by Jacky Julyan
Vision and Message: Jesus said "Write down what you see"
I had this vision on 9th January 2017, I came across it again this morning and felt to post it. Although some of it pertains to my testimony of healing and also includes a dream I had of evil to come, together with a final message from Jesus of repentance for we are truly in the LAST HOURS before Jesus' Second coming
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance....2 Peter 3:9
I see Jesus at the right hand of the Father. I see my prayers going toward the Father. They are on a silky pink ribbon the name of ‘little jacky’ is printed on in neat handwriting.
I see tall angels standing beside God and I also see Michael wrestling with a devil called F.E.A.R. This devil called F.E.A.R. is branded all over his face in capital letters. These letters are like separate fires and move in and out of every part of the body of this demon. As I look closer to this word F.E.A.R. I see each letter has a separate entity. It is alive and moving. This demon called F.E.A.R. grows like a balloon, expanding and contracting.
I see myself surrounded by this demon called F.E.A.R. as a child resulting in inner torment and anguish every time I see an adult, for it was adults that abused me as a child. I also see other letters, though smaller on this demon called F.E.A.R. one is s.u.s.p.i.c.i.o.n. one is j.u.d.g.i.n.g. the other j.e.a.l.o.u.s.y. another called m.a.l.i.c.e. and p.a.i.n. All these different words, including F.E.A.R. move in and out of a person’s body, heart and mind bringing continual torment.
I noticed that they move like an ‘S’ shape, a snake. The words interlock with each other and eventually shape like a pentagram star. This is the symbol of satan and witchcraft. I noticed that when these words moved around and formed this shape of a pentagram to completion then there were loud screams of pain and it disperses like fire and starts all over again.
I see this demonic spirit in the heavenly realms ducking and diving as it fights with Michael the archangel of God. On one side is very deep darkness and on the other brilliant light.
My own prayers yielding to Christ are bringing greater victories. At this time of viewing I see there is no let up from this demonic spirit for Jesus is allowing me to see it as it really is. The LORD revealed that this demonic spirit called F.E.A.R. did come through my mother’s womb at birth. It is a generational stronghold from the enemy due to disobedience and witchcraft. The LORD revealed that each generation which repeats the history and continues in disobedience and witchcraft makes the spirits of the enemy even stronger. This is the reason why the demonic spirit of F.E.A.R. has been so great.
At this point of showing me the truth I see Jesus standing as though getting ready to cast this demonic spirit out with ONE word. It is no hard thing for Him to do so. I see the spirit that has surrounded me all my life since childhood still fighting but is losing ground rapidly as Jesus gets nearer.
Each time I let Jesus in to those dark areas then greater the healing and deliverance shall be. The Father is now nodding His Head because He has heard my cries of deliverance. He has heard my prayers of repentance for any involvement in the occult that I grew up in and there is an imminent victory, yet Jesus is waiting for something. Not sure what it is, it is like He is waiting for something to emerge or finish.
Then I see lots of little pink ribbons, those you see advertised for those who have breast cancer. I see that these are also attached to this demonic being called F.E.A.R. and the words d.i.s.e.a.s.e. and s.i.c.k.n.e.s.s. Again the LORD showed me that they are generational on my mother’s side. [This is true many in that family died of cancer].
As this vision unfolds, of which I am truly amazed, it reminds me the first time I saw Jesus in the form of man back in 1991 at a deliverance ministry. He came to me with the name ‘Daniel’ which actually means Judgment. I remember seeing Him and He is beautiful and I couldn’t take my eyes off Him. He looked so incredibly young and knew what I was thinking which was I thought He was an angel. His words were ‘I am not who you think I am’. Because yes, I thought He was an angel of God but He was more He was the Son of God.
The LORD also wanted to show me other things taking place right before my eyes which were too incredible. There is a lot of activity going on in Heaven right now. I saw that there are a lot of preparations being made. It is as though Jesus is waiting for someone to leave the earth is connected to me in some way. Again, like the other week I perceive it is to do with my earthly father. The words, although not spoken, but silently spoken to my mind was ‘The hour has come’.
There is such a battle going on still in the Heavens and it really is unbelievable. I saw another trumpet being polished and ready to be blown. It is 35 feet long. There is also a stampede of demons on horses, wild black horses which change into large black boars. The demons are sat on top of them ready to go. [I had this in a dream in 2013].
I see Jesus calmly interceding for many of his people, the saints, but the multitude of black horses like large boars are stamping their feet. The words I hear from them are ‘Let us go!’ ‘It’s time to let us go!’ But Jesus is standing quiet and very tall, very calm. I can feel the burning love in His heart. The pain of what is to come is beyond description. There is so much emotion between the Father and Jesus His Son. There are no words. Their thoughts and emotions are as One. Jesus looks at His mighty angels and nods. Again no words are used or needed. All things in Heaven are understood without words.
Then I see the Father form out of His mouth a ring of fire. He blows it towards the earth. it is travelling so fast from the Heavens to the earth. This I sense is a protective ring or ‘Wall of Fire’ around those who belong to Him, those who will escape the coming wrath. I had a sense it was like the time when the angels came to Sodom to get Lot and his family out and the LORD’s judgment wouldn’t fall until Lot’s family had gone out of the city.
The demons are now in a frenzy and are ready to bring destruction and fear.
Another ring of fire is blown out of the Father’s mouth. He does this seven times! These are for the saints. These are seven ‘Walls of Fire’ and they get larger and larger as they leave His Mouth until they hit the earth, which is not yet.
Then from another perspective, even standing in the same position, like a panoramic view I see these seven rings, seven ‘Walls of Fire’ enter into the earth’s atmosphere like you would see a comet coming out of the sky.
Jesus looks at me, no words are needed but He says:
‘Tell the people what you see’
‘Tell them to REPENT and turn to Me’
‘All that is left is REPENTANCE for the darkness is now descending from above and from below’.
Jesus then takes me in an instant, transported to the core of the earth, the centre of the earth which is just fire and brimstone. There is a tremendous heat and coals of fire to burn many but I do not feel it’s intensity.
I see in the Heavens Chariots of Fire and also hoards of black horses like large black boars, very strange creatures as though they switch from one creature to another.
I hear the words ‘That’s enough’. Again they are not spoken but transferred through thought from the Head of Christ.
‘Tell them to REPENT for the Kingdom of God is here’
‘Tell them to REPENT’
Then I see Jesus standing at his rightful place at the right hand of the Father interceding for His saints, His beloved people.
More and more prayers are flying now into the Father and He is answering them according to His Will and His Kingdom.
The atmosphere in Heaven is electric. The storehouses are now open where the Father keeps the Lightening which are being prepared as swords from Heaven. Also being prepared are tornadoes of different lengths and height and width.
One last time I hear Jesus say:
‘Tell them to REPENT’
‘Tell them what you have seen’
‘Tell them to REPENT’
The LORD called me to write since 2006. The time is short and I delight to do Godïs will, although it can be tough!
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Article Source: WRITERS