Thursday, April 27, 2017

The God Chronicles - Part 3 My Name Is Victory!

...for the Lord Your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory...
Deuteronomy ch 20:4

I've got evidence
I've got confidence
I'm a conquerer
I know that I win
I know who I am
God wrote it in His plan for me.....


When I looked at my circumstances, I could have given up, I could have become depressed, I would have lost hope if I thought that I was alone, with no one to help me; but then, I looked up to heaven, I raised my hands, I began to praise His name, and then I felt His love rising in my heart, and His presence comforting me, and a smile erupted on my face, and then I knew it was going to be alright.

The circumstances began to change in my life, and I received favor from the Throne Of Grace. I was able to deal with my situation with peace in my heart, with joy and laughter. If anyone were to observe me, they would have wondered, 'How can she be so happy, when she has so little, when she doesn't have everything that I have, when she seems to be struggling everyday to survive? And if I would be so inclined to answer their question, I would simply say, "My Jesus!"

You may feel that God has abandoned you, because everything is not going well in your life. You could be suffering and in pain, you could be battling some type of sickness or addiction, you could be in a place that seems hopeless. Have you ever felt like God is not hearing your cry? You have done everything right; you go to church, you give tithes and offerings, you are active in the church, you give to charities, you have prayed for family and your loved ones, coworkers and neighbors, but now you are going through a season of bereavement and suffering, and everyone around you seems to be doing very well, and you are asking, "what's happening with me Lord? Why am I going through all of this right now? Where is my deliverance?"

You look around and see all of the unbelievers, the ones who do not call on His Name, and they seem to be flourishing; they have the money and all time in the world to do what they want to do; they have all the gidgets and gadgets, the fancy cars, the nice houses and money in the bank, and you wonder if they will ever repent and call upon the name of the Lord. Why should they? They are living their lives without the protection and providence of God, and they seem to be doing just fine without Him, and you lay on your bed at night, worrying about whether you can pay all of your bills for the month, struggling with your budget, wishing that you could take a vacation to anywhere some day. You are seeking help from the Lord, and you wonder when you will be delivered.

... But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus....
Philippians ch 4:19

Our faith is not in good jobs, fancy cars and homes, gidgets and gadgets or money, it is in Jesus Christ, and He provides for all of His children. We need to focus on Him and not on our circumstances, and He will show us the way out of our circumstances, He will heal our bodies, He will comfort our hearts, He will give us the victory! We need to utilize the tools that God has supplied to all of us children: what type of relatioship do you have with Jesus Christ? Do you seek His face on a daily basis? How strong is your prayer life? Do you pray from a place of confidence and victory, or is your heart filled with fear, anxiety, doubt and unbelief? How often do you read the word of God? Do you know who you are in Christ Jesus?

When you are confused, heartbroken and lonely, it is very easy to lose sight of who you are. Many people go to church every Sunday, listen to a sermon, give their tithe and offering, sing their favorite psalm and go home believing that they have done a good thing, God is pleased with them. When you examine the rest of their life, you find that the words the preacher spoke to them has had no real effect on their lives. They don't seek the Lord on a daily basis, they don't talk to Him. The only time that they hear the word of God is on sunday, when the scriptures are read. They only pray to God when they need something, and when they don't get an answer to their prayers, or when the outcome of the situation is not what they asked for, they are confused or disappointed; they may become angry, bitter, and doubtful of the power of God.

You need to come to Him with humility and with love; He is a patient God, so He will not be offended by your feelings of fear, doubt, or anger; go ahead and state your case to Him, knowing that He hears you, He hears all of your prayers, the problem has always been that you haven't been listening to Him! You haven't set aside time in your day to read His word, you haven't worshiped in His presence for the sheer benefit of spending time alone with Him. You haven't opened your heart to Him so that he can heal it and transform it into something much better than what it is right now. How can He give you the victory if you don't know His love and presence in your heart?

Do you know who you are? If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, and believe with all of your heart and mind that he is the only solution to your sin problem and the only way to heaven, to eternal peace, rest, and joy in Father God's presence, than you have been declared by God to be The Righteousess Of God. He has made you righteous, not because of all of your good works and deeds, not because you are a good person, not because you are 'perfect', but because you believed in His Son, Jesus Christ, and because you believe in Jesus, you are His sheer delight, the apple of His eye, His sweet little one that He loves so much. He deeply desires to be with you, to care for you, He wants a relationship with you, but too many christians are unaware of how deep His love is for them.

Are you looking for a breakthrough in your life? Keep yourself in His presence in front of His Throne Of Grace. Do not stop reading the bible, praying, worshiping, singing, praising His name until you get that breakthrough, and then Keep on speaking the word of God into your circumstances, keep on praying and worshiping in His presence, keep on doing your good works with the love that God put in your heart, and be merry and happy, with a joy that defies all explanation, for it is the joy of the Lord that is our strength!

Thank You Lord For The Victory - What Is My Name? MY NAME IS VICTORY!!

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