some don't realize that by denying God's existence or rejecting His power and authority over their lives, they are actually giving themselves over to the power and the authority of satan, and that he will always deceive them into believing that they don't need God to live powerful and successful lives. It is only after wrecking their lives pursuing power and wealth that they realize how empty they are on the inside in their hearts, and that no amount of self medication (sex, drugs, alcohol, false religions,etc..) will make them any better.

You need to seek God with all of your heart and make a confession of repentance for all of your mistakes and your sins; this is how to start living a life that is genuine and pure; every good and pure thought, word, and deed comes from the abundance of God manifesting Himself in ours lives. We are free to live as we see fit in this world, and the Lord will not force anyone to live for Him, but there it nothing like living for Him! He will turn your whole life around and give you everything you need to live that christ filled life that will give glory to His Name.

If you need deliverance from past sins, from strong addictions and negative behaviors, ask Him to help you, If you need love, tell Him you will love Him forever and ever, and watch as His love starts to overflow from your heart. If you have no control over your life, your finances, or over your fearful and negative thoughts, surrender your heart, mind, and soul to Him, ask Him to take over, and He will give you the self control that you need to live a prosperous and abundant life.

Accept Jesus Christ As Your Lord And Savior Right Now, Surrender Your Heart And Your Life To Him, Be Patient, And Watch As He Changes Everything In Your Life And How He Makes You Whole!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Just For You

by Karen B. White

God created a beautiful world just for you: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1

Sin entered, and the cost of sin is death, so God sent His son to take on the sins of the world and pay the price just for you: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

God inspired men to write about His works, plans, and expectations just for you. "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness," 2 Timothy 3:16

God provides protection and provisions just for you: "Fear thou not; for I [am] with thee: be not dismayed; for I [am] thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." Isaiah 41:10 "And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

At this very moment, God is preparing an eternal home just for you: "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." John 14:2

God has promised that one day Jesus will return just for you: "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." John 14:3

God is great, and all He requires is that we accept Him as our Lord Savior. If you haven't already- do it, it is a gift He had offered; just for you!

Dear Father, Thank You so much for creating, loving and providing for me. I am especially appreciative of Your gift of Salvation and promise of eternity! In Jesus' name, Amen.

Karen is a Christian wife, mother, and grandmother. She is a retired teacher who now spends her time reading and writing.

Article Source: WRITERS

Monday, April 3, 2017

A Heart For God

by Charles Stanley
Intouch Ministries

Acts 13:16-22

God’s assessment of David’s heart is one of the highest praises that anyone has ever received from the Lord. And this commendation is not reserved exclusively for Israel’s beloved king; in fact, our Father longs for every one of His children to have a heart for Him.

In Acts 13:22, the Lord called David “a man after My heart, who will do all My will.” In other words, the chief characteristic of a heart for God is a passion to obey Him. Not every act of King David’s life was as the Lord would have desired, but his pattern was to follow after God. And David also knew what to do when he sinned. His prayer was that the Lord would search out any wicked way in him, clean it up, and help him to get back on track to become the kind of person his heavenly Father wanted him to be (Psalm 139:23-24).

David’s highest priority was his relationship with the Lord. He delighted in both reading God’s Word and having intimate conversations with the Father, many of which are recorded for us in the book of Psalms. In addition, the Scriptures reveal many examples of how David trusted the Lord in all the challenges of his life. This humble servant recognized that any greatness he achieved as king was actually due to God alone.

Becoming a man or woman with a heart for the Lord is a valuable goal. Our aim is not perfection but a consistent, growing relationship with Him. In the process, we will discover that our desires and interests increasingly align with God’s, and obeying Him will be our great delight.

Intouch Ministries Devotions