Sunday, November 6, 2016

Overcoming The Spirit Of Self Condemnation

Job 9:20

"Though I am righteous, my mouth will condemn me; Though I am guiltless, He will declare me guilty."

Fear is the gateway to oppression. We all have fears, fears about our lives, fears about our deaths, fears about loneliness and rejection, fears about how we live, how we will take care of ourselves, where we live, what we eat, where are next meal is, how we are perceived by others, and whether or not we will succeed in life. If you are a citizen of the Kingdom of God, you are a overcomer, and you have the victory in Jesus Christ; you are a success story.

philippians 4:6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

When you find yourself in a bind, focus on God's love and His providence; He has already supplied everything you need in Jesus Christ, and if Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, He has already given you a source of power, comfort, guidance, and love, which is the Holy Spirit, who will help you fight the good fight, and He will strengthen your resolve to keep on fighting, even when all of your circumstances seem hopeless and impossible.

I just woke up from a dream, and the purpose of the dream was to intimidate me and to foster fear in my heart. I was at some type of event, and they were serving food to the guests. Many of my relatives were there, and there were people who were familiar with me, so I had some protection. But when I got on the buffet line, every time I got to where the food was, there seemed to be no food. I saw many others leaving with food, and I couldn't tell where they got their food; no matter where I went on that buffet line, I could not get the food I was looking for.

I was able to see the desserts, and I even got something to drink, but SOMEONE or SOMETHING was preventing me from getting what I wanted. I even heard over the loud speaker, that a competition was going on, to see who could outlast the other, how long could these two people go without eating from the banquet, and I could have sworn that MY NAME was mentioned as one of the contestants. At that point, I started to rebel and caused a scene, so that I kicked down a couple of the displays; not long after that I woke up and I began praising God, and started declaring His promises over my life:

"I am the righteousness of God in Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:21)
"Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world" (1 John 4:4)
"I am the head and not the tail" (Deuteronomy 28:13)
"As jesus is in heaven, so am i in the world "(1 John 4:17)
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me" (philippians 4:13)

I began to curse the evil spirit that I know sent that dream to me and requested that it be sent back into the abyss where it came from. I declared that everything that My Father promised me will come to pass, and that I deserved these things, not because I am perfect or special, but because I love the Lord, and I believe in Him, I trust in Him, and He has not disappointed me. I am not rich, I don't live in a mansion (not yet), I don't have lots of money in the bank, and I am not admired by the world, But Everything The Richest Man In The World Has Right Now, God Has Declared Has Been Set Aside For Me, and so much more that I can even imagine or believe, that is what His children will receive in His future kingdom, and He will supply all of my needs to overflowing right now, as long as I live.

Ephesians 3:20

"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,...."

Do not condemn yourselves because you are not 'perfect', that is perfect in the eyes of the world. The world's vision is dark and full of evil desires and intents, so their definition of perfection is way off the golden path of love and righteousness. They cannot love you or appreciate you the way Jesus can; He has always loved you, and if you are one of His children, no one can take you out of His hand, and no one can deny you what is yours if He has promised it to you.

Take care to live in His presence, love and adore Him, Obey His word and His plans for your life, and you will never suffer from lack of love, peace, and joy. He will be there with you in the dark times, for the Word of God says that there will be darker times, but this is a time for the people of God to celebrate, and to praise Jesus Christ, for his overwhelming love and compassion for us, His little ones He has redeemed with His Blood.

So, don't condemn yourself, because God loves you just the way you are; you are not perfect, but He does not require that any of us be perfect; He requires our belief in Jesus Christ. He wants your love and your cooperation, and He will handle the big challenges in your life. He will conform your heart and mind to the heart and mind of Jesus Christ, and He will protect you from the world and from the evil one, satan. Don't let your circumstances prevent you from believing in His love; do not reject His guidance in your life.

I Can Do All Things Through Christ, Who Strengthens Me....God has declared that I am His prophet, someone to encourage others with His word in the end times, and that I will be a wife and a mother to one son; He has encouraged me with His love, and nurtured me tenderly, because He knows the lack of love and support I have had in the past, and because He believes in nurturing and comforting His children in their development, not condemning them. Children who are loved and nurtured will believe that have self worth, and will be strengthened by the fact that someone loves them unconditionally. Give your heart to him, and He will never leave you or forsake you; you will never be alone again.

Now, if you are not a born again believer yet, let me encourage you to become a citizen of the Kingdom of God - Repeat This Prayer:

Prayer of Salvation


I repent for trying to be master of my own life. I change my mind about who I want to be in charge of my life. I turn from my useless and unproductive thoughts that I am the center of my universe and choose to believe in the living God who created everything, including me (Acts 14:15). I have lived without a purpose but now I will live to hear and obey You, God (Jn. 5:19, 20,30).

I confess with my lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead. I believe that God so loved the world He sent His only Son Jesus to shed His blood to wash away the barrier of sin (Jn. 3:16)

I receive You, Jesus as MY Lord and Savior (Jn. 1:11,12).

I welcome You, Holy Spirit, into my life to rescue and empower me and to restore me to intimacy with my heavenly Father (Acts 2:38).

If you just confessed this prayer, you are saved! I welcome you into the family my (brother/sister) I pray for peace, joy, and happiness in your life as you allow the Lord to love you and bless you and give you assurance of everlasting life with Him forever and ever......PRAISE GOD!

May the Lord keep you and Bless you this day....AMEN

Thank You Jesus For The Victory!!!

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