Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Evil Spirituality part 1

by Gerry Bloemendaal
3/09/2016 / Christian Apologetics

Friends I wanted to have a closer look at our spirituality, often we forget that we are spiritual beings and that both Good and Bad bring spiritual realities alive within our lives.

Below I have listed some common wrong or evil spiritual manifestations which we can find within our spiritual space. Please understand that the names I gave the spirituality are pointers of recognition.

For example, feelings of shame, fear, guilt are human spiritual characteristics (which came into our life after we fell into sin) - and should not be understood to be evil spirituality in itself - yet unclean spirituality will use our human feelings and thoughts to captivate, hurt and even kill us - it is these forces I am looking at - and therefore I have named them according to the spiritual feeling they bring alive within - not because evil spirituality really carry such names.

The Deceiver. (Gen 3:1-5, Is 14:12-15) The Devil, Satan, the Snake, the liar, the Beast. Though Deceiver can only be brought into us through Dishonesty, His spiritual visitations are vastly different than Dishonesty. Deceiver has his essence of being shaped as the snake -- sneaks into any tiny hole and speaks in split tongue. His presence of inner recognition is therefore not as easy as it may seem. The Deceiver is a silent almost invisible predator of heart and mind. His personal characteristics give him away however. His focus is always seeking to put/talk/set the truth into such a perspective as to suit us the wilful sinner/his cause best. Also the Deceiver appears as a friend within when we either try to get out of the truth of our wrongful actions or when he tries to smooth talk us into doing/seeing something wrongful(ly). (Le. 19:36, Ps. 109:1-5) Rightfully the Deceiver forms a very large part of The Dragon/accuser and The False Prophet within our inner world of being.

The Tempter. (Mt 4:1-11,7:10, Rev 20) The Devil, the snake. Oh the tempter of human hearts shall soon burn forever more. Yet as of today beware. No one can withstand the Devil but Jesus Christ the Word. Everyone can get to know the Tempter but not many realise how sly, cunning and strong the Devil truly is. The surest way we can recognise that we have fallen for the Tempter is when our fleshly/worldly desires/needs rule our lives. The Tempter is the 'commander in chief' of our fallen reality. The more times the Tempter get his way in us the more miserable and empty of spirit we become. Truly in our human nature we are the puppets, unclean spirituality shape the strings and the devil in the shapes of the Tempter, Accuser and Deceiver the unholy puppet-master.

The spirit of this world.

Satan as 'prince'(dictator) of our 'worldly' lives. The spirit of idolatry, adulatory and deceit -- who takes our focus away from God and places us in a removed from God reality -- even this sinful world's. The spirit who is permeated through our fleshly desires our worldly and sinful existence. The spirit of this world 'conforms' or 'conditions' us according to the ways of this world. (Psalm 115:2-8) The spirit of this world is an entity which controls MANY legions of unclean spirituality. (Think about saturate.) For example the 'worldly spirits' of the self-absorbed, workaholic, watching sport, believing the news Media and having a beer, every night again, all shape more unclean spirituality under the banner of one spirit -- the spirit of this world -- with our human spirit in bondage to it all.(Romans 1:18-32, Rev 17:15)

Unbelief.(Psalm 14 & 53, He. 3:7-19.)

A spirit of lies and deceit through untrue visions/perspectives of 'truth'. A crushing spirit, a spirit full of murder Unbelief ought to be a guardian angel. The clearest shape of its appearance is that one perceives from nothingness (you can't see or understand) while He is. Unbelief is experienced as a stab, (deadly if believed,) to the heart of the believer, as easily noticeable as the sting of death, for those of little faith in us. Constantly on the prowl this spirit seeks moments of incomprehension and suggests to our minds that God or His loving help is impossible for you don't see, see wrongly or don't understand, as you look at its suggestion, which is always a lie or a perverted view of the truth.

Self will. (Romans 2:8)

A spirit of stubborn pride, rebellion, spiritual war, dictatorships, murder and genocide. Another general in Satan's web of spiritual intrigue. Self will does not take into account Father's will. Jesus teaches us that complete denial of self will was the purpose of His being. Not My will but the Will of My Father in heaven I have come to do.) Self will seeks only for self and those/that which are/is important to self and in this way is very closely related to selfishness. Their spiritual visitations however are quite different.


