Tuesday, August 15, 2017

I Have Learned To Obey HIs Will

It has been a remarkable year; exactly 1 year ago, I woke up one day and heard the Lord say to my heart that He wanted me to start writing a blog. He wanted me to express everything that I had learned in the past 10 years of my journey here on planet earth, He wanted to me to just write everything that came out my mind and my heart, and so I did. You never really know just how much you know until you start writing it down, and by the promptings of the Holy Spirit, the words flowed from Him directly into my hands as I typed everything I felt from my tablet in the room that I rent that I call my 'home'.

But this is not my home, and I am waiting for the call from my Savior when I will finally be home. This is the place where God has seen fit to nurture me, to encourage my spiritual growth, to express His eternal love for me; if I had never had any wants or needs I would have never known true gratitude for what He has done for me.

I have learned a great deal about obeying His will this year. It was not easy, as I wondered why so many doors were closed to me, why I could not seem to accomplish everything that the world tells me I must do, and when I came to the Lord to ask Him why, He told me everything was going to be alright, and you will get out of this situation and be victorious, but the most important thing that He said to me recently, was "stop trying to do this in your own strength, be patient and wait upon me, for I will bring you out of this so that I will get the glory".

He gave me a sign through the words of another person, so I know that my breakthrough is on the way. He has kept me this past year, I have a roof over my head, and food on the table and clothes on my back, and He has made a way for me out of no way, and the greatest thing that I can say is that I am happy and that I have peace in my heart. It is truly a wonderful thing to be kept by the God of Heaven, and to have the love of Jesus Christ in my heart!

Just recently, the Lord told me that today is last day for writing this blog, and so this is my last entry. I have been so amazed at what has happened in this country and in the world while I have been writing this blog: shooting and chaos, HOT weather and crazy weather patterns, one ubelievable presidential election that shocked the world and made me realize that EVERYTHING that goes on in this world is guided and protected by the lord:

Psalm 75 vs 4-7

“I said to the boastful, ‘Do not boast,’
And to the wicked, ‘Do not lift up the horn;

Do not lift up your horn on high,
Do not speak with insolent pride.’”

For not from the east, nor from the west,
Nor from the desert comes exaltation;

But God is the Judge;
He puts down one and exalts another.

When you see the impossible manifest itself in the world, that is a sign of God's providence and rulership of the world. The Lord is holding back the chaos so that all those who want to will come to Him and be saved! All of the strange signs in the skies, the corruption in our government and the media, the people who are pulling the strings in the background are panicking and making big mistakes because their evil acts are being exposed. They know, surely satan knows, that they have only a little time left before Jesus Christ comes back again, to reign and rule and set this world back on track and living according to the Lord's standards.

So, the lessons of life and the will of God was being taught to me as I wrote this blog, and I learned so much from what He gave me to write down. I have grown spiritually, and have learned to let go of fear, doubt, and anxiety. I have learned to lean into Him more, and the word of God has penetrated my heart and soul. To be happy means knowing who you are and loving and accepting yourself, loving the Lord and His Son Jesus Christ and believing in Him. His love is what keeps me centered and at peace.

I praise the Lord of Heaven, for He has pulled back the veil of deception in the world to expose the hate, disease and corruption in the world, and He has driven the enemy back and put Him at bay, and his agents, the dictators, the movers and the shakers of the world are beginning to stand down because the Lord will not let them destroy this world or its people until HE decides when the day of judgement will come!

Thank You Lord for your Grace and Mercy!

I won't be writing any new entries into this blog, but I will still be blogging in a new community, the Steemit community, this is my blog there: https://steemit.com/@lymorgan where I will continue to write what the Lord wants me to say and other topics as well.

Peace and Blessings to everyone reading this and I hope you will keep on living and learning with the Lord!

Monday, August 14, 2017

What I Would Like To Do In The Future

Revelation Chapter 21 vs 1-4 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

Hope is a powerful thing, it gives you a certain amount of confidence in the future. If it were not for hope in the future that Jesus Christ has promised for all of us, we would be fearful, unhappy and depressed. Looking at what is going on in the world right now, you might be apprehensive about what will happen in the near future.

