Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Hands That Rocked The Cradle

Jeremiah Chapter 1 verse 5

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

The Lord has always known you, from the very moment you were conceived, to the moment of your birth, and the moment you said your first word, probably 'mommy' or 'daddy'. He created you, He gave you to your parents as a gift of love, and they were to be your surrogate parents in the world, to raise you righteously in the presence of God, to get to know Him so that you may make the decision to believe in Him and become His disciple, a child of the living God.

That is why it is so painful to God, when we choose to turn our back on Him and go our own way, when women choose to abort their babies, for these 'fetuses' are not just a mass of worthless tissues to Him, He formed those children in the womb to be His children, to love and fellowship, and worship Him forever in perfect peace and harmony; there can be no higher calling for humanity than to have a close relationship with the One who made them.

Every child that has lost their life in this world, whether through abortion or through other tragic situations that happen in this world everyday, God had a purpose for them. He never throws anything or anyone away who could be useful to Him. He loves His children, all of us, but He knows who will believe in Him and love Him, and He knows who will rebel and never come to Him. This thought makes things seem fixed, as though the Lord chose who He would love as His own and who He would reject, but He gives everyone a chance to come to Him.

Everyday, He sends His Holy Spirit into the world, expressing His love by spreading the Word of God far and wide; His servants, the pastors, preachers, teachers, and evangelists are moved by the Holy Spirit to proclaim His love, grace and mercy, and His prophets serve as watchmen to illuminate the word of God and to encourage His followers to keep walking the path that God has laid out for them.

The times are coming when the word of God will not be proclaimed as it is now, because of persecution and misunderstandings; the people who want to destroy the concept of God and live a Godless existence are now pushing harder than ever to force their point of view down our throats. They are not willing to see what happens to people and societies who exist without God, without hope. The world is falling apart literally at the seams, and they are in deep denial as to the cause. They want everyone to believe that if we just believe in ourselves and let everyone live their life as they see fit, without God's standards of living, that all these problems in the world would will just disappear, and melt away.

I am often amazed by some people who are desiring to leave this world to travel to some distant star and start up a new society, the perfect utopia, without God and without the troubles of this world. What they don't realize is that even if they had the means and the resources to travel to another world and start over, it would never work because the same problems that they would be leaving behind here on planet earth, will reappear quickly on this 'new earth'; the problems they would be trying to leave behind is within their own hearts.

Without the knowledge and wisdom of the Word of God, without the promptings and the power of the Holy Spirit, without God's love and mercy, we cannot hope to escape the problems that we have in this world. It is God's power, mercy, and grace that makes a difference in people's hearts, that changes their minds, that saves their souls. We replenish our spirits with His loving presence, and receive the confidence and hope for a better world, a better kingdom in the near future, when Jesus Christ comes back for His church, and defeats the powers of darkness, and reclaims this world for the Lord.

There is a hope for the future, but not in the 'wisdom' of man, nor in the belief that man does not need God to solve their problems; man has survived this long not because of their cleverness or their scientific advances, but because God has allowed them to so that He may recover all His children who wish to be saved and live in His kingdom, and to proclaim the Gospel of Grace to the rebellious ones, so that they may have a chance to survive and know true peace and a loving existence with Him, and so that no one on the day of judgement can accuse a righteous God of not giving humanity a chance to repent and to come to know Him.

There is coming a great revival, one that will shock and amaze the unbelievers, and give everyone all over the world a chance to come to know My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit will move in mighty and powerful ways; miraculous healings, impossible conversions to Christ, the mending up of broken hearts too low to even believe in themselves or in love, the repentance of truly rebellious and evil hearts that thought only for their own safety and survival, who will come and give graciously to everyone and proclaim that Jesus Christ is lord! You will see a breakout of love and power and grace that will encourage all of His believers and will give us the boldness to stand for Him, the One who was pierced for our transgressions and who died for our sins. And the Lord will defeat the powers of darkness as the world plunges deeper into war, madness, and hate.

When you start to see these things, happen, my brothers and sisters, know that the time is near for Jesus Christ to come, and rejoice in His loving mercy; He will redeem us and the world will be left with very few choices; they must come to Christ and believe while they suffer under the devil's brutal struggle and war against God and His people, or live without hope or any chance of redemption.

Please pray that His Spirit will transform our lives and the lives of the those living in fear and confusion, already suffering for the mistakes of those who are in power, who have destroyed their hopes and dreams, and given them nothing but ashes, lies, and a meager existence at best; please pray for their deliverance from evil and that they will be led to see the light of Jesus Christ shining within our hearts and within the world. It is He who can give them grace, mercy, redemption, and peace, as citizens of the kingdom a God; the true hope for the new world that the Lord will bring in His Son, Jesus Christ.

May the Lord keep you and Bless you this day....AMEN

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