A spirit of false hopes and visions.(Is 47:13b-14) A spirit of self-achievement. A spirit of this world, an overwhelming 'addictive' spirit. That our current socio-economic system is run largely by speculation should not surprise us in the least. The spirit of speculation is strong in our modern day and age. Hardly ever warned about the Speculator also runs a muck within the children of our Church. "Just imagine" Speculation is a big and real danger in any Christian's life. Witchcraft and Speculation are not only 'related' they work like hand in glove together. Where you find the one, one will find the other. Speculator forms a big slice of the tongue all believers must hear, the false prophet promoting The Dragon as God and the world as the way to go.

Self Destruction.

A spirit of spiritual genocide and murder. A tool of the Destroyer/Accuser. The spirit of self destruction 'takes away' all personal respect form its victim. Lack of respect, for self or others, opens the way to more spiritual and/or physical abuse. self-destruction is a powerful attitude/mood spirit. By this I mean that Self Destruction constantly pollutes our thoughts and feelings, an true abomination that God's children should fornicate with such a wicked force. Addiction and I don't care always accompanies Self-destruction and Suicide is usually the 'last ruler' before physical death.

I don't care.

A spirit of isolation, imprisonment, extreme spiritual injustices and murder. A spirit of lovelessness, unwillingness and selfishness. Usually a fleeting spirit, though like all unclean spirits it leaves a lasting effect. A mood and attitude problem one can expect from this abomination within fallen existence. I don't care what the wicked say isn't even a pure spirit of being for God does care about wicked utterings. A loving heart always cares and in this way we can see even more clearly the wickedness shaping our spirit when we are in our I don't care 'moods'.

The need to be right.

A spirit of powerful delusions. A spirit of this world. A very stubborn spirit. The need to be right feeds on insecurity and fear. The shape of being is this stubborn hold around a personal perspective. (Think here about walls around a city.) The need to be right is 'fathered' by pride in the selfishness/self-focus of our own being. The need to be right is usually an unspoken reality of inner being. The times that the need to be right does speak out could be seen as the tip of the iceberg. I know better and the need to be right are 'blood related.' (To side with God is the best way to be freed from its clutches.)


A spirit of depletion, oblivion and destruction. A spirit of this world. Boredom in essence of being carries the void like nothingness of the uncreated. When one meditates on Boredom one can soon see its abominable character. As if, when Boredom strikes, all good is not present any longer while The Fountain of all Good is. Boredom is one of the most visible spirits of childhood. Still undisguised by the child's consciousness the spirit of Boredom openly empties the need of active living into a void of inner discomfort which seeks to feed without the will to act. In active and creative persons Boredom finds its most fertile field in a(n) restrictive/authoritarian environment and its best long release fertiliser is forced and/or meaningless work/jobs, or jails, be they bedroom or dungeons, physical or spiritual.

(This is why we need Jesus, for as sinners we interact - fornicate - with wrong spiritualities - polluting our souls. Repent and forgiveness is assured for those who confess their times with wrong and seek right instead. (Ezekiel 18))

Prayer of Salvation


I repent for trying to be master of my own life. I change my mind about who I want to be in charge of my life. I turn from my useless and unproductive thoughts that I am the center of my universe and choose to believe in the living God who created everything, including me (Acts 14:15). I have lived without a purpose but now I will live to hear and obey You, God (Jn. 5:19, 20,30).

I confess with my lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead. I believe that God so loved the world He sent His only Son Jesus to shed His blood to wash away the barrier of sin (Jn. 3:16)

I receive You, Jesus as MY Lord and Savior (Jn. 1:11,12).

I welcome You, Holy Spirit, into my life to rescue and empower me and to restore me to intimacy with my heavenly Father (Acts 2:38).

If you just confessed this prayer, you are saved! I welcome you into the family my (brother/sister) I pray for peace, joy, and happiness in your life as you allow the Lord to love you and bless you and give you assurance of everlasting life with Him forever and ever......PRAISE GOD!

May the Lord keep you and Bless you this day....Amen

Hi my name is Gerry I like to write poetry or short articles, I've had some of my poems published but most of my work is unpublished.

Copyright 2007 Jeshu (UN: jeshu at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com-CHRISTIAN WRITERS

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