Saturday, November 12, 2016

Listen To Your Heart

It is amazing to me how much the world can change in just three days. We just had a major election in America this week; we voted for the next president elect and other regional offices, and now that the republican party has won the white house and the senate, everyone is in an uproar.

The republicans I assume are happy, even though they must know by now that they could not have won this election without divine intervention, as their own party was in a shambles; that was the reason that Trump was able to win the nomination in the first place. Yes, I believe they are pleasantly surprised.

The democrats are sorely disappointed, because they had this vision of what a woman, and a Clinton in the white house would mean for them; if she would have been elected, it would have continued the trek the country was taking into more chaos and apostasy. The idealists were willing to ignore Her problems in the past, and let her continue to rule the country as she saw fit.

Now that our system of democracy was has worked as it was designed to do, there are protests all around the country, people expressing their hate and rage through property damage and insurrections. California is working on leaving the union, and many people dream of moving to Canada. This is the true state of our country.

I remember voting in many elections in the past, and having to deal with presidents I did not elect, and making do with what was mandated by the majority in this country, and I would never have thought of hurting other people or destroying their property just because I didn't get my own way - Welcome To The End Times On Planet Earth.

Over three months ago, the Lord told me to start this blog, to write about what was in my heart, to share what I have learned as He discipled me in love, faith, patience, and courage. In love, because I did not know how to love like He loves, because I had never experienced love like He gives to me every day, because I needed to know how to love others, even when they could not love me, or they rejected me.

In faith, because I had to learn how to get rid of the deep seated fears that were embedded deep within my heart and soul, to learn how to trust in Him; the years He invested in helping me with my worries and anxieties, so that I would look to Him for my rest and peace.

In patience, because I had told Him many years ago that I would follow Him and that He could do whatever was necessary to make me a better person and christian, and how that meant I would have to obey Him, and trust Him in whatever situation I was in; He was there with me, helping me, guiding me, and comforting me.

In courage, because living the life of a christian in this world is not easy, and when people and circumstances tried to break me down, I learned to seek His face and worship in His presence, and be filled with joy and happiness, even if the circumstances that I found myself in were not the ones I would have chosen for myself.

What did Paul say we should do in every situation that we find ourselves in?....

Philippians 4:10-13

I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last you renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

When I chose to believe in Jesus Christ and make Him my Lord and Savior, I chose to live according to the precepts found in the bible, and to follow His lead by the promptings of the Holy Spirit. That also means following my heart in the most difficult of situations, and doing things that I may not like or want, because I know that He is prompting me to do so, and that He sees the bigger picture. He knows what will happen to me and He knows what is best for me. In the times we live in, we must be content with what the Lord tells us to do, and we will have to come out of our own comfort zones, and start proclaiming the word of God to our friends, neighbors, and coworkers, for we are definitely, officially in the last days, and the world needs to know about Jesus Christ.

There is now a Jewish rabbi who is calling upon Trump to help the Jewish people build the third Jewish temple in Jerusalem, and many christian commentators are depicting Trump as the modern day Cyrus, who was a Persian King in the old testament, that was appointed by God to release the Jewish people from captivity, so that they could return to Jerusalem and build the second Jewish temple. Many people have said in the past that God does not exist, and that even if He did exist, that He does not care about humanity, and that He has never interfered in our affairs. The truth is that God has always been here, right from the start, leading His little ones, His children in the way they should go, even when they did not want Him in their lives. He will not allow this world to be destroyed utterly by His enemy, the devil and the devil's followers, those who choose to reject the word of God, and God's legitimate authority over His creation and over the human race

If you are prompted by the Holy Spirit to do something you wouldn't ordinarily do, don't fight it, just tell the Lord how you feel about the situation, and then ask Him to give you the strength and courage to obey Him and follow His lead, for we are His children and His servants in the world, and He wants us to give of ourselves, and to share His message of love. He will give you the courage to face the people in the world who will ignore you, or persecute you. His peace will come upon you, and you will find rest in His presence, so keep on living, keep on praying, and keep on sharing your testimony to everyone you meet.

May the Lord keep you and Bless you this day....AMEN

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