Are You In A Place That Is Somewhat Hard To Bear And Is Uncomfortable? Know That The Lord Is There With You, Bearing Everything With You, If He Lives Within Your Heart:
(God Says) "Yes child, I know where you are right now, I see you, I see what is going on in your life. I have allowed it to happen so that you may grow as my disciple, that you may be known as a follower of Me. Stay Where I Have Put you, so that when I give you the victory, you will come out with a great testimony to My power, My authority and My strength, and I will get all of the Glory!"
You May Want To Say To The Lord, "This Is Too Much For Me, I Can't Do This Anymore Lord! When Will You Deliver Me?"
(God Says) "You are right to say that you cannot do this, you are not going to get through this without Me! Let go, my child, give this burden to me, ask me to deliver you, and you will be delivered at just the right time. Rest in Me, and be comforted by My Word and by My Spirit, let My love transform your heart and renew your mind; now be at peace, for I have given you the victory!"
You May Not Believe That There Is A God In Heaven, After All, With All Of The Bad Things Going On In The World, How Could There Be A God?
(God Says) "Unbeliever, where have you looked for me, have you sought me with all of your heart? Everyday, the world turns, and the sun rises in the east, and sets in the west, the birds sing, the grass grows, it rains and snows all over the earth; at night the stars twinkle in the sky. Let me ask you a question: Has anything that you have seen while you've been alive ever filled your heart with wonder or respect? Have you been awed by the cycle of life? I have done all of this for you. Can you do the same for Me? I have given you life, and I want to give you so much more."
I desire you to be with me, in everlasting peace, love, and joy. I will allow you to go your own way, if these things seem inferior to your own reasoning, I will allow you to rebel and do the things that will destroy you, and which also destroys the people and the environment in which you live, but I must warn you that I will not allow this rebellion to go on forever - one day you will be held accountable for every evil act you commit and every careless word that you have spoken. Why should you be destroyed by your sins and weaknesses, forever separated from me into the pit of darkness and despair? Seek me now while I yet may be found and accept My Son, Jesus Christ, as our Lord and Savior. I promise you, you will never regret it!"
If You Are In That Hard Place Right Now, You May Feel Like You Are The Only One Going Through - After All, The Unbelievers Are Not Going Through All Of This. You May Want To Ask The Lord, "Lord When Will The Unrighteous See The Consequences Of Their Actions?"
(God Says) "Be patient, My child; You will see many people in this world who seem to have it all - money, influence, and power, they look so attractive to those who desire these things, but they do not know what I know. I know their hearts, and I know what they truly desire and want to have, yet they are unable to find; with all of their money and possessions, they have no peace in their heart, and they will not come to me to be delivered from their problems and be healed from their pain, but you my child will always be with me, and everything that I have I will give to you! You will see My Son come back to rule and reign on this earth, and you will be with me. worshiping in my presence in peace, love and joy forever and ever!"
"Focus on me, do not worry about what others seem to have; if they never come to my Son, Jesus Christ, to be healed and to be saved from their sins, they will lose everything that they have worked so hard to achieve, and their ultimate fate will be a sad and tragic one. You will see the day, my child when those who believe that they can exist without me will come to my throne with nothing but their sins and their regrets; only then will they realize that they have no way to settle the debt that they have acquired against me. Oh , what a terrible, fateful day that will be for those who choose to believe that they are the master of their own fates!"
"Be at peace my child, and know that everytime you see 'perfection' as defined by the world's standards, you are looking into the mirror of deception, and when you see rich and famous people living their lives oblivious to My Word and My standards, you are really seeing 'dead men walking'; judgment has been passed upon them already. I will not judge them, their own words and actions will be judge against them! Please be careful to love other people and yourself and pray for those who do not believe so that they may be delivered from a fate worse than death!"
We all need to be reminded of His love for us every day, for we deal with all types of issues and circumstances, and we could allow these things to discourage us, and lose hope. But if we continue to seek God with all of our hearts and souls, we will be delivered from our fears, hopelessness, and anxieties. He will comfort us and strengthen us while we wait for the victory that is sure to come.
Thank You Lord For The Victory! Be At Peace My Brothers And Sisters In Christ, For He Cares For You!
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