Sunday, December 11, 2016

The Kings And Queens Of God Part Two

Many times in the bible you will notice that the people or persons of God are given specific names; they are named by God when they are born, or the Lord changes their name later in their life when they begin their ministry. Many of these people of God were prophets, or kings, priests and ministers, and all were servants, dedicated to the purposes of God. You should not be surprised that the name that was given to you shows the purpose of your life. I know that your parents believe they were the ones to name you; if you ask them about how they named you, they may tell you that they looked at many names and none of them seemed to resonate until they saw the name that they gave you. Divine inspiration often takes the form of a feeling in someone's heart, or a vision of revelation.

When Jesus Christ came into the world, He was born into a family of lowly stature, a carpenter's son. He was not born in a palace, or in a rich man's home; in fact, He was born in a manger. In God's wisdom, the savior of the world was given the freedom to grow in a family and in a place uncorrupted by political power and fame, unnoticed by the 'powers that be' so that He could focus on His family and on God, and what His father wanted Him to accomoplish in this world. When you find yourself in an unusual place, don't think it is because the Lord doesn't love you or care about you, ask Him what is His purpose for your life in that situation.

Jesus grew up to inherit the power and authority of God, the same power and authority He laid down when He agreed to be born into this world as a man, the Son of Man. He lived like any ordinary human being, except He never sinned or gave into temptation. He obeyed His father, and fulfilled the scriptures exercising His power and authority by helping other people. He healed them, proclaimed the word of God, interceded for them in prayer, and with words of faith delivered them from demon possession, hopelessness and despair.

His greatest deed was to allow Himself to be crucified on a cross, to die for our sins and transgressions, to allow Himself to be used as a substitute so that His Father, Our God, could pour out His wrath and indignation upon all the sinful words, thoughts, and acts that had been done in the past, and that would be done in the future. Once His Son paid the penalty for our sins, He became Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, The Prince of Peace, Our Comforter, Our Deliverer, and the greatest Hero that we will ever know.

It is the Blood of the Lamb Of God that sets us free, and makes us whole. In order for Jesus to be the perfect sacrifice, He had to be sinless and willing to give up His life for us. This was not an easy choice, but He was willing, and able to do so because of His love for His father and for us: He had created us in the beginning, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and He was not willing that the people He loved would be lost forever, separated from God and from His love. And so the Creator of the world came down to earth to live with us, guide us, fellowship with us, express His love to us, and then die for us. What and awesome, loving God!

So, who are we to Him? We are His children, His little ones that He loves, we are His redeemed, citizens of the kingdom of God, His beloved that He loves passionately, the same passion that drove Him to the cross. We are Kings and Queens, priests and servants forever to minister in the presence of God Almighty, giving sacrifices of praise, love and gratitude forever and ever. He will share His love and His universe with us, we are destined to rule with Him, to be guided by His wisdom, to experience peace and joy every day of our lives. How can anyone deny that His plans for us are beyond anything we could ever hope for or imagine!

When Jesus came to the earth, He proved that He was the Messiah, the savior of the world. He was the perfect man, human and god in the flesh. He was a prophet, interpreting the word of God correctly with words of wisdom. He was a priest, interceding for His people, in prayer and fellowship with God, And He is The king of Kings, and Lord of Lords, His royal inheritance, given by rights as the son of David, and by His sacrifice on the cross. The Lord gave Him the name that is above every name, power, and principality; no other name is higher, and He will rule the earth with God's approval and authority.

Now that we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we are in Christ; that means we have the same authority that He has. We are His representatives in the earth, and we have everything we need accomplish His purposes for our lives. We are prophets, priests, and kings, we have been ordained into the royal priesthood of Melchizedek. Remember that we when God sees us now, He does not see us as we are in world today, He sees His Son, Jesus. We are righteous in His eyes, not because we are perfect or deserving, but because we chose to accept His gift of salvation, the loving sacrifice of Jesus Christ. He will never turn away a son or daughter who receives His gift, and He will share everything with us, because that is what He always wanted to do when this whole story began!

His story is now our story, and this story will end triumphantly, with evil and the devil defeated, and love and joy will fill this world and the universe forever and ever; peace and joy will be our everlasting inheritance! Thank you God, for your grace, wisdom and mercy. No one else could have done as well as you, this great plan of salvation for your children, the new life you have put into our hearts and minds. You are worthy to be praised, and I am honored to be called your daughter and the little one that you love. Glory Be To Thy Name Forever And Ever! AMEN

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