I heard about a miracle, a man who passed out late last year. He was having a heart attack, and he was rushed to the hospital. The doctors were not able to help him, but he had the prayers and the love of his family and friends, and he survived. The doctors called it a miracle, because they did not know what to do for him, and they know he could have died, but the Lord had a better plan. Isn't it wonderful to know that when no one else can help, the Lord can make a way out of no way? He is always there for you.
Now this person didn't remember what had happened to him. He woke up in the hospital and had to be told what happened to him, so he was not aware to pray for himself. It was the prayers of the people around him that made the difference. No one knows what will happen to them from one moment to the next, and it is sobering to know that we are here, alive and well by the grace of God.
Do you know that the only reason we exist at all is because of God's Love? He wanted to expand His family, and He created us so that He could fellowship with us, and be loved by us; Love always seeks out Love. It hurts Him everytime when the little ones that He loves won't receive His love and they choose to go their own way, but even then He still loves them. He gives them a choice to follow Him and live forever in peace and joy, or to choose the other path, which leads to death and destruction. The choice is a gift from God, and it is not to be dismissed as some type of fairytale.
He would love to save everyone, but He will not compromise His integrity, or revoke His eternal gift of free will; He always keeps His promises. When living in the presence of a Holy God, He expects His people to be Holy and to desire the same things that He desires in His heart, to live for peace, joy, harmony, and selfless love. So, the choice is either, love or hate, peace or chaos, humility or pride, life or death; there is no middle ground. This world may seem to be a middle ground, but that will soon be resolved, as the Lord calls for His people from every corner of the earth, and satan and his devils are defeated, and a new age of peace and prosperity will begin with the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
My life, your life, is a miracle of love, for we would not exist without Him. He wanted us, He chose to create this world, He breathed the Spirit of Life into adam, He decided that He would come and be born a humble human being, Our Lord Jesus, and die for us on a cross to atone for our sins, and He is still giving generously to His children everyday, for that is what a loving Father does for His children.
Give thanks to God for your life, for your life is a miracle wrought by Love. If you are a disciple of Jesus Christ, then you are never far from His love, grace, and mercy, Live for Him, as He chose to die for you. If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, I urge you to seek Him out with all of your heart, and chose to love Him as He Loves you!
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