If you read the bible, you know that a war is coming, the ultimate war between God and satan, good vs evil, and this war will settle for good what will happen to the human race and the universe our Lord has created for Himself and for His family. His plan for this ultimate battle is in full effect, and Jesus Christ requires His church to believe in Him, trust Him, and have faith that we will be victorious in the end.

There is coming a new earth and a new heaven, because one day this heaven and earth will pass away. The Lord will make everything over again, and this time every person or being that exists in this new universe will believe in Him, worship Him, and be filled with happiness and joy. The old ways of doing things will disappear, and no one will dwell upon the past, because weeping and sorrow will not be allowed in God's new universe. We will see Him as He is, we will be just like Him, and we will know that there is nothing greater or better to pursue, because we will have the knowledge, the experience of living outside the will of God.

So, what will I do in that new earth, in that place where joy and happiness is a requirement for living, and fear and worry are concepts that no one will be able to remember anymore? I will live in His presence, happy to know Him, grateful for His love and mercy, striving to show Him how much I love Him. In fact, I think I will do this right now so that I can practice being filled with His love and mercy - In fact, I believe that is the true definition of a true christian. We all try to live for Him, strive to show Him how much we love Him, we give our whole hearts and minds to Him, and He is willing to show all of Himself to us!

(Jesus says) "Be at peace my children, for the time has come to judge the world for its selfishness and to deal with the rebels, the children of darkness, but I will be with you, I will comfort you - I am coming back for you, just rest in me and never forget to put me first in your heart and in your lives, and you will see the coming of the new kingdom, the new heaven and the new earth..."

Sunday, August 13, 2017

See The World From His Eyes

I like to to watch old tv shows, the shows that I grew up on. They were funny and basically silly at some points, but I did not realize how much the plot of the show really depended upon the quality of the actors. Sometimes the themes of the shows I watched were over the top, but the actor's perfomances made it all palatable. I didn't realise how very prophetic many of the shows were, they showed us where america was going.

I want to look forward now instead of behind, because I realize that many of the most popular shows on tv had themes that promoted more confusion and chaos than stability. I came of age in the 80's and the 90's, and so much of what emerged in those decades has come to full fruit in the 21st century.

I remember thinking that I had no business telling other people what they wanted to do with their lives, if they were gay, or having sex outside of marriage, or a woman who wanted to have an abortion. I felt back then that I did not have the right to tell those people that they shouldn't do those things; I personally wasn't willing to do what a lot of other people were doing, but somehow I got the message growing up that we all had the right to do what we wanted to do as long as it didn't hurt anybody else.

What I didn't know then was that as long as people are willing to live far from the wisdom of the Word of God, we are all affected by what individuals choose to do with their own lives. Evil and chaos are no longer just in the back alleyways of life, it is manifesting itself in every courtroom, business office and home. We can no longer ignore the corruption and depravity that exists in the world, because most of the world refuses to live by God's standards, and so evil, hate, and selfishness feels welcomed everywhere it travels in the world!

Even though I was not as spiritually mature as I am now, I still had enough faith to live my life according to the word of God, and believe me, I didn't always live that life perfectly, and I did have problems and issues, but I realized that my faith and belief in God kept me from doing the things that some people think are their right and their priviledge.

Now when I look back on my life and the things that I watched and did, I realize that I need something better, something more pure and worthy of consideration, and I will look forward to do things that feed my soul and not just my flesh. I want to see things as the Lord sees them, and to think upon things that give me joy inside and out. He will guide me to the things that are funny and entertaining and also spiritually fulfilling. Thank you God for giving me hope, love, peace, and understanding!

Saturday, August 12, 2017

What We Can look Forwrd To

As christians, we can look forward to the Lord bringing hope and peace into the world; His son, Jesus Christ, will come back to the earth to rule and reign for a thousand years, and we will be with Him, serving Him, helping to restore what was lost a long time ago, which will be a Kingdom of Peace, Love, and Light.

We can look forward to receiving everything that we have lost in our lives, endless joy and happiness, a sense of true fulfillment and a well deserved rest from fear, pain and suffering. It is deserved because we chose to believe in Him, we trust and obey Him, and He promises to give us everything that we need.

