Thursday, September 1, 2016

Evil Spirituality Part 3

by Gerry Bloemendaal
3/09/2016 / Christian Apologetics

Friends I wanted to have a closer look at our spirituality, often we forget that we are spiritual beings and that both Good and Bad bring spiritual realities alive within our lives.

Below I have listed some common wrong or evil spiritual manifestations which we can find within our spiritual space. Please understand that the names I gave the spirituality are pointers of recognition.


A spirit of deceit, dishonesty and spiritual genocide. The shape of this spirit one can recognize as the need to hide one's true self/feelings. Mask wearing is a sure sign of its unholy presence. Pretender always works together with Dishonesty and Deceiver and should never be underestimated as to its power to pollute our inner being. Hypocrite is another spiritual reality which finds 'birth' because of pretending.


A spirit of bondage and spiritual genocide. A spirit of this world. A spirit who brings Shame, Guilt and The Accuser, but also hate and rebellion into our being. To be conformed to God's will or to be conformed to the world's ways are two very different spiritual forces. Conformity attacks/manipulates the spirit of the carrier - shaping it in such away as to suit others the best. Think here about a tight steel harness. Conformity hates a free spirit as promised by Jesus Christ. Demanding constant sacrifices Conformity and the spirit of this world tie people into a daily rut life-style. (Col. 2:16-23) Deceiver, Dishonesty, Pretender, Pride, Legalism, Secret self and Conformity walk hand in hand.

Loneliness. (Mk 15:34)

A spirit of torturous isolation and imprisonment. A crushing spirit. A spirit of growing stature in the fast landscape of spiritual dominations. Our societies crazy drive for success and wealth have given this spirit a solid foothold over people. To be lonely and cut of in a place where sometimes millions of people dwell is the surest way of recognition on grand scale. From a more personal perspective Loneliness attacks the weak in faith as well as the lonely such as the sick, elderly or widows. The spirit of Loneliness always tries to drive us away from our faith in God. So it can rule our heart and minds with Misery, Despair, Gossip and Hopelessness and the likes.

*** Evil eye spirits.

Arrogance.(Ps 10:2-11)

A spirit of perversion, boasting, self-satisfaction and self glorification. Arrogance is a spirit of clear visibility when present within our hearts. An evil eye spirit. Lacking any sense of shame or guilt Arrogance takes hold of the perspective/situation and places itself above God our Father, making us feel strong/good and powerful/holy in its unholy presence. The lie who 'fathered' Arrogance in Weakness and Pride remains the underlying force of our will, so Arrogance is a 'mile-stone' closer to the self-deification of Satan within our own sense of self.

The prayer obscurer.(Da. 10:13, He. 3:10-11)

Satan as spirit of inattention, unfaithfulness, self-focus and unbelief. An evil eye spirit. The prayer obscurer I see as the one who takes us 'away' on velvet wings during prayer, Bible reading or Sermons in Church. Yet truly this spirit is most wicked for he silently takes over our heart and mind -- This spirit takes us away from a living communion with our Lord. To bombard us with our daily thoughts or rake-up old memories or to simply take us on a dream tour are some of the shapes of recognition within ourselves. The prayer obscurer, Deceiver, Accuser, Word hater, and the Tempter are different manifestations of the same spirit of deceit.

The Church hater.

Satan. A spirit of hate, oppression and murder. A spirit of arrogance and judgementalness. A spirit who 'toys' with right and wrong. An 'evil eye' spirit. (Ps 124, 143:3-4)) The spirit who hates the Church should not just be understood from a narrow perspective. The spirit who hates the Church hates all God's children - everyone! For a Roman Catholic to hate a Protestant reveals the Church hater just as much, as when a Protestant hates a Baptist, or an Arab hating the Christians as well as the Jews. Also hating ones brother or sister has its origin with the Church hater. From personal dislike for one's own Church to hating every Church but ones own, to bringing his mate Shame to burn one's identity as a Christian for awhile, the Church hater is sure to visit the hearts of God's children in countless ways and places.


An 'evil eye' spirit. A spirit of injustice, haughtiness and self exultation. The spirit of dislike is characterized by this sense of disinclination towards one's neighbor or other Creature or thing Created. Sometimes Dislike 'strikes' people down for no apparent reason, though usually Fear, Pride, Hate or Arrogance are preludes. Dislike is often followed by Disgust and/or Judgmentalness.


A spirit of pride, arrogance, hate, cruelty, disregard, power seeking and war. A spirit of injustice, oppression and mass murder. A brutal crushing and overwhelming spirit. An 'evil eye' spirit, a spirit of this world. Racism is another form of the Church hater and has enormous powers at his command in our world today. Fear, Pride and Hate 'raise' this spiritual abomination.


A spirit of cruelty, betrayal, imprisonment and murder. An 'evil eye' spirit. A spirit of this world. Gossip can be found as in its eye and eagerness to downgrade or think evil of others than itself. By this I mean as with Envy this spirit uses (or resides in) our knowledge base and perverts it. Another description which fits Gossip well is vulture as it always seeks out corruption within others or the person it resides in. In the ultimate analyses Gossip and Perversion are the manifestation of the same fallen spiritual reality, however Gossip uses right - our perverted perspective off right - and stabs 'daggers' or 'spears' of evil intent into our perspective of 'right' in relation to actions of other people or events. Gossip can have a strong grip on us even if we don't gossip in the physical reality. Negative thoughts about other people or God as in this is how they/He talk or think(s) about me --- insights and illusions - of a person(s) saying or doing such things clutter the mind at the times when the spirit of gossip is active in this way. (Le. 19:16, Ps 31:13)

Love for (money.)

A spirit of distortion, abominations and greed. A spirit of idolatry and adultery. An 'evil eye' spirit. A spirit of this world. An overwhelmingly sly spirit a power seeking spirit. That an object is loved and trusted has always been seen as idolatry in the Scriptures. Love for money is a classic. Love for money rules inside its victim's daily reality. Countless abominations have been committed by humanity because they fell for the tempting voice of the money lover. Love for money has Greed and Fear as 'parents' and is raised in Lust. Please understand that money lover is but one of the countless 'loves for .... ' we can have within our mortal existence. Love the Lord Your God with ALL your heart and ALL your soul and ALL your might leaves no room for other loves for ...... to rule instead.

(This is why we need Jesus, for as sinners we interact - fornicate - with wrong spiritualities - polluting our souls. Repent and forgiveness is assured for those who confess their times with wrong and seek right instead. (Ezekiel 18)

Prayer of Salvation


I repent for trying to be master of my own life. I change my mind about who I want to be in charge of my life. I turn from my useless and unproductive thoughts that I am the center of my universe and choose to believe in the living God who created everything, including me (Acts 14:15). I have lived without a purpose but now I will live to hear and obey You, God (Jn. 5:19, 20,30).

I confess with my lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead. I believe that God so loved the world He sent His only Son Jesus to shed His blood to wash away the barrier of sin (Jn. 3:16)

I receive You, Jesus as MY Lord and Savior (Jn. 1:11,12).

I welcome You, Holy Spirit, into my life to rescue and empower me and to restore me to intimacy with my heavenly Father (Acts 2:38).

If you just confessed this prayer, you are saved! I welcome you into the family my (brother/sister) I pray for peace, joy, and happiness in your life as you allow the Lord to love you and bless you and give you assurance of everlasting life with Him forever and ever......PRAISE GOD!

May the Lord keep you and Bless you this day....Amen

Hi my name is Gerry I like to write poetry or short articles, I've had some of my poems published but most of my work is unpublished.

Copyright 2007 Jeshu (UN: jeshu at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.

Article Source: WRITERS

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