There is The Trinity: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit
How is this expressed in a way that we can understand?
God The Father: He is Our Creater and Our Father,
and everything that is, who we are comes from Him.
He had the thought about creating the world,
He decided it should be so.
The Son, Jesus Christ, The Only Begotten of The Father:
He agreed with The Father, that a new world should be
created, and He agreed to make it happen, because He
is The Word Of God, so He took the Father's thought
and spoke it into existence.
The Holy Spirit, The Shekinah Glory of The Father and The Son:
He heard the thoughts and the commands of The Father and The Son,
He moved upon the faceless, shapeless foundation of the earth, and
used His Power to shape and create our world, and behold the earth
was manifested, created from the thoughts and hearts of His partners,
The Father and The Son.
God saw what we could become, and the Son was filled with love and
compassion, even when He saw that we would stumble and fall and rebel
against them; He agreed to our existence, even when He knew what He
would have to do to save us. The Holy Spirit agreed to live among us
and to dwell in the hearts of anyone who would accept Him, and the Father
was satisfied with the thought of us, because He was pleased with
the thought of countless human beings loving Him and worshiping Him;
He was pleased to have this Family exist in His Universe and
to give Him The Glory, The Honor, and The Praise Forever and Ever.
Don't deny the existence of The Trinity, for if you reject them you are
rejecting yourself, for they created you in their image, and your spirit
comes from them; you decide where your spirit goes when you leave this
plane of existence, either to everlasting love, peace and joy in their
presence forever and ever, or to everlasting darkness, hate and pain.
Give them praise, for they knew what would happen on the earth, and
they decided to do it anyway....this decision was made based upon love, because
God is Love, and every decision He makes is based upon love - now, deal
with that and tell me why you are not praising His Name
in your heart while you are reading this!
Lord, We Thank You, We Adore The Trinity, Father, Son, And Holy Ghost - We Shall
Always Forever Be Grateful. Because Of You We Exist, And There Is No Way We Will
Ever Be Able To Repay You. Just The Thought Of What You Have Done For Us Is Overwhelming,
We Humbly Give Our Hearts, And Souls, And Minds To You - We Give You All Of The Glory,
All Of The Honor, And All Of The Praise, Forever And Ever,
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