Saturday, October 29, 2016

When God Says No, There Is A Reason

I woke up this morning after having a wonderful dream, and in the dream I saw myself in the mirror, I was wonderfully dressed and looking beautiful; I was supposed to go somewhere, but I was still hesitant and concerned about my appearance. The person who was with me assured me that I was fine and that I looked well. Also, in another part of the dream, I found myself 'gardening', I was spraying the gardens of people's home with water from a hose, and the neighborhood was green and lush. As I woke up, God told me that everything was going to be alright.

In many times in my life, God has had to reassure me and to let me know that He loves me, and that He will never leave me or forsake me. It is never easy to live the christian walk, when everyone around you is living the way they want to live and they seem content in what they do. They often seem to have 'luck' or 'favor' on their lives; I've seen people get their own way on the job, in everyday circumstances, in bad situations, and on the streets. If I didn't know any better, I would think that doing BAD is better that doing GOOD.

Just thinking about the providence of God makes me smile. He gives us what we need to survive in this world, and He understands our wants. He doesn't always give us our wants, because He knows what is best for us. We may be born again believers, filled with the Holy Spirit and power, we may be master prayers and stellar worshipers, but we always have to be mindful that we still have to wrestle and deal with our fleshly nature.

We often have thoughts and impulses that are not Godly; some of the thoughts come from our inner desires, and some of them come from the enemy. We are constantly being bombarded by messages that stimulate those desires, that is why we need a constant diet of the Word of God and the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit to resist them. Sometimes we have to let go of some of those wants and desires because they come in conflict with the will of God for our lives.

God has shown me what His will is for my life, and it was interesting in that some of what He wants me to do I would have never thought to do for myself, and I was hesitant to believe that I could do it; that is why His constant reassurance is helping me to go through the steps necessary to accomplish His goals for my life. I've learned I have to see myself the way God sees me, so that my circumstances don't overwhelm me. He knows that I have the ability to be a force of good in this world; when I took the first step the Lord helped by keeping me upon the path that He has for me, and He helped me to stay focused on Him and not on my daily issues; He gives me rest when I need it in His presence.

When God says no to your requests, It means He as a better way, a better solution to the problem. You may have great plans for your life, and His plans may be different from your own; He may want you to do things that you never would believe you could do, but in the end if you follow His lead, you will found peace and joy in your heart, and you will accomplish more with His spirit and guidance that you would ever be able to do on your own.

It may look like everyone else around you have perfect lives, and they may seem happy, but you never really know what is in a person's heart unless the Lord reveals it to you. There are many famous people, celebrities, politicians and potentates, living lives of luxury and power, showing the world what it is like to live by the world's standards; these are the same standards the give 1 percent of the population everything they ever wanted while the rest of the world scrambles to survive on what's left. They look content and fulfilled, until you start to examine their lives from God's point of view.

Let the Lord guide you when examining your own life, and He will show you that you have just as much power and influence in your life and in the lives of the people around you as you need to fulfill God's plans for your life. You are a child of the Most High God, and your inheritance pales beyond the paltry billions of dollars a few people in this life have acquired; all the finer things in life will one day be destroyed by sin, war, greed and the passage of time. His grace and mercy shall never be destroyed, and when you have the favor of God on your life, no one will be able to stop you from fulfilling your destiny.

Psalm 138:3

“In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul.”

May the Lord keep you and Bless you this day....AMEN

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