2 Corinthians 4:8-9 We are experiencing trouble on every side, but are not crushed; we are perplexed, but not driven to despair; we are persecuted, but not abandoned; we are knocked down, but not destroyed, always carrying around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be made visible in our body.
Once you understand in your heart about God's love for you, there is no going back to fear, hopelessness, and despair; you will find that you do not want to live in that neighborhood anymore. When you are faced with the issues of living in our world, knowing that there is an all powerful God who created the universe and who cares about you, who will love you and protect you and has the best intentions for you in your life, that is a concept that never disappoints you or lets you down. You cannot stay down for very long in guilt, bitterness, or disbelief once you have felt the love of God in your heart.
You may be thinking, yes that is probably true, but what if I am beyond the point of despair? What if I have given up the fight to live because I am worn out and I feel like I am all alone. What if I don't care about myself or anyone else anymore? Have you been feeling like everything and everyone is against you? What about the things that you used to do in life that gave you pleasure; have you found that even the most simple and easy tasks have become difficult for you, and that you can't get any enjoyment from those things that you used to do?
...They will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation...."
2 Peter Ch 3:4
The world is in turmoil, and people are fearful in their hearts. They look for hope in hopeless situations. There is a message of hope and peace, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and some have found rest in this hope, but others are seeking hope everywhere else, and hoping that rules, regulations, and endless rituals will give them everything that they believe will make them happy. Many are told to look within themselves for the answer, but positive thinking can only give you part of the answers or the benefits that they are seeking. What everyone is seeking is a place where poverty, war, hate, strife, and disease cannot touch them; you are looking for love, peace, and eternal rest.
The answer is in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He has provided everything you need to find peace and love, hope and happiness. Where else will you find the gospel of Grace, a God who will accept you just as you are, who will love you and guide through all of your hardest times and give you good things to put joy and laughter into your heart? No other 'god' has claimed to have died for you because they loved you so much and could not bear to see you die in your sins, to be separated forever from His loving presence into hell, where there is nothing but darkness, pain, and eteral suffering. Has any celebrity, political power figure, religious official, stone 'god' statue or 'mystical' doctrine ever told you that they loved you so much that they
would die for you? Why do you worship these false gods that take everything they can out of you and your life yet truly give nothing of value to you in return?
Now, you may ask, If God is loving and merciful, if He cares so much for us, why is the world the way it is today? Why doesn't He fix things? Is Jesus Christ really coming back to rule and reign on the earth? If you are really looking at the circumstances that we seem to be in today, you will conclude that mankind is on the brink of something huge, and for some, unexpected. The goal of all the people in power today is to have a final solution for all of the world's problems, but everyone has a different strategy as to how to complete this goal. For every politician spouting words of peace, there are twice as many people working in the background devising schemes for war so that they will be victorius and claim the world for themselves. The world will continue to be divided until someone comes along with the love, peace, understanding, and the wisdom in their heart to bring the world together.
God knew before the foundation of the world what it would mean to bring humanity into His universe, He knew that we would rebel and go our own way, yet He never faltered from His goal of creating this world or man because He loved us anyway, He wanted us, and He let us decide what we wanted to do. Our ancestors, adam and eve, made the wrong choice, and the world has suffered because of it, but the Lord had already devised a solution to the problem, a person willing to be sacrified on a cross to atone for our sins, Jesus Christ.
We cannot hope to escape the eternal consequences of your sins without The Blood Of The Lamb, shed on calvary so that we may always live in His presence forever. God will let us live our lives without Him, for the gift of free choice is ours without reproach, but if we choose to live our lives for ourselves, we cannot expect the Lord to live with the consequences of our sins in His world and His universe forever and ever. We are given enough time to come to Him and repent, or worship at someone else's altar and then to die eternally separated from Him forever.
And just as the Lord provided Jesus Christ as the answer to the world's sin problem, He also knew that His Son would have to rule the world, because His children needs a leader who will rule the world according to His standards. That is why Jesus Christ is coming back again, this time not only as teacher, friend, and deliverer, but as ruler, God, and Savior, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, to rule and reign forever and ever. We need Him in our lives because freedom. liberty and love is found in Him; we can be our true selves, the best version living in peace and perfection. No one will ever give as much as He will to us and no one will ever love us more!
Yes, He is coming back, and we as christians know this because this knowledge has been implanted into our hearts, and the circumstances of the world has changed, because our enemy, satan and his demons know that their time of rule upon this world is almost over, and so he wants to sow war, ruin, and destruction into the hearts of as many people as possible, the unvelievers who are not aware or are in denial about his power and influence upon their hearts and lives. The main event is almost here, when Jesus Christ and the children of light will defeat satan and the forces of darkness before every eye and heart in the world, for all to see, so that there will never again be any doubt in anyone's mind that there is a God in heaven, and that His ways are better than any other way we can think or conceive; Jesus Christ, My Lord and Savior is coming again!
Are you ready for what is about to happen on this world? Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Are you living right now in a place that is beyond despair? Let me encourage you, because Jesus Christ is the solution to your problems, the one you have been looking for. No one, no psychological counseling, or 12 step program will be able to heal the despair in your heart and give you peace; I cannot help you, but Jesus Christ can give you everything that you need to comfort your spirit and heal your heart. Invite Him into your life and your home right now, allow the holy spirit to bring peace, love, and joy into your heart, and be accepted, finally, into the Kingdom of God and become apart of a very large and loving family. We are here for you, so please do not despair any longer and give your heart to Him!