Tuesday, May 30, 2017

What I Like About Jesus

It doesn't take too long for a baby christian to understand that they are loved by God. He surrounds them with His presence and reassures them through His Word and with the Holy Spirit, who makes His presence known in their hearts by the changes in their behavior and the transformation that evolves in their lives over time.

He is always encouraging them, and He is delighted when they try new things, when they continue to pray and worship Him, when they take the time to be alone with Him, when they open their hearts to Him. He loves to call them His friends, and deep friendship requires time, effort and compassion. When you have a good friendship, that friendship is tested by trials and tribulations; you know who your true friends are, they are the ones that dont abandon you at the first sign of trouble, and they give you support when you need it the most. You will never abandon a friend like that, and you will always believe in them.

He cares for all His children, and with time, He will give them deep access into His thoughts and feelings; you know the ones that seem to have a deep relationship with the Lord, they are the ones who seek His fellowship every day of their lives. They can pray to God and be reassured that they will get an answer, and whatever that answer is, they will follow Him to that solution whatever form that it takes. When you depend on His resources instead of your own, you will find peace and joy in your heart, and you will see amazing miracles and the perfert solution for your circumstances.

Leave all your issues and burdens at His feet, for He knows what is best for you. Jesus Christ will always be your anchor and your guiding star if you let Him live in your heart. Make the decision today to let Him have first place in your heart and when you live for His purposes, you will find your true destiny. Keep you heart open to accept Him and let His light shine within you!

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