"How long, O Lord, will we have to deal with people in the world who refuse to love, how long will your world have to bear their pride, disregard, and hate?"
Why is it so hard for people, countries, and governments to cooperate with each other? Why are some people blind to the real suffering in the world, even the suffering going on in their own houses? The lies we tell ourselves to keep on going in life will eventually destroy us. It is one thing to be oblivious to what is going on in the world as a whole, but when you allow suffering in your own house and in your own heart, that is a clear sign that something is very wrong with the life you have chosen to live, and that it may be time to stop the lies and to start seeking the truth.
Search For The Truth So That You May Live - How many times have you told yourself you have to make a change in your life; you are noticing that you are making the same mistakes over and over, and you don't know why you can't do something different. You think that the hurts of the past can't hurt you anymore because you decided not to think about them and to ignore the pain that comes up in your heart when you think about it, but the truth is that you will not become a healthier person by ignoring your issues.
You have to decide to face your problems, be honest with yourself and embrace the changes that will be necessary to give you peace and hope. No amount of self medication (drugs, drinking, food, sex, etc...) is going to solve the problem or make it go away. You will know in that moment when you have gone too far, and I urge you to listen to what your heart, mind, and your body is trying to tell you at that time; you have people that love you, and they see what you are doing to yourself, but you have to believe in yourself as well, you have a responsibility to yourself, so don't disregard the signs in your life that tell you that you are falling apart.
Where Is The Answer For All Of Your Troubles? The answer is in Jesus Christ - He loves you............He Loves You.........HE LOVES YOU.........He created this world and He created mankind. We are the greatest of His creations in all the earth because He created us in the image of God; He gave us a mind, body, and a spirit, it was His spirit that He blew into the nostrils of adam to give him life, and it is that same life that is like God, eternal and true. When we die, that is the part of ourselves that still exists, and goes back to God or it begins to suffer in hell; we are given a choice in life to consider once and for all, do we live for God and choose eternal life, peace, and happiness, or do we live for ourselves, which ends in darkness, despair, and defeat?
It is your choice, and a merciful God is willing to bear rejection, cursing, and abuse from His ungrateful children if He knows that giving us the choice to live for Him or for ourselves means that He will be able to save some of us, His precious little ones that He adores. Even if no one else on this earth cares enough to love you, it is okay, because He will always love you, and He will never leave you or forsake you when you choose to live for Him, and if you choose to live for Him, His love will make you bold, bold enough to love others even when they will never love you back!
You can give of your heart and mind when He loves you; you can resist temptations when you lean into Him and meditate on His precious Word; keep the Lord in your heart and read the Word of God, and you will know true happiness, and your life will never
be the same again. You can be bold in Jesus Christ, because you won't be solving your problems on your own, you will give all of your problems to Him, and He will solve them for you. He will change your heart and your mind, so that you can see the world through God's eyes, and you will give praise and honor to Him forever and ever, as you worship in His presence and bask in His love. No other 'god' will do, once you have a taste of His love and His presence in your life. Choose right now life, real life, and be made whole, don't wait for tommorow - why suffer another day of 'just getting by' when you can receive your healing today, and tommorow is not promised to any of us. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior today!
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