1 Sam. 2:8 He lifts the poor from the dust-- Yes, from a pile of ashes-- And treats them as princes sitting in the seats of honor. For all the earth is the Lord's And he has set the world in order.
Prov. 14:31 Anyone who oppresses the poor is insulting God who made them. To help the poor is to honor God.
When you help the poor, the needy, the brokenhearted, you are pleasing God in so many ways. He knew what this world would be like, when adam and eve broke their covenant with Him and rebelled. When He sent them out of the garden of eden, He knew they would live a life of pain and suffering, toiling in the ground under a hot sun to produce their own food; hard work and sacrifice became their daily mantra and ours as well.
He knew that we would inherit a selfish nature, and that teamwork and cooperation would be difficult, if not impossible for some. The people who decided to work together formed villages, cities, and civilization. The people who refused to work with others formed gangs, armies, and war, and this is why chaos and order is built into the very fabric of our lives. Choas hates order; when your life is chaotic, there is no rest, and you cannot find peace. Order calls to the people living in chaos, "Come here, there is peace and rest for you here, you don't have to live in fear and confusion anymore, live for me and I will show you a better way."
This is why God responds to the meek and the humble of the world; He knows that they are very close to the essence of His heart. He loves people who are moved with tenderness and compassion, who are aware of the suffering and the chaos of this world, who are willing to give from their hearts and move into action to help other people.
God allows us to feel pain and suffering,to go through a certain amount of brokenness, so that we may feel what He feels when He sees His children suffering everyday. He wants us to be willing to do good things in the world on His behalf. As we give of ourselves, we become more and more like Jesus Christ, who gave the greatest gift to mankind, His body on the cross, as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. He gave us His love and His compassion. He was willing to go through a season of brokeness for us, to experience living this life as a human; the Son of Man living among us, healing us with His words and His power, giving His life for us, and He was resurrected as the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, the only way to true salvation and peace - Glory Be To His Name Forever and Ever!
That is how we should see the poor, we need to speak to them tenderly, with compassion and respect. No one should be ignored and pushed away simply because they have little or no money. They are the ones that the Lord loves dearly, and He will bless anyone who is willing to call the homeless person sleeping in the street near the the gutter their friend!
There is so much going on the world that makes people fearful and full of anxiety; this will make them have a tendency to pull back into themselves for protection, but the Lord wants us to be open to everyone so that we may show God's love, so that we may offer God's amnesty to the world, Jesus Christ, who is the solution to all of their fears and anxieties. We cannot afford to hold back, we must press on and show the world who we are and who Jesus is.
You may not have a lot to give anyone else, except a hug, a word of encouragement, a smile......don't you know that those are the best gifts of all to someone who may have lost all hope! Don't worry about what you have to give, just give from what you already have, the Holy Spirit will prompt you from your heart, and He will guide you into a deeper understanding of what it means to truly love your neighbor - Be Of Good Courage, My Brother And Sisters In Christ, because He will not leave you alone, as an orphan in the streets, He will love you and guide you as you learn to love other people as He loves them, and the greatest gift that He will give you is to know what it means to be just like Him!
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