When you look at the world the way it is today, you have to wonder why it is in the state that we find it today. It just amazes me to think that the world was a much more stable place even 10 years ago, and that was during the worse economic slump the world as ever seen up to this date. There are wars and rumors of wars, unbelievable poverty and economic strife worldwide, the constant threat of terrorist attacks in various places, people protesting everything and anything, floods, famines, droughts, earthquakes, nuclear fallout and accidents, and the real possibility of a nuclear missile attack anywhere in the world! People are being impacted everyday by powerful storms and freak weather patterns, there have been unusual signs in the skies, blood moons, asteroids, and eclipses; it is quite clear to me that we are living in the last days.
If I were to just focus on everything that is happening around me, I could allow fear to paralyze me, I could lose all hope, and that is where some people are right now. They see the problems in the world and in our own country and they know that something needs to be done, but they do not know what that something is or should be. We elect our politicians to handle these types of situations, but it is quite clear that you cannot put your full trust in elected officials; they are human and fragile just like we are and they can let pride, greed, and power cloud their better judgments. Humanity wants to believe that we can handle all our our problems by ourselves, and we have tried for thousands of years, and nothing really has ever been solved. I am so thankful that there is a God in heaven who has been watching over us all this time, for He has the solution that we have been waiting for!
When your life begins to spiral out of control, it is the Lord of Heaven who can help you. He has given us Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior to atone for our sins, to bring new life into our situations, the new birth of the heart and the spirit. We are given the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts, our minds, and our perspectives on life. We become God minded and God chasers, as we learn to live for Him and to worship Him in His presence, when we give honor to God we choose life instead of death. Look, the world is so confused and brainwashed by the ideas of the enemy, satan; they believe that they can do it all by themselves, that they don't need God in their lives, that there is no God at all. Likewise, they will tell you that there is not devil either. and this is the worst deception, because it allows the devil and his demons to influence their actions without any consequences to them.
The medical profession will tell you that sin is not a real problem and that evil behavior is just a case of mental illness, but if you notice none of their medicines and drugs can solve the problem of people's evil acts; it just contains the issue within the person and many times adds to their problems. Society as a whole is not interested in solving this problem, they just want to medicate all of the victims. solving the problem is too difficult for them because they don't even know what causes evil acts, and they are unwilling to come to God to fix the issue.
Healing cannot take place in our society until the majority of us come to recognize our failures and our weak natures; we need to come to The Throne Of Grace to find the answers that we seek. God is gracious and merciful, and He will never turn away a person who is seeking the real truth about life, who wants forgiveness and redemption. There is no other way to solve the problems of the world. We are on the brink of destruction, so where is God? Where He has always been, right in the thick of all our our circumstances, healing, protecting, and guiding those who are willing to believe in Him and love Him, and leading everyone else to come to the revelation of Jesus Christ, to give them the choice to believe or not to believe, the choice being peace or anxiety, love or indifference, His healing presence in their lives, or to suffer alone in confusion.
That is why we must give our all, everything we have to Jesus Christ, for when we abide in Him nothing that we have will ever be lost, in fact everything that we have will be increased, healed, transformed, and loved. No other being in this universe will love you more. He cannot give anything more to us than He has already given, which is everything He has and will ever have. Don't believe it? Just read the bible about His Crucifixion, death, and resurrection, just hear about what He gave to His disciples, the power to heal and to proclaim the gift of salvation by preaching the Gospel of Grace, the revelation of Jesus Christ. It has changed the lives of everyone who has ever received it, and it will continue to amaze and astound everyone as things become more chaotic in the world.
If you have never received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, please do not hesitate to do so right now. You need Him, we all need Him and He is the only way to true peace and restoration. Just ask Him to come into your heart right now, and you will never be sorry that you did, and you certainly have nothing to lose in this deal, because you will gain everything, everything that you need to survive and so much more!
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