Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Great Attainable Favor!

...You have granted me life and favor, and Your care has preserved my spirit..... Job 10:12

“Great is Thy faithfulness!” “Great is Thy faithfulness!”
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—
“Great is Thy faithfulness,” Lord, unto me!

What is favor? It is love untarnished, unbroken, and free. It is giving from the heart generously without expecting anything else in return. It is the Lord giving you everything that you need, and some things that you never thought you would ever have. God gives freely and liberally to anyone who will call on His Name, to the one who would allow Him to care for them, and happy to be called His own.

His gifts are for the edification of our souls, for spiritual growth and maturity, words of wisdom to live by, the tools to make a difference in the lives of other people, and the power to live according to His standards. He gives faith, hope, love, the spirit of charity, compassion and understanding; He gives us the desire to be better than we have ever imagined we could be. We decide to live for Him, and He gives us a purpose for our lives that will glorify His Name. We are weak, sinful, and broken, but God can make us into strong, righteous, beautiful vessels of peace and love.

What is favor to me? The ability to love others when I often wanted to do something else, to show me the necessity to get along with my family, coworkers, neighbors and strangers, even when they may rebuke me, ignore me, or disregard my thoughts and opinions. I learned to love them with God's love, and He loves me like I am the object of His affections, and it is amazing to me that He loves all of His children in the same way. Because of His love, I know that I am not alone, that He loves me just the way I am; He formed me in my mother's womb, and He gave me all the talents, needs and desires that I have. I have learned that it is okay to be me and that God doesn't make any mistakes; I am who I am because of His love for me.

Favor is when you are in a bad situation and suddenly you are delivered miraculously, when you are given power, authority, wealth that you would never have had without His intervention, the ability to express yourself in a world determined to forget your existence, because you believed in Him and were willing to follow in His footsteps. He needs us to believe in Jesus Christ and to have faith in His ability to deliver us, for we are His ambassadors in this world. We are the best way to show the world how much He loves us all when We shine with His love, when we give generously from our hearts, when we worship in His presence, when we forgive other people for hurting and abusing us. There is no better way to show that God exists when we do the impossible with our hearts!

Give generously with your heart to another person and you are showing the world what God's favor is and what it is like to be the object of His favor. The world needs to know how much The Lord loves them, and that He is willing to forgive them and draw close to them if only they would realize that they really need Him in their lives and that He can cure them of the disease of sin, to heal their hearts and minds. Only by the revelation of God's love and favor can anyone come to the point of repentance. Is it easy to show the Favor Of God to other people?

NO, in fact it is impossible to show that type of love without having God's love in our hearts. That is why we must come to Him first and repent and be forgiven; we must allow His Holy Spirit to do the work in our hearts so that we are transformed into the Children of Love and Light. Seek Him First with all of your heart, and be led by His Spirit, and then you will experience His favor and be transformed by His love. Once you experience God's Favor, then you will be able to show His Favor to the world!

Thank You Jesus, For Your Love, Your Eternal Life, And For Your Great Attainable Favor!

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