Thursday, November 10, 2016

Inherit the Promises Through Love

Hebrews 6:12
...through faith and patience I
inherit the promises.

When speaking of the promises of God, you must realize that God has promised great blessings and unmerited favor for His children; you just have to step into what God has already provided. We can't always see what God is doing in our lives; we become aware that our circumstances have changed, and we get the answer to our prayer, but that does not mean that we understand how the Lord changes those people and circumstances. The phrase "the Lord works in mysterious ways" highlights our limited understanding of how things actually work in our universe.

One of the most strange and wonderful concepts that works perfectly is the concept of love. I am not talking about the world's definition of love, but God's perfect form of love, a selfless, self sacrificing love that does not focus upon itself, but upon the object of it's desire. It was this intense, passionate love that was expressed by Jesus Christ on the cross, who died for out sins, so that we may inherit the promises of salvation and fellowship with God forevermore.

'perception is nine-tenths of the law'

How we view the world and the people around us is key to how we perceive love and it's greatest expression. If you believe in love and its power, you will have a more positive viewpoint of the world and you will not be afraid to express that love to others. If you have doubts about love, you will tend to have a more negative viewpoint, and will be cautious about opening up to others. Expressing love makes your environment more peaceful, joyful, and brings contentment.

'sow a pattern, which creates character, and reap a destiny'

How does one inherit the promises of God through love? By practicing love.

First, you must make the decision that you believe in love and that you are willing to give love. More Love is produced by giving love to others; it is an act of courage and faith to express that love. When you make the decision to believe in God and His son, Jesus Christ, you will be blessed with love and fellowship forever in the Lord's presence; He will express His love to you by being your Father, your friend, and your comforter. He will guide you into a deeper understanding of yourself, the world, His love, and His character.

God is love, so everything that the Lord does is an expression of His love, whether He fills you with His Holy Spirit for guidance and comfort, or gives you a strong urge to read His word, when He fills you with joy when you worship Him in praise and prayer, when he conforms your heart and mind to the mind and character of Jesus Christ, when He allows you to go through a testing, an issue of life, and He gives you the strength to endure; God has everything, all circumstances, in His hand, His plans are always the best for your life. Everything that you will go through under His care will bring out the best in you; a faith not tested isn't real faith at all.

So, listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit when you are urged to do something outside of your comfort zone, and express your love for God, for yourself, and others by sharing whatever you have as an expression of that love, through comfort, care, word, and deed. We all have something unique to share with the world, because God is generous in giving to His children whatever they need to fulfill His plans for their lives. Ask the Lord what He would like you to do to express His love to others, and He will give you a great dream, one that you would have never dreamed for yourself. Give Him the benefit of the doubt; He knows you better than anyone else, so He knows what you are capable of doing.

Thank you Lord, for your grace and mercy, and your love, expressed in the passion and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and for loving us so much that you will literally give us, your children, the whole world as a love gift from your own heart. I Love You, My Sweet Lord. There Is No One Like You!!!

May the Lord keep you and Bless you this day....AMEN

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