Sunday, September 4, 2016

Evil Spirituality Part 6

by Gerry Bloemendaal
3/09/2016 / Christian Apologetics

Friends I wanted to have a closer look at our spirituality, often we forget that we are spiritual beings and that both Good and Bad bring spiritual realities alive within our lives.

Below I have listed some common wrong or evil spiritual manifestations which we can find within our spiritual space. Please understand that the names I gave the spirituality are pointers of recognition.

Legalism. (Is 5:18-19)

A spirit of deceit, (especially about God's Word,) restrictions, oppression and murder. A spirit of abominations. An 'evil eye' spirit. A spirit of this world. Oh these wolves in sheep clothing. They exult laws even God's holy law in world's unclean ways of seeing and ruling (Col 2:16-22). Legalism is the main force behind the most unholy spiritual beast to prowl around - The Dragon - full of blasphemous names - right in our soul - right in our being. With him we think in ways about God that reflect the lovelessness of our sinful seeing - an utter abomination to dwell within/among us ( Dan 9:27, 11:36-39, Mat 24:15, Rev 17.)

Legalism's surest voice of recognition - must, don't, do, should, shouldn't and lets make yet another rule saying such things. Legalism kills love and breeds fear inside of our hearts, tying us to laws and rules instead. We can detect Legalism (or the seeds of Legalism) if we can see the 'ruling' presence of the Accuser, Tempter, Wrath, Fear, Judgmentalness, Shame, Guilt and Hate in our hearts. Often Legalism acts like fuel on the fire of the lawless ones (will to do wrong and love for evil.) yet God has given Legalism in its 'ultimate and final authority' the right to burn that in us which remains lawless, after which it will be destroyed. ( Rom. 13, 1 Co. 5:5, Rev 17:15-17)

Judgmentalness.(1 Cor. 4:5)

A spirit of disdain, oppression and murder. An 'evil eye' spirit, a crushing spirit. The shape of Judgmentalness must be this inner need to pass a verdict upon another. Judgmentalness has being inside of us through the workings of Arrogance, Pride, Wrath, Gossip, Perversion, Legalism, Bitterness and the like. We act like fools when we accept the shallow perspective of Judgmentalness. One of the many unclean spiritualities the Bible CLEARLY warns us about. The judgement YOU use shall be used against you is the dire warning given.

Self-righteousness.(Pr. 30:12-14).

A spirit of pride, boasting and delusions. An 'evil eye' spirit. A spirit of extreme abominations. A spirit of this world. A 'child' of Legalism and Pride raised by Arrogance. Self-righteousness shapes the sense the we are good for we feel/hear this from within ourselves. Often long lists of 'good works' (even checking these past Scripture) this spirit passes by our spiritual eyes in defense of its inner existence.


An enormously sly, captivating and powerful spirit. An evil eye spirit. a spirit of this world. The Woman on the Beast in Rev 17 - which uses truths - even God's - to enslave our faith life to tradition, morals, values and rules taught by men. Paul in Col 2 describes that the harsh treatment of the flesh, gives Religion away, Religion has no power to curb sinful flesh but makes it worse. Traditions/conservatism, values and morals are the baits used to captivate people to a religious life, where faith in Christ is replaced with faith in religious truths and customs.

Dissatisfaction.(Pr 30:15b-16)

A spirit of abominations. A crushing spirit. An 'evil eye' spirit. A spirit of spiritual injustice, oppression, cruelty and murder. A spirit of warfare and thievery. A spirit who brings us the moments of our darkest greed, lust, hate and envy of heart and mind. A sickening spirit. Dissatisfaction is the most popular spiritual cancer eating away at the (Westernized) human soul. Dissatisfaction could be called the 'throne' of Satan for it was dissatisfaction with his position that shaped him into the liar. The need for more 'good' typifies Dissatisfaction. (Is 29:8)

Rebellion.(Jr 5:23-31)

A spirit of unwillingness, mutiny and murder. A spirit of imprisonment, oppression and spiritual genocide. A flaring spirit. An 'evil eye' spirit. The shape of this spirit is the steel like grip which takes control of our heart and mind amidst often much inner turmoil. Understanding that Rebellion can take hold of us in either good or bad situations - rebellion against unjust practices for example - we should understand that the true wickedness of this spirit lays in its perspective and the route of its direction. Violently opposed resistance, intense heat within our heart display the seeds and growth of its inner existence. Rebellion has Pride, Envy, Legalism, Conformity, Injustice and Foolishness as some of its best working mates.


An 'evil eye' spirit. An overwhelming spirit, a fiery spirit. A child of hate, Revenge is another big one. Murderous thoughts and plans this spirit of abominations brings to our mind consuming all mercy and decency this spirit will prepare judgement in hate, malice and cruelty.

Grace killer.

A spirit without mercy, a spirit of abominations, A spirit who works in corporation with the Accuser and the Deceiver. An 'evil eye' spirit. Grace killer is the bringer of our own lovelessness and unbelief. His name describes his action. God's grace brings us His love - when grace killer is at work however we start to eat our own spiritual dung. We will find no forgiveness, grace or love. Grace killer commits the sin against the Holy Spirit and can cast a sufferer in their deepest personal Hell of being. Sure signs of his unholy company are the presence of his unholy mates. Weakness, Shame, Guilt, Bitterness, Rage, Legalism, Loneliness, Addiction, Hopelessness, Self Destruction and Despair (Suicide for some).

