My friendship with God is simple, He shows His love for me in small and large ways. I wake up in the morning, knowing that He is there waiting for me to greet me. I greet Him, and give thanks for another day, I express my love for Him, and then I wait for His response in my heart, with makes me smile and I often laugh, because He is amused by my silly jokes.
I do my tasks during the day, sometimes I feel the need to speak to Him with a steady dialogue throughout the day, sometimes I feel His presence strongly in my heart, or a feeling of warmth all over my body, usually when I am reading the bible or commetary, or when I am listening or watching a christian show or program, I often know the speaker or preacher is saying something significant, a word that was for me because I can feel God's acknowledgement that He is speaking to me.
Sometimes I feel the Holy Spirit comforting me when I am angry or hurt; The Lord always whispers words of encouragement when I don't feel positive about myself or my future. He loves me, there is not doubt. He knows my faults, and chooses to live with me and work through me to accomplish His plans for my life.
The best thing I can say about my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is that He never takes me for granted. His is very sweet, gentle, and considerate towards me, He enjoys our time together, and sees me as who I am and what I will become. In other words, He knows that I am a weak, flawed human being that has many issues, and yet He chooses to love me with all of His heart, and care for me, and listen to my silly thoughts, and my negative ones. He chooses to treat me like I am His daughter, His little one,
chosen before the foundation of the world, to rule and reign with Him in His coming Kingdom, to love and cherish forever.
When someone sees you like this, it becomes harder and harder to worry about what other people think about you. After all, they don't really know me like Jesus does. They haven't been there through the tough times, they would probably have given up on me when I had a tough time letting go of my fears and anxieties. Where other people may just see a middle aged black woman with no 'power', no 'prestige', and no 'influence', my Jesus sees a beautiful, talented, righteous daughter, one of His many children that
have become citizens of His kingdom by choice because of His expression of love, His sacrifice and death upon the cross.
The greatest expression of friendship comes from accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, choosing to live your life with Him, being guided by the promptings of the Holy Spirit, knowing that there is someone who will love you and accept you no matter what happens in your life or what you do, as long as you continue to live that life in His presence. True friendship means being there for the one that you care for, and giving them what comfort and asistance you have to give, and apologizing when you hurt them or do something wrong, and then you try to do better by them. I am so glad that Jesus forgives me when I miss the mark, and that I am willing to listen when He tells me I need to change, so that His course corrections don't hurt as much as they could.
Friendship with Jesus means even when you make a mistake, He is still willing to work with you and through you, and you won't find a better person to be on your side when trouble comes, or when you find yourself in an impossible situation. He will give you the victory, if you let Him work through your problem on your behalf. Sit back and watch Him do His thing!
I am glad that I have Jesus as my friend, and my prayer is that everyone get to know Him, and to love Him like I do. If you want to be His friend, simply ask Him to come into your life and into your heart - is it that simple? is!
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