Wednesday, May 24, 2017

What You Will Need To Come Home

My favorite superhero show, the flash, just had its season finale last night, and I must admit, I was somewhat disappointed by its conclusion, yet it also taught me some real life lessons that we all need to adhere to our lives. All through this 3rd season, it has been a struggle for our hero, the flash. You see, he was given 'by accident' incredible speed powers, and he chose to use those powers for good. It was a bumpy ride for barry allen, as he tried to learn how to become a hero, to be selfless and giving, even to the point of death, while also trying to maintain some type of a 'normal' life, trying to find peace and love in a very chaotic world. Does this premise sound familiar to you? Have you been trying to live peacefully in a chaotic world without God in your life?

Anyway, He succeeded in becoming a hero, despite the many times he had to deal with pain, loss, and betrayal. He learned to hold on to the people around him that loved and cared for him, but as the saying goes, he was only human just like the rest of us, and he made many mistakes. This season, he tried to fix all of his problems by doing a reset of time; he tried to have the perfect life on earth without all of the pain and suffering he endured that set him upon the path to becoming a superhero. He found out fairly quickly that trying to have the 'perfect' life in an imperfect world was not the solution he needed after all. You see, all the trials and tribulations may not have given him a 'perfect' life, but it did help him to become the best version of himself that he could possibly be.

In our own lives, this is the real truth: we are living so that we may come to the realization of the love and providence of the One who created us, Jesus Christ. He wants us to come to Him to be cleansed, saved, and restored from our sins, so that we may live with Him forever, in the presence of God, in peace, security, and happiness forever and ever. We must have the revelation within our hearts that we need the One who created us, and that true happiness comes from Him; this life is the way we find out how to come back home to Him.

What would you do if you had the powers of a God? Do you believe that you could do any better than the mythical characters that we conceive in our own minds, the heroes that the world looks up to? This season of the flash was about redeeming the hero, barry allen, from his own tragic mistakes, and the solution was not an easy one. He had to face up to his mistake and try to find a way to fix it while maintaining the relationships that he built into his life with his family and friends; he had to come to grips with the sad truth of his selfishness, that his decisions not only affected his life, but also the lives of everyone in his circle. It is never easy to live with your own mistakes, but it seems almost impossible to deal with the concept of destroying other people's lives in the process; that is why we need the Lord and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Without the Holy Spirit in our hearts, we tend to gloss over the true consequences of our actions, that is why it is so hard for many people to see that their lives apart from God is fruitless. Many people live in a state of perpetual denial that gives them the freedom to live as they see fit; it is only when too many problems or issues arise as a result of those selfish decisions that the delusion begins to disappear. They start to realise they need a solution to the problem, but from their perspective, there is no real answer to what ails them because they have been unwilling to acknowledge that they are weak and that they need God's help.

Without God's love and providence, you will never heal, and your heart will never be restored. In the flash, we learn that barry's mistake caused a part of him to go deep into the dark side, and his solution to correct this mistake made everything else a lot worse. At the end of the season, he finally realizes that he needs to face the consequences of his actions and allow himself to be taken into the speed force, the very source of his power to fix what he has broken, and to restore a better life, better health, and happiness to himself and to his loved ones who stuck by him all this time, even when he made such poor choices in his arc to becoming a hero.

My friends, the Lord knows everything about us, he knows our weaknesses and our strengths, and He looks at us and still loves us with all of His heart. He is waiting for you to come to the realization that you cannot live this life peacefully and victoriously without Him. Once you begin your journey to true happiness and fullfillment, you will come to realise that all our your problems, your tribulations were destined to bring you to the point of surrender at His feet, to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Just when you thought you couldn't live another minute of life without His love and restoration, you found Him, and you realised the solution was always there just waiting for you to take it within your heart; you were humbled by the enormous weight of living this life without His love, power, and authority.

When you became of believer in Jesus Christ, you were granted power and authority to live peacefully and victoriously in this world. Yes, my brothers and sisters in Christ, we have been granted 'super powers', and we are all 'super friends' in Christ! His Holy Spirit comes to live in our hearts, to guide us, transform us, and give us the power to live in this world with peace, joy, and hope, courageously living our lives in a world that fears and hates Jesus Christ and the overwhelming power of His Word, for when unbelievers are touched by His word, they can no longer live in that delusional state of rebellion in their hearts that keeps them running from the face and the presence of the Lord.

That power is necessary to transform our hearts and minds, and to give selflessly and patiently to the world, to proclaim His word and His love to the people all around us. Without this power we would perish, for the evil one, satan and his demons, would quickly wipe us from the face of the planet with a hatred that is so deep that is it truly incomprehensible to conceive. That is why 'the prince of the air' tries so hard to break us and to destroy our hearts and minds, and he works through unbelievers because he has a firm grip on their hearts and minds; he is the one that gives them the strong delusions that they believe in and they are truly unaware that these ideas are not their own. That is why we need to deal with them through the power of the Holy Spirit, and we need to love them with the love of the Lord; without His power and authority flowing through us, we would be crushed by the issues of our lives.

If you feel crushed by life, I am here to tell you the truth about my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the solution for your problems, for what ails you, and you will never find a better solution anywhere else. You thought you had everything that you needed, and you thought what you had was the best life that anyone could ever possibly live, and there lies your true problem; your best solution is flawed, dangerous, and confusing to your heart and mind. It is the reason why you can't seem to get out the rut that you are in. You have been self medicating yourself with all types of things (food, drugs, alcohol, money, sex, 'power', etc...) but nothing is working for you anymore, and these things will never bring you the peace that you have been searching for and true happiness; since you have nothing else to lose, why don't you try the best and only solution for your troubles, Jesus Christ. Ask Him to come into your heart right now!

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