Thursday, August 25, 2016

Why is forgiveness so essential for a healthy christian lifestyle?

Matthew 6:14-15

For if I forgive people their trespasses [their reckless and
willful sins, leaving them, letting them go, and giving up
resentment], my heavenly Father will also forgive me.
But if I do not forgive others their trespasses [their
reckless and willful sins, leaving them, letting them go,
and giving up resentment], neither will my Father forgive
me my trespasses. [Forgiveness is a requirement. It is not
an emotion or a feeling but a decision. It is not based
on their deserving forgiveness any more than I
deserved forgiveness. This does not mean I must trust
the person. They must earn my trust. I choose to live in
instant forgiveness!].

Forgiveness is an important aspect of christian life. We live on a fallen world, and that means human nature tends to be negative and selfish. Our behavior may at times hurt other people. When you know that you have hurt someone, it's best to apologize right away, because little hurts that are not taken care of grow into bigger hurts, and by then it will be much harder to fix the problem.

If someone has hurt you, and they never apologize, or are unaware they have done something wrong, the best response is to forgive them as soon as you can. Resolve the issure with the person and let them know what they did, and then just forgive them. If they do not apologize right away, or acknowledge that they hurt you, don't worry. You did your part by confronting the person and telling them that you forgive them and that you will not hold it against them; the Lord will do the rest.

Forgiveness is not easy; it is a decision you make in your heart and mind, it is not an emotion, at least not at first. You decide to forgive the person, and the Lord heals you of the pain, and allows you to see the person again in a positive light. You forgive them, God heals the pain, He gives you compassion and loving feelings towards them, His kind of love, agape love, that is greater than our own.

So, forgiveness is not really for the person who hurt you, it's for you; this is God's way of providing healing for your soul, and to give the other person a chance to see the Jesus in you. If they are not a christian, then this may be their only encounter with a christian that will matter for their life, this may be turning point in their life when they ask themselves, "I just did a horrible thing to her, why did they forgive me?" It could lead to their salvation.

If you have to forgive a fellow christian, it can be even better, for your forgiveness may strenghten their faith in God, and you should come out with a stronger and happier relationship with that person; for God said we cannot truly love Him if we do not love our sisters and brothers in Christ, we must bare each other burdens and show compassion for each other's problems.

If you have been the victim of someone's selfish and callous actions, ask the Lord to help you to forgive them, and He will lead you to a higher place in God. If you are not a christian, let me urge you to call on His name, ask Him to forgive you for your selfish and callous actions, and He will forgive you if you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.

How do I do that?

Prayer of Salvation


I repent for trying to be master of my own life. I change my mind about who I want to be in charge of my life. I turn from my useless and unproductive thoughts that I am the center of my universe and choose to believe in the living God who created everything, including me (Acts 14:15). I have lived without a purpose but now I will live to hear and obey You, God (Jn. 5:19, 20,30).

I confess with my lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead. I believe that God so loved the world He sent His only Son Jesus to shed His blood to wash away the barrier of sin (Jn. 3:16)

I receive You, Jesus as MY Lord and Savior (Jn. 1:11,12).

I welcome You, Holy Spirit, into my life to rescue and empower me and to restore me to intimacy with my heavenly Father (Acts 2:38).

If you just confessed this prayer, you are saved! I welcome you into the family my (brother/sister) I pray for peace, joy, and happiness in your life as you allow the Lord to love you and bless you and give you assurance of everlasting life with Him forever and ever......PRAISE GOD!

May the Lord keep you and Bless you this day....Amen

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