Monday, December 5, 2016

Comfort, Comfort My Children

by Jacky Julyan

Trust me my daughter in all things, do not fret about anything. I will bring back to you those who belong to me. I am humbling many at this time, pray and receive them.

Do not fret for I am standing with you and I am exposing people around you one at a time. You are my prophet and you are surrounded by wicked people but I will show you what I am about to do. There are many who claim to belong to me who do not.

I am sending you to many people but many are throwing my children into confusion and does not come from me. Everyone will be answerable to me for all they have said. So do not fret those who exalt themselves shall be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted in due time.

Let patience have its perfect work within you. Each time I am showing you the devices of Satan and they are so deceiving. Comfort child, comfort my people. For I came to serve not to be served.

Speak boldly and declare My Name for I am He that liveth, let him who is deceived continue to be deceived, let him who is vile continue to be vile and him who walks uprightly continue to look to the One who is able to keep you until the end.

Comfort my children, comfort, I will strengthen you with My Strong Arm. Comfort, call upon me and I shall answer thee. For I am the LORD and there is no other. Beware the leaven of the Pharisees, beware the spirit of the Pharisees for his rising, rising in all wickedness, wickedness to profane even My Word unto even more wickedness.

Fret not my children, for I am the LORD your Shepherd, I know those who are mine and they graze in restful pastures waiting on me. Those who belong to Me are in 'My Goshen' separated even unto the world. I am able to save to the utmost. I know those whom I have touched, upon their foreheads. I know those who are cursed for I speak 'Woe to you Pharisees, you charmers of snakes, they will bite you and you will suffer'.

My children look only to Me. Do not look to man and his teachings. Is My Arm too short? Am I not your Teacher and LORD? Yes, I am, and more.

I bring peace to your hearts, I protect you though you are buffeted by the waves. Call out to Me, My children, let My Name be continually upon your lips. For the Gates of Hell, indeed, will not prevail though for a short time you go through many trials.

Hold fast! Stand your ground! For I will come for My Bride whom I love.

Trust Me I say, trust me though you cannot see what is in front of you. Trust me, hold My hand as I guide you through a terrain of landmines.

I love you My children, do not be afraid to come to Me for everything.

Truly I say those who come as little children shall both see and enter into the Kingdom of God.

[To listen]:

Article Source: WRITERS

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