Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Story Of Life

Genesis chapter 1 versus 1-5

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

My sweet and precious God had a thought one day; He said to the Son and the Holy Spirit, "I would like to have children, born and created in our image. I would like to create a world where they would live, and I want to populate it with trees and animals, and all sorts of beautiful things. what do you think?" The Son and the Holy Spirit liked that thought, in fact they loved that thought and they quickly came into agreement, "yes, let's make some children that we can love and communicate with and shower them with our grace and mercy. We think having a large family to love is good."

And so, God asked the Word and the Holy Spirit to hover above the place that would be formed into the earth, He asked them to speak it into existence, the Word thought about what He wanted, and He spoke it. The Holy Spirit gave witness to this creation and contributed His love and mercy and power into those words, and behold the earth took shape and became a planet.

And the Word spoke again, and life appeared on this world, fish and mammals, bugs and insects, flower, plants, and trees, and they saw that is was good, that it was beautiful. They spoke the moon into shape, and added the stars and the the other planets, and they saw that it was good. They formed the land where the plants, the creatures and humanity would live. They made the oceans and separated the water from the land. They encouraged the plants to grow and thrive and produce seeds and fruit, they encouraged the animals to reproduce themselves and to multiply in the earth, and they said to themselves that the results were good.

"Now", said God, "it is time to create our children". God took a handful of the dirt from the earth, it was clean and pure and smelled sweet in his nostrils, and he formed a man. Once, that was done, He looked toward the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit came into the man like a soft breeze He blew into the man's nostrils and gave Him life. The man opened His eyes, and got up from the ground, and found himself in the presence of his Maker, the Almighty God, The Word of God, and The Holy Spirit. He looked around at this beautiful place, this garden and said "who am I?" God answered, "you are my son, you are a man, and I will call you Adam". Then adam asked, "who are you?" and God answered, "I am your father, The Almighty God, and this is My Son, and The Holy Spirit, and we just created you, formed you out of the dirt from the ground, we breathed life into you because we want you to live here in the garden that we have created for you."

Adam looked around and was pleased by what he saw, the plants, the trees, the flowers, the animals; it was green and lush and full of life; it was perfect, paradise. "I like it a lot", said adam. Then He began to ask about the wonderful creatures that were walking, and talking, and running all around Him, and the Lord brought all the animals to him to see what he would call them. Thus, a new life form was created in the universe, one that could communicate with God, and could think creatively like God, and could express his emotions like God, and could love his Creator just like He, the Creator of the universe, loved him.

It was all new and beautiful, and in perfect balance. It was everything the Lord wanted it to be, and it was good. He was glad on the seventh day when He rested to sit back and look upon his creation with love and satisfaction. It was a beginning, and it was filled with grace and mercy, for in the back of God's mind, was the thought of what would happen in the future to this great creation of His, this lovely, beautiful place, and the price He would have to pay to save it.

For, you see, when God, The Son, and the Holy Spirit, decided to make the earth and to create man, they knew what that would mean, they knew the cost for having children like these would be high, to give so much of themselves to these children, build them a home, breathe the everlasting and eternal spirit into their souls, a spirit just like them that would never die. Man was given a heart, a mind, a body, and a will to decide for themselves what they would want and to decide what they should do. They knew the danger in giving man free will, but they wanted to give this new life form the choice to decide if they would live in God's kingdom and abide by His will and His standards, or choose to go their own way.

And so, God created man, and then a little later, he made a woman out of man, for man's benefit so that He could relate to someone other than the animals, someone just like himself, and so that they could reproduce themselves and fill the earth with more children. God knew that it was right and that is was good; unfortunately this good and perfect life didn't last for long. God gave them everything they could ever want or need, but He also put in the Garden the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and the tree of life; He told mankind not to touch or eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and He warned them of the consequences of choosing to do so, which was spiritual and physical death. He waited, and watched the drama unfold as He knew that it would unfold.

As we all know, our ancestors, adam and eve, made a tragic mistake, and listened to the serpent, the enemy's manifestation of himself in the garden, and allowed themselves to be misled, to be filled with pride, with a selfish and rebellious spirit, and they believed the serpents lies, and ate the forbidden fruit. They thought that they would become gods, just like their Creator, and all that really happened was that they became aware of their own sin. They became frightened, and dismayed; the knowledge that they received did not give them anything more than what they already had, except for the knowledge that they were now weak, tarnished, and broken vessels, not fit anymore for the Glory of God. This made them sad and afraid, and they knew they had sinned and that punishment was sure to follow . They tried to hide their sin, by sewing leaves together and covering their bodies, because the Glory that used to cover them was gone.

When the Lord finally came into the garden, to speak to His children, He came with a sense of disappointment, even though He had known the choice that they would make, but He also came with a sense of hope, because He knew that even though his children's lives were about to change for the worse, He also knew that He had a solution for their problem, and that He would save adam and eve, and every other child that came after them, the ones who wanted to be saved and to live in His kingdom. So, while it hurt Him to have to punish them, He knew that in the end they would be saved and that His children would come out of the sorrows and tribulations of life, with a sense of awe and gratitude for the God of Heaven, who loved them so much He that sacrificed His Son for their sins.

