Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Peace of Christ

Philippians 4:6-7

do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

It is plain to see the world needs more love, compassion, and peace. Many people are saying that the only way to peace is to allow everyone the freedom to live as they wish, and to abolish religion and religious practices. So much of the world's problems are being blamed on religion and the belief in God. The free thinker believes that free expression of every thought and desire is what's necessary to bring about a peaceful world existence.

Humanity has had it's way in the world for thousands of years, and it has developed many customs and cultures, we have advanced ourselves thorough science and technology, and have tried to let go of the God 'myths' of our ancestors, which some see as backwards and superstitious .

There have been successful attempts in some countries to abolish belief in God, and the results were not what the leaders of these movements were expecting. It seems that darkness ruled and reigned unchecked in these lands, and people lost their sense of love, compassion, and hope. Crime and corruption increased, and many found that their freedom to do as they wished without true love or wisdom could not fill the vacuum in the hearts. The problem was that these leaders did not understand the true nature of the universe.

God created man to exist in this universe; He gave us a body, a heart and a mind, inhabited by a spirit. We are shaped by our parents, by knowledge, by environment, and by the promptings of the Holy Spirit. God is a spirit and He exists in a spiritual environment, but He also exists in our universe. He is shaping the way people live, by influencing our behavior and actions. He is omniscient, all powerful, and He has the ability to cause peace or war, love and compassion, hope and peace.

God has never wanted war, but He will not allow His people to be utterly destroyed by the forces of evil; evil is manifested in people's hearts and minds when they refuse to live by God's standards; they want to live anyway that they please, and often continue to live this way even when it is clear that these ways lead to destruction, pain, and anxiety.

When a society decides to abandon God, they often believe that they have left good and evil behind to form a new era of peaceful coexistence without the entanglements of standards or moral obligations; what really happens is that they forsake goodness and love and embrace selfishness, pride, and greed to its highest form of expression. Just because you throw out good or good moral intentions doesn't mean evil disappears, in fact you increase the hold of evil in the environment so that it is impossible to get rid of it without serious divine intervention.

The will to do good or evil are encoded into the very fabric of our minds and hearts; it is because of this that Jesus Christ had to come into the world; He chose to sacrifice himself on the cross to pay the debt we could not pay for our sins and transgressions against God's universal standards. These standards are perfect in every way and they would foster the peaceful coexistence we so desire if we had the will and the ability to do so on our own.

Romans 14:17-19

For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Whoever thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men. So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.

True peace comes when we realize our own inability to solve our problems, and look to God for the solution that He provided, Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Once He becomes apart of our lives, we find peace and rest in His love, and He is present in our hearts.

If every person in the world had that presence in their hearts and minds, we would see dramatic changes in the way people felt about themselves and each other; no one would be interested in war, and everyone would be want to share what they had with each other and begin to repair the damage done to this world and what we have done to each other. This is why Jesus Christ is coming back, to bring real peace to the world, and to punish those who will never live by God's standards.

So, please pray that more people will come to know Him and His goodness, and pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and for the reawakening of the world to the real force of peace in this universe, Jesus Christ.

May the Lord keep you and Bless you this day....AMEN

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