Friday, March 3, 2017

Preparation For Battle

by Jacky Julyan

Every watchman in his place, unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labour in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.

Every man to his knees, praying unto the LORD, the God of heaven and earth.

There is a battle to be won and the trumpet is sounding, a preparation for battle. Who has eyes to see? Who has ears to hear? For the LORD of Hosts, is His Name is calling every saint, every prophet, every watchman to their knees. Humble yourselves unto the Mighty Hand of God. Seek His Face at this time. Look to no man at this time. Now is not the time to follow anyone other than My Son. He is My Son, Listen to Him.

Be prepared, stand firm, seek My Face, kneel before Me, await My instructions. Put the trumpet to your lips! An eagle is over the house of the LORD because the people have broken My covenant and rebelled against My law.

Ruins …. It is all shambles, ruinous, the walls are collapsing, the pillars are cracked, it is fallen, fallen.

Blow the Shofar, warn the people for calamity of calamities is coming. Wake up! Wake up!

Depart ….. depart ….. Many are to depart the faith for they have been standing on quicksand. Their demise was known from the beginning of all creation.

Repent, repent you peoples. Repent for a fierce battle is upon you. It is coming as a thief in the night. It will overtake, suddenly.

My people, pray, seek My Face, wait for My Word, none other. Seek no flesh at this time for all are fallen. My Spirit is grieved, My Spirit has been rejected. Ichabod …. Ichabod …. Ichabod.

Pray, pray, pray without ceasing. Turn to no man. Turn to Jesus. Seek His Face, fast, pray, weep for a great calamity is coming of grande proportions. It is in the wings. A stampede of evil, a prideful march bringing the very demons from the Abyss.

The walls have fallen, the gaps are too wide.

Come now My Remnant, My Bride, keep close to Me. Seek me closer so you can hide under the shadow of My Wings. Do not look neither to the right nor the left. Keep your eyes upon Me. Open My Word, keep it open. Keep your hearts open to Me. Open your mouth for I shall fit it.

There is now no delay, time has run out. Seek Me this day. Choose this Day whom you shall serve. Obey My children unto the Gospel of My Son. Harken unto My voice of correction for those I chasten I love. Repent, repent I say before it is too late.

I say now, this hour, every watchman in his place. Every trumpet to your mouth. Open your mouths so I can fill it with words of life. Seek Me today, do not delay.

Kneel, fast and pray for a calamity is coming, a calamity among calamities.

Do not delay, time is running out.

I am the LORD

The LORD called me to write since 2006. The time is short and I delight to do Godïs will, although it can be tough!

Article Source: WRITERS

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