From humble beginnings, man was thrown out of the garden of eden into the world, to live, to shape, to develop the world into his own image. He was given the tools and the ability to earn a living for himself, because he disdained what the Lord could do for him. For many thousands of years, the Lord allowed man to go his own way, and the result was violence, evil, and corruption, so much so that the Lord had to bring a flood upon the earth to purify it.

He saved 8 people, the only people left on the earth that heeded His word, and who wanted to live by God's standards, and with some animals, they repopulated the earth. All of Noah's children and grandchildren knew the true story about why the flood came and destroyed everything and everyone on the earth, but it didn't take long for these children and grandchildren to abandon God again, and go their own way. They started worshiping the creation instead of the Creator, and spoke words of hate and indifference to the God of Heaven. In fact, they built a tower to reach to the heavens so that they could confront God and destroy Him. He allowed them to think that they had succeeded until the day He came down with His angels, and confused their language, and made them stop building the tower and made them spread themselves throughout the earth.

In all these events and circumstances, God still found it in His heart to love these rebellious and selfish people, and He found the patience to deal with these people kindly, people who had no intention in their hearts to love Him or obey Him, because He knew that one day, He would reap of harvest of true believers, ones who would love Him with all their hearts and minds, and who would obey Him. It could not have been easy, even for my God, to see all the violence and hate, and the repeated violations of His standards by the children He would always love, but He was able to bear the burdens of having these children, even to the sacrifice of His Only Son on the cross, to save His little ones. Now, that is a God to love and admire!

Thousands of years after Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, mankind has lived in a dispensation of grace, a time of healing and forgiveness, a time of loving intervention into the hearts and minds of men; God lovingly wooing his children to come to Him and to be redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb. His sacrifice makes it possible for his wayward children to be saved, so they will not suffer the shame of being cast out from God's presence and to exist forever in the place of hopelessness and torment, for the Lord will not allow evil or corruption to exist in His presence or in His kingdom. He is patiently waiting for all of His little ones, the ones that love Him, to be ushered into His presence, to receive their citizenship, to be adopted into the family of God. And now, the time is coming very rapidly, when the last child will be saved and the harvest time will be over.

How do I know that it is almost over? Jesus said "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man"....(Matthew ch 24:37). In the days of Noah, there was widespread violence, evil acts, and corruption; no one wanted to live by God's standards, many pretended that He did not exist. They made their own gods and their own customs, people robbed and stole from each other on a regular basis. People had no respect for anyone except themselves, and there was very little love to be found, for love in that type of atmosphere would have been considered a weakness. Does any of this sound familiar?

In the world today, there is a sense of fear, confusion, and anger. Everyone is aware that something is terribly wrong, but no one seems to have the solution that would fix it all. Some believe they do have the solution, and that is to forget the past, forget God, go your own way, make new customs that will make the old customs obsolete and insignificant. They want everybody to do their own thing, have sex outside of marriage, have as many boyfriends or girlfriends as you want. Marry whoever you want, women with women, men with men, whatever you want. Friends with benefits are a good thing, and adultery is not a sin. Are you pregnant? No problem, a simple operation will take care of that, and then we will dispose the 'tissue' . Divorce doesn't hurt families or children, we should be able to do anything that we want, as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else.

Corruption is rampant and widespread; Banks manipulating people's money any way they wish (Wells Fargo), big national and multinational companies being allowed to manufacture chemicals and wastes that pollute the ground and our precious water supplies(florida's hell), nuclear energy, the bright hope of the future, now polluting our seas and killing all the sea life and no one is capable of doing anything about it or will even acknowledge that it is happening (Fukushima nuclear plant explosion and the death of the Pacific ocean), deluded and inept politicians and the corrupt political state, hatred and racism boiling over into our laps, and the love of most is growing cold. People are worshiping themselves or their own gods, and they are dragging the rest of the world behind them deep into error, violence, and sin, for they demand that everybody else worship the same way, by widespread manipulation or death.

My brothers and sisters, it is time to wake up and realize what time it really one can dispute that there needs to be a change in the world and that it has to happen right now. What the world refuses to realize and accept is that they cannot save this world. God has given them ample time to come to the realization that their corrupt thinking will destroy them, has destroyed them, is destroying them. It is actually already too late to change what is coming, and the judgment that is coming will be totally and completely justified, because God has given mankind everything he needed to make this world a wonderful and beautiful place to live, and He has never succeeded in doing so, will never succeed in doing so without God.

Now is the time for we, His children, to rise up and be counted for the kingdom, and do everything we can to save as many people as possible from the coming judgment. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and for the coming harvest of the children of Jacob, His beloved ones. Pray for the safety and sanctity of the Body of Christ; pray that His church will wake up from its slumber and start asserting itself into the affairs of the world, to declare the Word of God, so that this harvest will be large and wide. Pray to have boldness in your heart, and the courage to stick by God's standards no matter what the cost will be. Pray for peace and serenity in your heart, as we all bear the coming trials and tribulations . I will pray for you and please pray for me.

We have a lot of work to do for this coming harvest, so I pray that God will give us all the strength to do His work and to follow His will for our lives. I pray for peace and happiness for you all, because the joy of the Lord is our strength.

Thank You Jesus, for loving us so much and for never giving up on us, for loving us with all your heart and soul, and strength. You are a mighty God, my sweet Savior, I love you and no one will ever take your place in my heart!

Hallelujah! Praise god!

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