Being a follower of Jesus Christ engenders hope in our hearts, and that is what we will need to get through these days. He is our Rock and our Redeemer, so we must believe that everything we see happening right now is within His will; He will provide a way for His children to survive and even thrive in these hard times.

When you put your trust in Him, It will not be in vain; if you are afraid, come to Him now and confess how you feel, and He will replace your fears and worries with joy and peace. He will give you a lion's heart of boldness; you will be bold with courageous love, tenderness, and compassion. He will work miracles through you if you speak the words of faith, so proclaim His word into your situation, and give Him praise, and watch what He will do for you!

Friday, August 11, 2017

Servant Of The Most High God

Revelation 1:1

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John.

If you believe in Jesus Christ, if you count Him as your Lord and Savior, you are counted by Him as His servant, His ambassador of light and love to the lost and the forsaken, the unbelivers and the rebels, the ones that the Lord loves; He will not accept them as His own until they accept His son, Jesus Christ.

Being a servant in the House of the Lord means believing in Him, trusting in Him, and obeying Him; He has all of the answers and the resources for life and we have our bodies, our minds, and our will to do good in the world; when you and the Lord come together and agree to work with each other, there is a new light in this world of darkness, and another soldier is activated and prepared to fight on the battlefield in the army of the Lord.

How do you know that you are ready to fight? Many times we feel fearful or inadequate for the tasks that the Lord is commanding us to do, but we forget that He is not asking us to do these things with our own strength, He wants us to lean into His strength and watch Him manifest Himself within our daily lives and circumstances. People are not attracted to the ordinary but to the extraordinary; when they see a change in your life, when they see miraculous happenings in your everyday life, they have to stop at least for a moment and ask you, "How is that posstible? How did you come out of that situation? Who is the God that you serve?", and then you can tell them, it was not you, just point them to Jesus with your words, get yourself out of the way, and watch the Holy Spirit work in their hearts while you praise the Holy One Of Israel in your heart!

Is it worth being a servant of the Most High God? Yes!, and no one else will be able to take away the peace, joy, and happiness in your heart except you! Don't worry about what other people say or try to do to you, you have the God of Heaven on your side, and you will be victorious! Your job and mine is to show truth, love, and compassion to the world, even when some may stab you in the back or cause you real harm; that is when you must pray harder, louder, and deeper in front of your enemies, because the Lord will deliver you, and your enemies will be ashamed of what they did, and your heart will be healed and restored!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Take Your Hands Off It, Let Him Live In You!

We keep trying to do this this thing on our own, but it doesn't seem to work; we have our own ideas, our own agenda, we think we know better than the God of Heaven. What more can we do? Take Your Hands Off It, Let Him Live In You!

We are afraid, the world is changing so fast, wars and rumors of wars, disease and pestilence, violence and hate, pride and destruction; Where is God when we need Him?

In the darkness, a light appears, I hear a song of peace and joy; why is that person not afraid, what do they know that I do not know?

What is the answer? You must believe, believe in the one that God sent to us, believe in His Son, Jesus Christ. What happens when you believe?

You are saved, God forgives your sins, and the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of you; what is that i hear, a whisper from my heart? "Don't Be Afraid, I Am Here, Be at Peace."

So, what should you do when life's issues tries to flood you with defeat..... Take Your Hands Off It, Let Him Live In You!

When I See The Blood I Will Passover You....

Exodus 12:13 KJV

...And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.....

I would like to say that I am pleased with how my life is going, not because I am famous or rich, and I have had many setbacks in my life so far; I am pleased because I know that God loves me and He is willing to work with me and live through me so that His Name will get the Glory! He knows who I am, what I am capable of doing, and what is in my heart.

He cares about me; I am not perfect, and I could make a mistake at any time, but He sees beyond my limitations and is still very delighted by me. Why? Because I choose to believe in Him, I have faith in Him, and I accepted His son,Jesus Christ, as my Lord and Savior. If it sounds simple to you, it is; humanity tries to turn everything that it does into a complicated issue....

Look at all of the different religions in the world, the rituals and the tasks that these worshippers of other faiths have to do. They are so determined to do good deeds and endless rituals, trying to appease their God into accepting them, so that when they die, they may be given passage into heaven. We need to pray for the world and for unbelievers, that the veil of deception be lifted from their hearts, so that they can see the true God of Heaven, and be able and willing to accept Jesus Christ as the only way to eternal love, life, and peace.

