Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Evil Spirituality Part 2

by Gerry Bloemendaal
3/09/2016 / Christian Apologetics

Friends I wanted to have a closer look at our spirituality, often we forget that we are spiritual beings and that both Good and Bad bring spiritual realities alive within our lives.

Below I have listed some common wrong or evil spiritual manifestations which we can find within our spiritual space. Please understand that the names I gave the spirituality are pointers of recognition.


Here we have a true example of that which is anti-Christ, selfishness is the 'father' of the lawless one. (Le. 19:9-10, Is 5:8-10, Jude :8-16.) A flaming spirit. A spirit of pride, arrogance, unfaithfulness, disobedience, rebellion and murder. (Jude :11) A spirit of this world. Selfishness is the 'door' and 'motivator' to take more wickedness into our hearts and minds. Selfishness is the Judas of our spiritual life. Selfishness at the bottom of it has to do with flaming realities called Fear and Greed. The Fear of missing out indeed the fear of death combined with the grab what I can get attitude of being. Selfishness is the very essence of force within the great deceiver.


A flaming spirit. A spirit of arrogant haughtiness and disdain. An abominable spirit easily recognizable within our hearts. Pride is a high climber always reaching far above itself. Pride loves to praise itself. Like all unclean spirits Pride is stubborn for it contumaciously holds its perspective even when proven wrong. Pride and Weakness work in particular efficiently together within human hearts. Arrogant is the first-born 'son' of their unholy union. (Psalm 10:2-11, 73:6, Proverbs 13:10.)

Doubt.(Romans 14:23)

A spirit of unbelief, haughtiness, oppression and murder. Doubt ought to be a guardian angel. Doubt like so many other spirits of existence doesn't have to be wrong at the right time. To doubt a lie is wise for example or to pride in God. Yet Doubt as an unclean spirit doesn't carry any redeeming qualities. The shape of Doubt is the hesitation in accepting The Truth of God as final. To doubt the truth is lethal. Yet this spirit can attack and oppress Christians, in particular young or new Christians behind the scene of life for years. Doubt hates the truth, for this removes the need for doubt's rule over our existence. That something which makes Christians today so weak could be so strong taught me that the reign of doubt in God's Church is stronger than ever.

Dishonesty.(Pr 19:5, 1 Tim. 4:2)

A spirit of rape and distortion. A fleeting spirit. We all know this one this sense inside of us which is sly, evasive, suspicious, argumentative and secretive. Yet truly the spirit is mean, thief-like and uncaring. Its presence in us is easily recognised for Dishonesty makes us, the one(s) in us who know the truth, very selfish and self focused. Dishonesty cannot look the truth in the eye but can bluff if it can utilize inner insecurity in the observer. Furthermore Dishonesty despises and fears the truth. Truth is always its enemy. Dishonesty also brings us this sense (tells us) that we can get away with it - the lies and deceit we have committed in the darkness of its unholy presence. (Is.28:15) A very close 'blood relative' of Dishonesty is The Deceiver. Dishonesty the lie opens our heart and mind to legions of unclean spirituality and creates spiritual 'children' which are not from God. (Inner realities that find birth in us because we have fornicated with wrong spirituality.)

Laziness.(Pr. 22:13)

A spirit of inactivity, plunder and spiritual genocide. A spirit of spiritual blindness and 'sleeping/dreaming'. A crushing spirit. Laziness is the force which debilitates the God given ability to do or be. Laziness does not store 'goodness/energy' for hard times but rather empties its occupant of their sense of purpose as well as well being. Laziness does nothing but make its occupant feel lazy. We must therefore be very careful who we call lazy, as far to often we call others lazy because they are doing an activity we don't approve of. Unwillingness, Speculator and Deceiver are always present in the lazy heart and Addiction usually gains a solid foothold. Spiritual laziness --lazy in serving our Father in Heaven is by far the most predominant way we ought to view our fight with this spirit of being.

The unfaithful one.

A spirit of betrayal, dishonesty and secret deeds. The lawless one in the ultimate analysis, a spirit of selfish greed in lovelessness of being. The Lord's sorrow and tears. The Father's wrath and righteous anger. The Holy Spirits grief of unutterable anguish. Oh what has the snake not caused? Who can tell but God alone? Unfaithful is a sense of being in which humanity seems to delight! Unfaithful flirts evil and evil alone. Unfaithful is the 'winking eye' to make us long after..that which is in opposition to God's Truth as the King of Love tells it. (Even in our hearts at the times of decision.) Unfaithful rejects Jesus Christ to follow sinful ways instead. Unfaithful is the force behind the need to capitulate at times of resolve. The lawless one's heart is stamped with unfaithfulness.

