The church of God is going through a transition, because the times are changing;
people are suffering, wars are being fought, and persecution of jews and christians
are on the rise. It is now almost a crime to be a christian in america, and the old
values are not honored or respected as they were even 10 years ago.
Some people are living double lives, professing their belief in Christ in the public
eye, but living unrepentant lives in their private time; we as the body of Christ
can no longer tolerate these fake believers in our midst. The Lord is calling us out,
His true believers to live holy and righteous lives, to live in peace and joy
and as wonderful examples of His love, and we cannot do this without His help
or the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
What you see is what you get - everyday in life, we see people as they are
represented by the media, but not as they really are - celebrities, singers and
musicians, actors and politicians, business men and potentates, their lives are
presented as people of power and influence, and they are projected as people who
we should admire. We are told that we should desire to be just like them, but we
really have no idea who they are, only God knows their hearts.
When we are presented with people who are genuine in their character, it seems
odd and out of the ordinary, many times they are not striving to get everyone else's
approval, they are just being themselves. Last year, we saw people and circumstances
that were strange and frightening; terrorist attacks, shooting and deaths that were
racially motivated, ongoing wars and escalations, powerful leaders of countries
postering for the priviledge to speak their minds for the whole world to see, and
nations readying themselves for war. Everyone was in a rush to walk down the road to
But the people of God were willing to pray and to intercede for our country and the
world. They asked the God of Heaven to heal our land and our people, to bring a renewal
and the peace of God into our hearts because we need a change; the body of Christ needs
to be purged and cleansed from its confusion and to begin again to focus on the word of God
and to give our lives to proclaiming the Gospel of peace and the Lord Jesus Christ.
I believe that those prayers were answered but in a way that surprised everyone and the world.
We now have a president in office that could not have been elected unless it was the will of
the Lord that he be given this authority, and he is a sign to everyone that the same old things
that have been going on in the past will no longer be tolerated. We have to trust the Lord, for
He is about to do some amazing things in our country and in the world.
This is our time as believers to be bold in our love for Him and to have the courage to live
lives that give God the glory, and we can only do so if we continue to worship, pray, and praise
His Holy Name, choosing to live our lives in His presence. There is no other way I know to live
this life and be to happy and grateful for everything I have because of His love in my heart.
We need to show the world what that love is like and how it can change their lives, so that what they see
when they look at you is what they know they wlll get, and if they like what they see, then they will certainly enjoy
what they will get!
They will need to enjoy this peace and love from God, because this is the power that all christians have
to face the problems that we deal with everyday, and unfortunately, the problems in the world are going
to increase. This morning the Lord cofirmed to my spirit that this year is going to have some more
troubled times. A few months ago, He told me that a reawakening will happen in the church and in america
by the end of this year. We are in for the largest revival every seen on planet earth, and this is very
encouraging for all of us you are living their lives for God despite what everyone else says or does.
We can all rejoice in God for the coming harvest.
While God is moving in the world for His children, you can be sure that satan and his demons will make His
moves as well. God confirmed to me that there will be some terrorist activity in america, specifically in
New York City a possible nuclear attack that will cause a building to collapse. Since I live north of NYC
in the suburbs, this is going to impact my life as well as the lives of some my loved ones, so I am not
thrilled about this message at all. Some other prophets had predicted that america would be attacked
and NYC is always one of the areas mentioned in those predictions. I believe that the Lord gave me this
confirmation as a warning to His people.
This is not a warning I am giving to make anyone afraid, but to help all believers in their walk with God.
We all need to be in constant prayer; we should pray for our loved ones and ourselves, for our coworkers
and our neighbors, and we need to keep pressing into Jesus and His love. We need to keep our hearts open to
the promptings of the Holy Spirit and allow ourselves to led by Him. If we keep our eyes on Jesus, then
He will tell us what needs to be done for ourselves, our families, and for the communities in which we live.
Despite everything that is going on, and the possibly of being hurt or destroyed by violence and terrorism,
Jesus has promised that He will never leave us or forsake us, and He will protect His loved ones, His Bride,
the Body of Christ, but we must be willing to believe in Him and to be guided by Him. If you have never
been led by Him, or have never heard His voice in your heart, you need to pray for guidance and for a fresh
renewing of our heart, for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. He will guide you and tell you what you need
to do to protect yourself and your family.
He is knocking at your heart right now, He wants you to know that He loves you and that He will be there
for you; He will protect you if you let Him be first in your heart. You can't know what to do for your
family if He is in not first in your heart. Trust Him, be guided by Him, and you will know the peace of
God, and joy and happiness is the result; Read Psalm 91 to yourself everyday and pray it over your
family and friends, He will protect His own, no matter what happens in our land.
Praise God For His Everlasting Love and Peace That He Gives To His Little Ones - Be At Peace Because He
Will Never Leave You Or Forsake You!
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