God's answer to sin and eternal damnation is the death and ressurection of Jesus Christ, who died on a cross at calvary as a substitution for all of our sins; He has made us righteous, and whenever Father God looks upon us, He doesn't see our past mistakes and our flaws, He sees the Blood of the Lamb; Jesus's blood has been applied to us, we have been spiritually regenerated by the washing of the Blood of Jesus Christ. When God looks down upon the earth, He sees us as who we are, the Bride of Christ, and He sees what we will become in the future, holy and pure changed within a blink of an eye when Jesus Christ comes back for His church. He will defeat satan and his devils, and will come to rule and reign on the earth for a thousand years!

This is God's promise, that when you believe in Jesus Christ, you are His child forever and ever, and He will treat you with love and respect, He will guide you and protect you. You will receive His favor. When the time comes, everyone will know who is God's and who is a child of the devil; God's wrath will Passover you, but the judgement will never leave those who rebelled against Him and His holy word. He cares for you, so be at peace in these troubled times, He as has a plan for His children, just seek His face, and rest in Him, and be careful to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and never, ever let go of Him!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

I Need Thee Every Hour

I need thee oh I need thee
Every hour I need thee
Oh bless me now my savior
I come to thee.....(old song of praise)

When I am feeling down, I need thee
When I feel lost or alone, I need thee
When everyone else forsakes me, I need thee
I need thee just to survive.....

I can lift my hands in praise
and know that God, The Lord of the Universe
is listening to me. He has my best interests at heart.

I can pray to Him and know that He will answer me,
I can feel His presence in my heart.

He encourages me with His love, He fills my empty places,
and when He calls my name, I hear Him, and I listen for His commmands....

Where is the God of Heaven in your circumstances?
He is right there standing next to you, but you were not able
or not willing to see Him.

Ask Him now what you should do, and He will answer.
When He speaks to you, you must believe
that He exists, you must have faith, and when you accept
Him, Jesus Christ, as your Lord and Savior,
your life will never be the same!

Monday, August 7, 2017

How People Treat Each Other Is Essential

1 John 4:19-21

We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother.

I have been watching what is going on in america this year, and it is amazing! Last year was ridiculous, crazy and HOT..., but this year's issues seem to be the inability for all people everywhere to listen to each other, respect their views, and there is a lack of cooperation!

Everyone has their own opinion of what our society should be like, and they are unwilling to hear the counterpoint. The people in our government that we voted into office refuse to work with each other. Everyone is repeatedly stabbing the president of the united states in the back in an attempt to take down not just Him, but our entire government structure!

It amazes me that this country is working as well as it is, and that for me alone is a miracle; what should we do as citizens of the kingdom of God when we see such blatant disregard for each other in the world? It is time to start praying like you have never prayed before!

God is moving in the world like never before, and we as his children have to be completely connected to Him and be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. We must pray for peace, love, and cooperation to dominate on captial hill. We must try to cooperate with all the people in our lives, whether they are believers or non believers. Being a follower of Christ means living by His word, self sacrifice, and showing love and compassion to others.

You may work or interact with people who treat you with disdain because you love Jesus Christ; they may have authority over you, but you must know that this authority is just perceived authority, because the only one who has true authority over us is Jesus, and He wants you to follow His lead and not to worry about what others do or say about you. He will fight your battles for you, so just sit back, be kind and considerate to your adversaries even when they do hurtful things to you, and pray blessings over them. The Lord will deal with them when they don't respond correctly to His grace and mercy.

We in the body of Christ must lead by example, and we have to love and encourage each other and show the world what cooperating with each other is like. We have to get over denominational differences and stop arguing about scriptural interpretations, and begin to listen to each other. We must consider the value of what our brothers and sisters in Christ are saying about different issues, and then ask the Lord to confirm their point of view.

