My heart is always filled with joy when I think about how much the Lord loves me. It is not a temporary or superficial kind of love, and our relationship has deepened and grown over the years. The difference between religion and relationship when it comes to God is quite easy to see when you take the time to compare them.
Religious practices honors the person doing them; the person believes that by doing certain rituals and good deeds that they will receive an eternal reward when they die. He or she keeps a mental scorecard that checks off everything good thing and ritual that they have ever done, and it seems to reassure them of the fact that they will go to heaven when they die.
A relationship with God honors God, for the person pursuing a relationship with Him is focused on loving and obeying the Lord, and they are not concerned with how many rituals or good deeds they do. They do the good deeds because of their love for God, and they are willing to express His love to the world by showing kindness and compassion, and they give from their hearts.
Why are you serving God? Do you believe that your tithes and offerings will score big on 'God's heavenly scorecard', or are you giving out of love and respect for God? Attending church every sunday is a good thing if you are focused on worshiping the Lord and receiving a fresh word from your pastor to strengthen and develop your relationship with God, but some people are going to church to keep up appearances. They want everyone in their community to believe that they are a good person, and nothing that they do in or with the church will ever reach their hearts.
It is time for everyone to stop relying on their religious practices, and to believe the word of God with all of their hearts. Life is not, nor has it ever been a game. We get one chance, one life, and we must use the time that is given to us by God to decide, will we live for Him, or will we live for ourselves? It is literally the choice between life and death. If you have been playing the game and coasting along in life by just being a 'good' person, I am writing this to warn you that you can no longer
walk down that broad and wide road any longer, and I strongly suggest that you begin your walk down the long narrow road to
salvation and freedom, towards the love of God.
When you make the choice to love and obey Him, He will give you the strength to live by His standards so that you can keep the covenant of love, freedom, and salvation that He freely gives to everyone who believes in His Son, Jesus Christ. His love will empower you to give of yourself freely and selflessly, with no expectation of anything in return. God shows His love and mercy everyday to us, whether we choose to believe in Him or not.
Now, that is the ultimate expression of true love, it is unstoppable love. He loved you when you didn't even know that He existed, even when you kept ignoring the promptings of the Holy Spirit tugging at your heart. He cares for you, so why are you wasting your time with empty rituals and a mental 'good deeds' scorecard? Just trust Him, Love Him, Obey Him, and believe in His Word, and as you begin to live for Him, you will know peace, joy, and rest
in His arms.
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