False security.(Psalm 33:17, 1 Thes. 5:3)

A spirit of deceit, spiritual blindness and death. A spirit of false trust and hopes. A spirit of this world. False security allays our fears in such a way as to damage us most when such security fails. An inner sense of safety which relies on self effort and other forms of human strength to protect us from evil. False security pretends to be an inner 'vault' in which we may place our most sensitive materials. False security in believers hearts often takes hold of sins that are not confessed or unconquered sins - providing us with the 'sense' that God doesn't care or has forgiven us already anyway. The Deceiver through False security, the spirit of this world and Legalism weaves strong unholy cords of resistance to Jesus Christ and His spiritual Kingdom.

Grace abuser.

A spirit of selfishness and stubborn continuation of sin. An overwhelming tempting spirit. The shape of the Grace abuser is the cold hard need to continue in sinful wrong. The Grace abuser holds God's grace up as the excuse to stay under the dominion of unclean spirituality. The Grace abuser, I don't care, Weakness, the will to do wrong, love for evil and the Tempter, Deceiver and Accuser work in particular well together within the human heart burning our conscious as with a hot iron.

Rationality.(Is 9:18-20, 51:7-9)

A spirit of this world. A spirit of deception through reason. A spirit of folly. A spirit who resides in our knowledge base. A spirit of this world. The spirit of rationality when 'loosed' tears us apart with logic versa the illogical. Logic as taught by this world. Demanding constant recognition of the 'reasonable' this spirits challenges the infallible Word of God. The spirit of rationality must be one of the worst enemies of the Word of Christ within us. The spirit of rationality always drags God's Word over our own experience of seeing and understanding things. While so much in us is shaped by the world and the Devil. Also the spirit of rationality believes that all things could be 'solved' if other people only understood what it makes you see or understand.

Addiction. (Pr 30:15-16, Is 5:11-12.)

A spirit of bondage/slavery, imprisonment, oppression, debasement, pestering or torturous demands/temptations and spiritual genocide. A spirit of this world. Addiction needs to be understood from a different perspective than our world has given it. Addiction is not physical, though the spirit of addiction does use our fleshly needs to magnify itself! Addiction is the sense of need within our own inner being. The 'voice' of demand, the inner need for well being through consumption. However it is not the substance we crave after that is the sin or wrong, but much rather the demander - who makes us crave for such a substance and our lack of self-control which leads to the growth and control of Weakness over us as well. From a 'family tree' perspective, with Weakness as a mother, Craving is Addiction's first-born. Some spirits who help in deed. Greed, Selfishness, Unfaithfulness and Weakness.

(This is why we need Jesus, for as sinners we interact - fornicate - with wrong spiritualities - polluting our souls. Repent and forgiveness is assured for those who confess their times with wrong and seek right instead. (Ezekiel 18))

Prayer of Salvation


I repent for trying to be master of my own life. I change my mind about who I want to be in charge of my life. I turn from my useless and unproductive thoughts that I am the center of my universe and choose to believe in the living God who created everything, including me (Acts 14:15). I have lived without a purpose but now I will live to hear and obey You, God (Jn. 5:19, 20,30).

I confess with my lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead. I believe that God so loved the world He sent His only Son Jesus to shed His blood to wash away the barrier of sin (Jn. 3:16)

I receive You, Jesus as MY Lord and Savior (Jn. 1:11,12).

I welcome You, Holy Spirit, into my life to rescue and empower me and to restore me to intimacy with my heavenly Father (Acts 2:38).

If you just confessed this prayer, you are saved! I welcome you into the family my (brother/sister) I pray for peace, joy, and happiness in your life as you allow the Lord to love you and bless you and give you assurance of everlasting life with Him forever and ever......PRAISE GOD!

May the Lord keep you and Bless you this day....Amen

Hi my name is Gerry I like to write poetry or short articles, I've had some of my poems published but most of my work is unpublished.

Copyright 2007 Jeshu (UN: jeshu at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.

Article Source: WRITERS

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