If we cannot work with each other, how can we expect the unbelievers to do so? We must fix our own house first before we can deal with the world's issues, because the world is watching us, and they don't believe we have the answer that they are looking for, because some christians don't truly believe much of what the bible teaches, and they are not hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Keep on praying mighty spiritual warriors of Christ, for that is the only way things will begin to change in the Body of Christ, and that is the way we can change the circumstances in the world, by seeking God's will for our lives, and then living them out for His Glory!

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Why I Love Sundays

Monday starts off the week, and we become motivated to do our tasks before the end of the week comes. Friday makes you aware that the the business for the week is almost over, and if you have things to do that need to be done before the weekend comes, you must do them right away! Saturday has a nice feel to it, it is the beginning of the weekend, and you might feel relaxed and do things that you want to do that you were not able to do during the week, but Sunday, Sunday is special......

Sunday is a day of relaxation for many, the day to prepare yourself mentally and physically before the new week begins. Many people have quiet times of reflection, they read the paper, or watch their favorite tv show. Some enjoy the outdoors, they go out to play, they go to the mall to shop, or to watch a movie. There are many things that can be done on Sunday, including staying in and sleeping all day long!

Why is Sunday so special to a christian? Because Our Lord, Jesus Christ, rose from the dead on this day, with all the power and authority given to HIm by His Father, The Lord Almighty, and that began the church age, healing and deliverance, salvation and redemption, love and mercy!

If Jesus Christ has not risen from the dead on that Sunday Morning, then I would have no hope, I would not know what true love or mercy is, I would not rise in the morning with a song in my heart and a loving greeting for my Father and my God, to feel the loving touch of His love in my heart.

Not Even the beauty of this world or the awesome majesty of the stars in the sky would be able to fill the emptyness of my heart. The endless struggle to live on planet earth, to get something of value before I die, would be a desperate act. I would see people as obstacles to conquer instead of having a desire to love and care for them. No amount of sex, drugs, alcohol, or things that I acquired could fill that hole, that void within my heart, but since there would be nothing else to fill that hole, because Jesus Christ had not risen from the dead to save me for Himself, I would party hard and do everything my heart desired, because I would know that this is all that I would have to look forward to, and then death and eternal separation for all those things that I put so much effort into possessing. Yes, that would be life without purpose or hope.

But, thanks be to God, Jesus Christ did rise from the grave that sweet Sunday Morning, and He did sacrifice Himself and died on the cross of Calvary for your sins and for mine. His atonement for my sins has set me free from sin and eternal death! I do have a future, and I will live with my Savior, Jesus Christ, in the presence of Father God, forever and ever with the Holy Spirit forever present in my heart! Thank you Jesus, for your ever loving grace and mercy, there is no one like you, and I will cherish you forever and ever! Hallelujah!!

That is why I love Sundays, because I take time to remember what He has done for me, and I remember to rest in Him, and to be led by Him in the spirit; Sunday is our day to praise His name and to give Him all the Honor, and the Glory, and the Praise. We are His children, and He is our Father forever....Amen!

If you would like to celebrate Sundays forever and ever in this way, then speak aloud this Prayer of Salvation:

Prayer of Salvation


I repent for trying to be master of my own life. I change my mind about who I want to be in charge of my life. I turn from my useless and unproductive thoughts that I am the center of my universe and choose to believe in the living God who created everything, including me (Acts 14:15). I have lived without a purpose but now I will live to hear and obey You, God (Jn. 5:19, 20,30).

I confess with my lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead. I believe that God so loved the world He sent His only Son Jesus to shed His blood to wash away the barrier of sin (Jn. 3:16)

I receive You, Jesus as MY Lord and Savior (Jn. 1:11,12).

I welcome You, Holy Spirit, into my life to rescue and empower me and to restore me to intimacy with my heavenly Father (Acts 2:38).

If you just confessed this prayer, you are saved! I welcome you into the family my (brother/sister) I pray for peace, joy, and happiness in your life as you allow the Lord to love you and bless you and give you assurance of everlasting life with Him forever and ever......PRAISE GOD!

