Everyone has been offended by something or someone. In a 'polite' society, we are taught at a very early age how to react to other peoples' words or actions. When we were children, we reacted to everything; we were not afraid to express our opinions about people and the situations we found ourselves in, and we cared more about what we wanted for ourselves than what we could do for anyone else. You can always tell when children have matured by how well they obey the lessons that they have been taught and if they show concern for other people.
The key to true maturity is to let go of childish selfish tendencies, while keeping a child's ability to be open and loving; a child is willing to believe in you and accept you for who you are, especially if you are willing to show them kindness and consideration. You can only display this type of behavior when you are trained to be like this, and that is why everyone needs loving and wise parents to show them the way.
So, we all have been trained to be polite and to overlook offenses when thy occur, and most people do the best that they can when these situations occur. When you deal with strangers, it is often easy to do so, because the offense is usually minor, and there is a good chance that you will never see that person again. You may laugh about it later, and turn it into a funny story to tell your family and friends. The offense is usually not a serious or deep one, and the feeling that you had when the offense occured fades away. But what happens when these offenses occur with your family, friends, or coworkers, with people you interact with on a regular basis; have you learned to let go of those offenses?
As a believer in Jesus Christ, you are being led daily to live as He would live and as He would react to every situation you find yourself in life, and that is why it is so necessary to read the bible on a regular basis, because it is our training manual.
The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to be open and loving, and to be willing to follow His lead, to be transformed so that we have the mind of Christ. This doen not mean that we wont feel pain, or anger, or anxiety when offenses occur; when we follow in His steps, we find that it is easier to deal with these issues. He brings comfort to our souls, and we learn how to release these offenses to Him.
Let's face it, when you are offended by the people in your life, it can be very painful, and their actions can impact our own lives; we could hold on to our grevances, and we can interalize these offenses, but the Lord is asking us to surrender those offenses to Him. Once you have obeyed the Holy Spirit and admitted to Him how much that person or those people have offended you, that starts the healing process.
You cannot resolve an issue within your heart if you are not aware that you have the issue in the first place, and it is one of the functions of the Holy Spirit to point out the hurts, the fears, and dark places in our hearts.
He will heal you if you can admit that you have these weaknesses and issues in your behavior. and then you must surrender them to the Lord so that He can erase the offense from your mind. No one is immmune to this, because we have yet to be redeemed from our imperfections, and we need the Lord to help us deal with them.
So, when you find yourself thinking about an offense from the past, after you promised yourself you would never think about it again, take this burden to the Lord. admit to Him that you can't deal with it anymore, and that you need His power to overcome it.
He will start the healing process, and once He is done, you will find peace in your heart, and a new perspetive will arise about the situation. You will find that you can forgive the person(s) who have offended you, and you will find that it is now easier to love them and everyone else.
That is why we must bring everything to the Lord, all of our faults, issues, and needs. He is not happy when we try to do everything in our own strength. He knows that we need Him, and He is more than willing to help us. Don't be ashamed or afraid to come to Him, He already knows who we are and what we need to become mature christian followers. He is waiting for you to want something more than what the world can do for you. When you have a bigger desire in your heart to be released from your suffering, when you are willing to let go of all these offenses, then He can heal you. You must be willing to live on a higher standard than the world's standards - God's standards are always the best.
Forgiveness and love go hand in hand, and loving others means that we forgive them when they offend us in some way, and then we can act kindly towards them, and be free to love them with the love of Christ. Give yourself over to the healing and tranforming work of the Holy Spirit, and live life to the fullest, according to His will for your life, and you will never be disappointed that you did!
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