by Jacky Julyan
Matthew 19:29-30
'And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.'
A time is coming, which is now come upon the nations of ease, luxury and complacency that I will uproot many and vomit them out of my land. For all the earth belongs to me. The lands have hidden My Light that was to go to all the nations far and wide, to both rich and poor.
I have heard the cries of those betrayed, those who hold fast to Me and My Word. Stay close to Me for I shall never leave you nor forsake you.
To those nations as Sodom I am to rain down fire. Many false prophets and leaders will be crying from the rooftops as I remove their standing, remove their possessions. I, the LORD, shall remove their luxurious homes.
My Sword will divide in two, home upon home, upon house upon house, upon church upon church, upon business upon business. Many shall call out to Me and I shall not answer them.
The Cup is full, My Cup is full . Enough! My anger, My Judgment in full measure is poured from My Bowls of Wrath. I am releasing My Angel of Death. My winnowing fork is in My Hand and I have come now to the threshing floor, I am come with fire!
Many are saying 'Do not speak of gloom', yet I say to you, 'You are a rebellious nation, you have forsaken Me for many golden calves. The flesh of your land wreaks of sin, it is a stench to My nostrils. Yes, I am to catapult, I am to sling My Stone, I am to vomit you out of the land of your idols, your comfort, your idolatry, and you're false preaching.'
This time is Now! I will not delay. For Judgment, My Wrath is near, it is at the Door, it is here!
Unbelief has reached My ears, My heart is grieved. Many though are as Abraham, praying for at least ten righteous people to keep My Judgment from falling. Enough! My Judgment comes in the whirlwinds, many, many, many whirlwinds.
Catastrophic desolation, debris of churches where golden calves lay strewn in men's hearts.
Shall I not judge My People? Yay, and much more! The Angel of Death is released and there will be mourning, crying, and lamentations.
Desolation, falling, falling upon falsehood, falling upon the nation that was once mine.
Woe . Woe . Woe . Unto you America
You are blinded by your pride, your arrogance your luxury is to be your downfall.
I hear the cries of the poor, the homeless, those you shun, and those who do not dress as you.
Woe . Woe .. Woe . To you who are rich, you are pitiful, blind and wretched.
My Sword, My Double-edged Sword comes mightily to each home, each church, each school, and each business.
Woe . Woe . Woe . To you nation of America. Desolation is upon you now.
For those who keep watch, to those who pray in dust and ashes, I shall go over your house. I will save you. I will not place you with those who do not believe.
Woe . Woe . Woe . To you preachers of the Word who have taken the widows mite so that you can languish in your homes and upon your beds of silken cloth.
This is the time. This is the place, your land is unclean .. Unclean .. Unclean . You are a land called Egypt, a Land of Frogs. I am to send literally a host of locusts, a size you have never seen with your eyes. They will strip you, strip you, moths will eat the multitude of linens and clothing for you have not fed the poor in your own land!
You have not dispensed the justice they have cried out for. You are the one it is written about the Judge who cares not either for man, nor beast, nor child. You have not dispensed any merit or kindness to the oppressed. Will I find faith in your nation when I have stripped you?
Woe .. Woe . Woe . To you teachers of the Law, your hard hearts will break, your books and learning will fall upon you. Your scrolls lead you to death and will drown you.
I, the LORD speak to My Friends. My Friends do not belong to this earth, they belong to My Kingdom, My Kingdom is not of this earth.
Woe .. Woe . Woe ..
I speak forth this Word through My prophet shofar girl.
I am that I am
I am the Judge who hears the cries of My People. I will act swiftly.
Truly, I tell thee, will I find faith Oh America when I strip your land unto pestilence and famine.
Those who are first will become last, those who are last will become first.
My Name is Faithful and True
The Sword is in My Mouth
Yeshua, El Shaddai
[You can listen to this WORD on the podcast link below]
Article Source: WRITERS
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