Monday, April 24, 2017

The Thief Of All Time

by Jacky Julyan

'Come follow Me'

I heard his voice so clearly. I had walked, or rather leisurely strolled towards Jesus as he called me "'Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men'".

There was such an uproar from the crowds of people at his words, for no-one had ever spoken like this man before and with such power. Some loved him and most of the Jews hated and feared him yet he was a Jew himself! Many claimed he was the promised Messiah, others demanded an earthly King, while still others purported that he was demon-possessed! I quietly mused 'What's all the rush about any way?'

Then I heard his voice again, but this time there was a deep sense of urgency in his tone. 'He called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me'".

As I slowly pushed myself through the crowds, I noticed that some were already leaving and others, like myself, were straining on tenterhooks to hear more of what Jesus was saying. I managed to get back to the front row where I could see his face and also to stand beside the other disciples, the other eleven. I saw that even John and Matthew were looking nervous and unsure, in fact, I sensed they were frightened at the realization and cost of following Jesus.

One young man spoke up, he was well dressed and was known to be very rich. 'I will follow you Jesus, I need to sort out my finances, then I'll come back and follow you'.

Then I heard an older woman speak up, a widow who had a very large family 'I'll follow you Jesus, but please let me say goodbye to all my family first'.

As they spoke, I saw many people mutter under their breath reasons as to why they couldn't or wouldn't follow Jesus and then turn and leave. It was then I saw tears fall down upon Jesus' cheeks, his whole countenance was one of great sadness and pierced my heart like a sword.

Many hundreds turned away from his words, even those who had witnessed the wonderful miracle of feeding over 5,000 people, this number didn't even include the children and their mothers! These said among themselves 'This teaching is too hard for us to follow him'.

Jesus then looked straight at me, 'Are you too going to leave?'. His eyes flashed with the brightness of flaming fire. These words penetrated my heart, I couldn't speak but then in desperation answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life."

'My dear Peter there is now no time to delay, for the Kingdom of God is at Hand. The appointed time which my Father has set, though not yet known by any one, neither me, is upon you. Satan would have you keep quiet, and do nothing, but salvation has come and I am calling all sinners to repentance'. As I digested these words of Jesus, I knew I had been ambling along without real understanding or urgency of the times. It was now or never, to wholly devote myself to follow Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Then as though coming out of a daze, I heard Jesus speak again.

'Wake up! Wake up! for I have called you to go preach to all the nations that the Kingdom of God is at hand! Satan is the great procrastinate of your soul and sin is crouching at your door, the time is very short! I am calling every man to salvation, I am calling many to repentance. There is still daylight but night is coming and you must wake up! For I am coming back very soon!'

As I stood and surveyed the other eleven disciples whom Jesus had called, I realized we were all afraid, including myself, of the real cost of following Jesus. Truly procrastination is the thief of all time.

The LORD called me to write since 2006. The time is short and I delight to do Godïs will, although it can be tough!
Article Source: WRITERS

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