Monday, September 19, 2016

The Glory of God

The glory of God is the external manifestation of His being; it is something that appears ( Exod 16:10 ), is revealed ( Isa 40:5 ), or can be seen ( Num 14:22 ). It is also something that can be felt, from His spirit to your spirit. He has manifested Himself in various ways in the past, and is usually felt deepest in worship and prayer. When you usher in the Presence of God, His Glory fills the room and ultimately your heart.

Without the revelation of the Glory of God, there cannot be any peace in your heart; it is His presence that makes living as citizen of the Kingdom of God so meaningful and precious. When you spend time with Him, you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He exists and that He loves you. When you give your heart and mind to Him, and put His will above your own, there is reassurance of protection and providence. All your problems seem small and insignificant beside His grace and mercy.

When you acknowledge His Lordship over your life, He will manifest His Glory in your everyday life situations, and when you trust in Him and obey His will for your life, your example of love and obedience brings glory to Him. Everything that He has promised to do for you in your life will come to pass; we show the world that we trust Him as we wait patiently for His promises to be fulfilled.

Waiting is never easy; you may have feelings of doubt or fear; the pressures of trying to live a godly life while everyone else is doing their own thing can be uncomfortable. You often have to deal with negative criticisms from the people in your life, and there will be mockers who not only doubt or disbelieve the word of God, but also have no confidence in you.

That's okay, because even if everybody in the world doesn't believe in you, The God of Hosts, The King of Kings, and Lord of Lords believes in you; in fact He loved you so much that He sacrificed Himself on a cross to redeem you from your sins, and He took upon himself the sins of the whole world. Seek your comfort in the One who loves you beyond all human understanding.

Philippians ch 4 4-7

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

When God manifests His Glory, He is projecting His nature and character into your situation, and He will give you a clear revelation of His thoughts and desires for your life. You can get everything you need by following His son, Jesus Christ, and by allowing the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to shape your thoughts, your feelings, and your heart.

Just trust His nature, and His words to conform you into His Son's image; allow the love of God to heal your bruises, and take away your sorrows, and you will receive joy, peace, and a positive outlook for today, for tomorrow, and for the future.

Peace and Joy is yours, if you believe in His Son, Jesus Christ. There is no other solution in the world that can compare to his mercy and grace. Keep seeking His Love, His Providence, His Glory in your life, and you will receive the healing, the answer, the manifestation of His Glory that will change the very atmosphere in your being and in that circumstance you find yourself in.

If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your savior, please accept Him while you can and pray this simple prayer:

Prayer of Salvation


I repent for trying to be master of my own life. I change my mind about who I want to be in charge of my life. I turn from my useless and unproductive thoughts that I am the center of my universe and choose to believe in the living God who created everything, including me (Acts 14:15). I have lived without a purpose but now I will live to hear and obey You, God (Jn. 5:19, 20,30).

I confess with my lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead. I believe that God so loved the world He sent His only Son Jesus to shed His blood to wash away the barrier of sin (Jn. 3:16)

I receive You, Jesus as MY Lord and Savior (Jn. 1:11,12).

I welcome You, Holy Spirit, into my life to rescue and empower me and to restore me to intimacy with my heavenly Father (Acts 2:38).

If you just confessed this prayer, you are saved! I welcome you into the family my (brother/sister) I pray for peace, joy, and happiness in your life as you allow the Lord to love you and bless you and give you assurance of everlasting life with Him forever and ever......PRAISE GOD!

May the Lord keep you and Bless you this day....Amen

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