May the Lord keep you and Bless you this day....AMEN

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Forgiveness Is A Decision

Matthew 6:14-15

For if I forgive people their trespasses [their reckless and willful sins, leaving them, letting them go, and giving up resentment], my heavenly Father will also forgive me. But if I do not forgive others their trespasses [their reckless and willful sins, leaving them, letting them go, and giving up resentment], neither will my Father forgive me my trespasses. [Forgiveness is a requirement. It is not an emotion or a feeling but a decision. It is not based on their deserving forgiveness any more than I deserved forgiveness. This does not mean I must trust the person. They must earn my trust. I choose to live in instant forgiveness!]

Everything action that we take comes as a result of a decision that we make; in our minds, we think about what to do, the pros and the cons, and then we decide what is the best thing to do. Forgiveness is one of the those internal decisions that we make because it seems to be the only solution that makes sense. The world's view of forgiveness is not the same as God's view on forgiveness; the average person would say that they could forgive a person if that person apologizes for what they did, or if that person does some type of action to resolve the issue; the Lord says that forgiveness is a necessary discipline that His children should practice everyday, because we often encounter people and situations that require a forgiving nature.

God wants us to forgive the people in our lives, the coworkers, the bosses, the stranger that pushed you aside in the street to get into the door ahead of you - all of these people are loved by the Lord just as He loves you, and He wants us to show grace and goodwill to everyone that we meet, because He shows grace and mercy to us everyday!

It is often hard sometimes to deal with people that always want to get their own way, regardless of the cost to the other people around them or what it will take to accomplish that goal. And what happens when they get what they want? Many times it works out and there are no big consequences, but when it doesn't work out and there are HUGE consequences, they will deny that their actions were the cause of the issue. These are people and circumstances that require a forgiving spirit; arguments and resentments will not solve the crisis and will only make the problem worse.

Bring your fears, anxieties, anger, sorrows, and resentments to the Lord; confess to Him how you feel and surrender all of your issues at His feet, and let Him heal you of the pain, and then watch as He changes the circumstances in your life and turn that problem into a victory; He will settle the score with your true enemy, the devil, who uses unbelievers to put obstacles and hardships into your life!

We need to show the love of God by forgiving others and by cooperating with them when necessary. We could go live on a mountain and forget the rest of the world; the Lord is requiring us to live in the world to show what true love is. That usually means that we will face trials and tribulations, and that someone will hurt our feelings; when that happens, we have the priviledge to take it to Jesus Christ, who will understand our every thought and our desire to be loved. He will fill us up with that love, and He will cherish us, guide us, and heal us of every ache and trial if we let Him!

(Jesus says) "Be at peace, my children, because I am here for you. No one will be able to have the victory ultimately over you, because when the enemy comes into your life like a flood, I will be there for you. Release those who have hurt you and forgive them, and I promise that I will forgive you!

Friday, August 4, 2017

Listening To Your Heart

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. James 1:19

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22

Listening is a wonderful attribute to have, we all need to listen to what God is saying to us, and then we need to obey His promptings in our hearts. We can overcome our circumstances when we move according to the Spirit; we can also be overcome by our desires and impure thoughts, but that is when we must bring our issues to God and ask Him to transform our hearts and minds. We need to get out of our own way and surrender our will to His, and when we position ourselves into God's way, He will give us the authority and the power to succeed!

I have learned that I should listen to those 'soft' promptings that come up from my heart, those 'soft' thoughts that come into my mind in certain situations. For instance, I was leaving my house, and I got a sudden thought that I should bring a full bottle of water with me as I walked to my destination. I had a bottle of water, but it wasn't full, in fact is was mostly empty. I dismissed the thought and left with the almost empty bottle because my destination was just down the street, and I reasoned, "I won't be long, so why should I bring a full bottle of water?"

Of course you know what happened - I was there in that office for at least 45 minutes, and I had to ask the lady that I was seeing if she had a bottle of water to give me, and she did. I left and came back home okay, because the lady had the bottle of water, and it was a hot and humid day. I should have listened to the 'soft' prompting from the back of my mind, which I know is the Holy Spirit, who oftens gives me these 'soft' promptings for my benefit and well being. He will guide you in the big picture of your life and in the little, ordinary things of life if you are willing to listen to him!

That is why listening to your heart is so necessary; the Holy Spirit transformed your spirit when you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and He lives in your heart, and all of the good things, the spiritual blessings will come from there, so be patient and listen for His promptings, and then when He gives them, remember to obey them!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Confirming Your Petition

1 John 5:14-15

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.

