Saturday, May 13, 2017

Spiritual Gifts And The Anointing

1 Corinthians chapter 12 4-6

...There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work....

Definition of Anointing: Ordinary definition - Anointing the body or head with oil as confirmation of a holy office or position. Spiritual definition - Spiritual anointing with the Holy Ghost is conferred also upon Christians by God. ( 2 Corinthians 1:21 ) " Anointing "expresses the sanctifying influences of the Holy Spirit upon Christians who are priests and kings unto God.

What is the difference between gifts of the spirit and being anointed? How do you know if you have a gift or an anointing? There are times when you will need to know the difference between spiritual gifts and the anointing; it is helpful in determining who are the legitimate spiritual leaders in the body of Christ and who are the pretenders.

We all have gifts and talents that were given to us by God; some were given when we were born, such as being able to sing or to paint, write poetry, or being a powerful orator and speaker. Some have natural athletic talents, or mental talents, and these are gifts that God gives to everyone, and are with us until we leave this world, but there are other gifts that are given when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

1 Corinthians chapter 12 8-11

...To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines...

Spiritual Gifts are given by and distributed through the Holy Spirit, and you will know that it is a spiritual gift if it is something that you were never able to do before you were saved, and it is usually a gift that is given to help other people and not yourself. You will know because you will find that it manifests itself when necessary, in situations that require the power and authority of God.

The anointing is also a spiritual function bestowed upon believers by the Holy Spirit. It is a confirmation of the power and authority given to a person by God. It is usually accompanied by a powerful manifestation of the Holy Spirit, people who have experienced it feel the stirrings of the Holy Spirit with their spirit, and it is not easily defined because not everyone has the same experience. So, how would we know if a believer, especially a leader in the church has an anointing? Usually the person themselves may mention that they have an anointing, or someone else in the church may mention that 'pastor green' has the anointing, or 'brother mike' moved with the anointing at bible study last night, but how do we really know if they have this anointing?

First of all, if you are a christian you will have the Holy Spirit in your heart; the Holy Spirit always confirms its presence and power in these types of situations. If a person comes to you and gives you a prophetic word, if it is genuine, you will feel confirmation in your own spirit, and your heart will be filled with peace. If you are confused by what the person said, or if you feel conflict in your heart about the word spoken over you, you need to take the issue to God and pray about it, and ask Him to confirm it for you; this is how you will know if the conflict is because you are not willing the accept the words spoken over you or if it is a false prophecy.

Secondly, if you are unsure about a person who says they have an anointing, that may be the Holy Spirit prompting you to investigate this person further. The bible says that you will know a true believer by the fruits that they produce in their lives; this person may be a powerful preacher and a leader in the Body Of Christ, but who are they when they step down from the pulpit? Do they live by God's standards, does their life practices echo the power and the love of the Holy Spirit? We have to understand that there are many pretenders in the church Of God, and they can put on a mighty good show on sunday morning, but God knows their hearts, and He knows who truly believes in Him and in His word.

We all have to be careful when following the christian leadership in our churches and denominations, for we are all responsible for what we do in this life and for what we believe in. There are too many believers who are being swept away with powerful speeches and rhetoric, but who are not seeing the whole picture of the ministry in which they follow; there is a reason why there will be many pastors, preachers, and priests in hell, in the very worst parts of hell because they led their followers right into hell with them. They did not preach the word of God for God's sake, or for our sakes, they preached it for themselves; many of them did not have a true calling from the Lord to become pastors or preachers, and many of them were not preaching the Word Of God.

Matthew Chapter 7 21-23

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

You see, Jesus warned his disciples that there would be pretenders in His church, who would seem holy and righteous on the outside, who would preach the word of God powerfully, and they will have a following of believers who will hang on their every word, yet these church leaders are pretenders, because they have never had a true relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. They know how to live the life of a christian, and their ministries will seem to be very effective, but it is up to us as believers in The Body Of Christ to be open to the promptings and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who knows what is real and what isn't real. If you have reservations about a ministry or a church leader, don't ignore those doubts, it could be the Holy Spirit speaking to your heart. In any case, we should always pray to God for guidance when we are looking for a church ministry to follow and belong to.

The gifts of the spirit are for the restoration and edification of the Body of Christ, and the anointing is for the confirmation of the power and authority given to a person by God; that is how we know it is God's power working through them and not the power of the enemy. The anointing will keep a person aware and in touch with the Holy Sprit and with God, and they will be able to live a holy and righteous life. You will see them living by God's standards, and it will not seem to be like a burden to them. They will move with God's power and love, and every miraculous action or word they speak they will publicly acknowledge comes from God and not from themselves.

It isn't easy these days to be a christian; we have opposition from the outside world and from the enemy, satan, and we also have real issues within the body of Christ that need to be addressed. You need to know that the leaders in your church are true believers who have been called by God to those leadership positions and that they believe in the word of God, that they live the word of God out in their own lives. If you suddenly see that your church leaders are not living by God's standards, or if allegations or serious charges are made against your pastor and there seems to be proof of wrongdoing, you need to pray for your church leaders, and seek God's guidance; He may tell you it is time to leave that church. It is not a question of whether you want to go because of the chaos that these types of situations bring, the Lord may want you to leave for your own safety, so that you may preserve your life, your soul and your salvation.

Spiritual gifts are a blessing to the people of God, and an anointing confirms the gifts of the Holy spirit on one person. The Gifts of the spirit may change other people's circumstances, they may receive healing, or a word of hope or affirmation; the anointing safeguards the person who is using these spiritual gifts, so that their character and integrity lines up with the power and manifestation of those spiritual gifts. Spiritual gifts draws people to those who have them because they may have a need that the gift can resolve, while the anointing draws people to the Lord so that they may be saved by His word. Gifts of the spirit may highlight a problem or an issue in a person's life, but the anointing has the power to break the yoke of bondage on that person's life so that they can be healed. That is why it is so necessary to discern who are the true believers in the Christian leadership in your church and who are not; their character and their integrity will show you who they really are.

This is what we know, that if something doesn't seem right, it usually isn't right. We need to heed the calling and promptings of the Holy Spirit when evaluating someone else's christian ministry. If you see a full blown ministry that suddenly is going through a crisis, and there are allegations of fraud, theft, sexual sins and adultery, weak and watered down sermons of the word of God, even outright lies from the pulpit, these are sure signs that the leader of this ministry is having issues with their moral character and integrity, and we should always pray for their deliverance, but we need to be willing to obey the voice of the Lord when He tells you that you need to get your spiritual food from somewhere else.

Remember that God sees what these leaders are doing in their public and in their private lives, so if you see a minister suddenly losing their position in the church, of if their ministry seems to disappear completely, you can be sure that God is moving in those situations to safeguard His children and His church.

When a child of God moves in spiritual gifts, he also receives an anointing to help Him with those gifts, and these gifts are not just for pastors and preachers, it is for everyone in the church. If you see a person who seems to have spiritual gifts, yet they are not living by God's standards, they are probably not allowing themselves to be led by the Holy Spirit, or they may be pretenders, whose power does not derive from the Lord; satan and his demons can masquerade as agents of light, and give people abilities that seem holy and righteous, but only God knows who is real and who is fake, and that is why we should always pray and seek His counsel about these issues. If you are connected to the Holy Spirit, He will give you enough clues within your own spirit to know the difference.

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