Sin Whiner.(1 Sa. 15:24-25)

A spirit of spiritual blindness, THIEVERY, inactivity, oppression, murder and genocide. An 'evil eye' spirit. An spiritual abomination, a spirit of this world. The sin whiner can be recognized by thoughts or statements such as "I'm such a sinner", sigh - "I'm a sinner", feeling so sorry for oneself that this is so - or in any other way or form arguing in favor of being a sinner - rather than a child of forgiveness and grace in the Joy of His salvation. The Sin whiner is a 'child' of Legalism and Weakness and is raised/trained by the Accuser and Grace killer.

To feel cut of.

A spirit of imprisonment and torture. An 'evil eye' spirit. A spirit of this world. The 'No one understands me' feeling unloved, isolated and uncared for, is the clearest shape one can find. To feel cut of is often a spirit forced upon its victim by communities which divides itself into little 'power' - elitist groups. To feel cut of as a Church member is therefore usually caused because the 'power' groups of the Church don't accommodate other people's views or ways. Many Churches by the very order of organised power bluntly refuses to provide a safe Haven for every believer.


A spirit of hate, injustice, thievery and murder. An 'evil eye' spirit. As one shivers from disgust when one drinks gall or vinegar so this spirit fills our hearts in bitter thoughts of reality. Bitterness is the spoiler of God's good and works on behalf of evil to pollute the heart and frame work of mind. Bitterness always seeks out to fill our spirit with its own depraved way of looking at things. Pride, Dishonesty and/or Dissatisfaction are preludes to its arrival and Jealousy walks hand in hand afterwards.


A spirit of merciless oppression in hopelessness, deceit, selfishness (or self-focus) and unbelief. An 'evil eye' spirit. A spirit of abominations. A crushing spirit. At its worst one could see in this spiritual reality along with misery and hopelessness the shape of the bottomless pit. (depicted in the book of Revelation.) Despair is the grip of death and decay, (that what is to perish,) upon our soul. The harvester of deceitful thinking and actions returns doom and gloom. Despair is cruel and icy cold on the bottom of our being.(Lovelessness is the grip that Despair uses.) Despair in a person indicates that legions of unclean spirits have been at work. In particular we will find Fear, Unbelief, Accuser, Grace killer and Deceiver are the forces working in the shadows.


A spirit of oppression in misery, despair and uselessness. A spirit of this world. An evil eye spirit. An other strong one. Self pity and Selfishness usually walk hand and hand together. The Mocker and Bitterness are also well known co-offenders. Self-pity imprisons our pain and tries to get as much misery out of it as possible by INCREASING the perception of our suffering. Selfishness, Envy, Greed, Lust, Fear, Rage, Rebellion and Pride as well as Weakness, Addiction, Despair, Misery, Despair, Hopelessness and Self-destruction, find good 'seed beds' when Self-pity rules our hearts and minds.


A spirit of merciless oppression in the hopelessness of sin. An 'evil eye' spirit. A spirit of this world. A crushing spirit. Misery is caused by sin. Misery can be brought upon us (traumatic events) but usually in our woods of the world it has been bred in the hearts of its victims. Love, grace and forgiveness are Miseries greatest enemies for these STOP the wailing in even the deepest pit. The power and depth of misery can be beyond comprehension - be very careful to only ever love Misery out of people.


A spirit of spiritual genocide. An 'evil eye' spirit. A crushing spirit. The sense that ALL is lost and the future offers no hope is the surest shape one can find for this spiritual abomination. Hopelessness is a most powerful spirit to drag us down into the 'lost sinner' syndrome. As hopelessness is in complete opposition to Jesus victory over darkness we must be sure to unmask and resist this inner voice of deceit. (Ep. 2:11-13.)


No spirit no life. No more existence (in that part of our life) as life has run out! Evil ending.

(This is why we need Jesus, for as sinners we interact - fornicate - with wrong spiritualities - polluting our souls. Repent and forgiveness is assured for those who confess their times with wrong and seek right instead. (Ezekiel 18)

Prayer of Salvation


I repent for trying to be master of my own life. I change my mind about who I want to be in charge of my life. I turn from my useless and unproductive thoughts that I am the center of my universe and choose to believe in the living God who created everything, including me (Acts 14:15). I have lived without a purpose but now I will live to hear and obey You, God (Jn. 5:19, 20,30).

I confess with my lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead. I believe that God so loved the world He sent His only Son Jesus to shed His blood to wash away the barrier of sin (Jn. 3:16)

I receive You, Jesus as MY Lord and Savior (Jn. 1:11,12).

I welcome You, Holy Spirit, into my life to rescue and empower me and to restore me to intimacy with my heavenly Father (Acts 2:38).

If you just confessed this prayer, you are saved! I welcome you into the family my (brother/sister) I pray for peace, joy, and happiness in your life as you allow the Lord to love you and bless you and give you assurance of everlasting life with Him forever and ever......PRAISE GOD!

May the Lord keep you and Bless you this day....Amen

Hi my name is Gerry I like to write poetry or short articles, I've had some of my poems published but most of my work is unpublished.

Copyright 2007 Jeshu (UN: jeshu at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.

Article Source: WRITERS

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