Learning how to pray can be an expression of your joy; as you grow in faith, your prayer life befores fuller, richer, more passionate and loving. You realize How much the Lord loves you and knowing that someone cares about you, the real you inside your heart, is breathtaking and refreshing. How could anyone not want to love a God who knows you so well, yet accepts you just the way you are?

Giving from the heart becomes a happy consequence of the Lord's acceptance of you. You will find that peace and fulfillment are the results, and that having the Lord in your life brings happiness and hope.

When you pray, ask the Lord to guide you into a deeper understanding of His will for your life; don't be afraid to share your heart with Him, and most importantly, ask Him for what you need, and then stand on the word of God and your faith in Him to guide you to the victory that you are asking for in your life!

When you declare victory before you see the manifestation of that victory, you are declaring to the Lord, to the world, to the entire universe that your God can do anything and that He will make a way for you! The devil and His demons will not be able to stand against you when you declare the victory and then turn it over to the Lord; you must be patient and wait for His timing and for His purpose for your life. Sometimes the answer comes quickly, and I know that it is a overwhelming experience to know that He is listening and that you can get your answer right away. I love it when He delivers quickly, but I am just as awestruck when He answers me at just the right time and in the correct series of consequences!

When you praise Him before the answer comes, you are confirming His right to be your leader and your guide, and you are declaring His power to do the extraordinary; we always say that we can handle our problems and our issues, but when we surrender it all to the Lord, we can see how He works from the spirit realm and how easy it really is for Him to solve the issues of our lives. Our problems tend to frustrate and weaken our resolve, but His tender care and love for us uplifts our spirits and gives us new life.

Be careful to give Him all the honor, the glory, and the praise for everything you do, for every situation that you find yourself in. It will help you to focus on Him and not the problem, and will set your mind to the 'victory mode' instead of the 'pity party' mode, and then you will appreciate what happens next, your victory given to you supernaturally from the heart of our God!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Living In The Place Of Contentment

1 Timothy 6:6-7 NIV

But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.

I am amazed by the testimonies that I read about or see in videos, about the tragedies, pains, and sorrows of ordinary people, and how they brought their worries and issues to the Lord, and by their faith and His will, they came out of those situations with victory in their hearts, in their souls, and their situations. The children of God are favored with His power and His love, which may seem like an unfair advantage that He has given us, but when you think of all the suffering, cheating, abuses, and back office deals going on here on planet earth on a daily basis, God's favor is the balancing point against all of these things, and in fact supercedes everything that the devil and his demons can do against you and me!

I am still learning about myself, still blinded by some weaknesses, very aware of the ones that I am not blinded to, and I walk in humility as I see my God work His will for my life into those weaknesses and issues and that He is still able to reap a fruitful harvest.

We need to ask the Lord to strengthen our resolve to live peacefully in this world, and that our lives become examples of true godliness; you know that you have spiritually matured when you suffer for doing right and being right, and there is nothing but peace and happiness in your heart!

Take all of your cares to Him, but also ask Him to make you a better christian, a better human being, and a good friend to the lost, the brokehearted, and the forsaken.

We all need to be bold with our love, to push past fear and low self esteem and seek our confidence and the power to do good things in the world from Him; He is an endless source of grace, love, and power, and when you finally realize just how much God loves you and how valuable you are to Him, you will never feel worthless again!

Ask the Lord to show you the breadth, the depth, and the length of His love for you, and be prepared to be amazed!

(Jesus says) I Love You I Have Wanted You Since Before The Foundation Of The World - I Suffered For You, So You Are Precious To Me - I Have Prepared A Place For You In My Father's House So That We Will Be Together For Always - That Is What Led Me To The Cross And That Is What Kept Me On It - That Is Why I Died For You - Trust Me In This - Ask Me To Show You How Much I Love You And You Will Be Truly Satisified With Me!

Philippians 4:12-13 NIV

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

I Promise To Love, Honor, And Obey........

I remember the old marriage vows because when I was a child watching tv shows in many of the wedding scenes these vows were repeated. If it was a sitcom, there would usually be some type of funny scene, where the bride would object to saying "love, honor, and obey...."; the world's view of marriage was changing, and the media was used to direct us all to the 'new normal'.

