Revelation 1:1
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John.
If you believe in Jesus Christ, if you count Him as your Lord and Savior, you are counted by Him as His servant, His ambassador of light and love to the lost and the forsaken, the unbelivers and the rebels, the ones that the Lord loves; He will not accept them as His own until they accept His son, Jesus Christ.
Being a servant in the House of the Lord means believing in Him, trusting in Him, and obeying Him; He has all of the answers and the resources for life and we have our bodies, our minds, and our will to do good in the world; when you and the Lord come together and agree to work with each other, there is a new light in this world of darkness, and another soldier is activated and prepared to fight on the battlefield in the army of the Lord.
How do you know that you are ready to fight? Many times we feel fearful or inadequate for the tasks that the Lord is commanding us to do, but we forget that He is not asking us to do these things with our own strength, He wants us to lean into His strength and watch Him manifest Himself within our daily lives and circumstances. People are not attracted to the ordinary but to the extraordinary; when they see a change in your life, when they see miraculous happenings in your everyday life, they have to stop at least for a moment and ask you, "How is that posstible? How did you come out of that situation? Who is the God that you serve?", and then you can tell them, it was not you, just point them to Jesus with your words, get yourself out of the way, and watch the Holy Spirit work in their hearts while you praise the Holy One Of Israel in your heart!
Is it worth being a servant of the Most High God? Yes!, and no one else will be able to take away the peace, joy, and happiness in your heart except you! Don't worry about what other people say or try to do to you, you have the God of Heaven on your side, and you will be victorious! Your job and mine is to show truth, love, and compassion to the world, even when some may stab you in the back or cause you real harm; that is when you must pray harder, louder, and deeper in front of your enemies, because the Lord will deliver you, and your enemies will be ashamed of what they did, and your heart will be healed and restored!
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