The marriage vows have actually evolved over time, and the reasons for why these vows were said have also changed. In the beginning of the christian church, people were aware that marriage was a picture of the relationship between Jesus Christ and His church, we who are called, The Bride of Christ. Marriage vows and ceremonies were considered sacred because the relationship between a man and woman was to be an example of the sweet and close union between Jesus Christ and His followers.

Ephesians Ch 5 21-33

Instructions for Christian Households

Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church — for we are members of his body. “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” This is a profound mystery — but I am talking about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

The Oldest Traditional Marriage Vows:

Groom: I,____, take thee,_____, to be my wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth.

Bride: I,_____, take thee,_____, to be my wedded Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.

The scriptures state that when christians marry, the man and the woman enter into a loving covenant with each other, which is binding until death. It is also a picture of the Blood Covenant between Jesus Christ and His Church, but this covenant goes beyond death, in fact it is a covenant that is everlasting! Jesus loved us so much that he was willing to give His life and His Blood to atone for our sins, and the only thing that He requires from us is to believe in Him, to Love, Honor, and Obey Him.......

It is truly an honor to know that the wedding covenant between a man and a woman points to the type of relationship that Jesus Christ has with His church; the wedding covenant is a way for God to show His children what type of relationship that He expects with us. It has been said that marriage is more helpful than harmful, to have a spouse, someone who has pledged to love you and cherish you, and to support you in your times of need. The Lord understood how hard life was going to be for us, and the wedding bond is an expression of sacrificial and selfless love.

It is sad to know that many marriages fall apart, and that christian marriages do not fare any better than secular ones. The Body of Christ has forgotten the wedding covenant is a sacred representation of Christ's love for us. When we become serious about this issue, when we are aware that this is something that God has ordained, and that it is a binding contract meant to last for a lifetime, then leaving when times are tough is out of the question, and we become willing to love each other with God's love.

Not only has the church forgotten how sacred and important marriage is to God, but they are unaware how they are to love each other in their marriage relationship. A man and a woman falls in love with each other, and they believe they are meant to be with each other, so the man proposes to the woman, and she accepts his ring and his proposal. They marry, and they believe that they have everything that they need to succeed in their marriage and in their lives together. It goes well for awhile, and then the issues of life pour in, and they begin to forget why they fell in love with each other in the first place, and not long after that, something major happens; they give up and divorce each other. What remains is anger, pain, and confusion because they don't know what went wrong.

The world does not have the best solution for a failed or failing marriage; God has always wanted His children to look to Him for all of their needs. He ordained marriage, but He also knew how hard it would be for a man and woman to keep that sacred bond if they do not allow Him to live in their hearts. Husband and wives should pray for each other, and encourage each other with the love of the Lord. They must allow the Holy Spirit to transform their hearts and minds, so that tenderness, compassion, and understanding becomes natural. What is missing in christian marriages is a surrender to the will, guidance, and love of God; we must go daily to Him for our daily bread, and for the strength to love ourselves and each other.

The Husband in the marriage vow represents Jesus Christ, that is why he is encouraged to love his wife with all of this heart, protect her and nuture her with selfless love, as a memorial to Christ's love for us. Jesus was willing to sacrifice everything, His heart and Blood to save us all, and that is the way a husband should feel toward His wife. The wife in the marriage represents the church, the Body of Christ, and she must love her husband with all of her heart, honor and respect him, and obey him. Obey means to be guided by him as God has made him the spiritual leader of the family and their household; we are not talking about obeying some tyrant dictator whom she must obey even has he uses and abuses her. This is leadership in love, as expressed by the word of God and as the Holy Spirit moves in the husband's heart.

Marriage was always to be considered a partnership between the man and the woman, just as there is a loving and perfect partnership and relationship between God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. It is an equal partnership, but God is the head of this trinity, and Jesus and the Holy Spirit allow themselves to be led by Him. It does not diminish their power or authority to be led by Father God, and the Father would never assert His authority selfishly over them, because He loves them with all of His heart and soul. That is how everyone should lead in whatever situation that they find themselves in, with love, compassion, and wisdom!